Denise Bethune are your expenses more than your revenue? Did your strategic planning address this concern.?I took part in a discussion forum that asked this question recently, the strategic planning process has to include everything including the financial problems that may and could occur.Strategic planning is taking those missions and objectives and defining exactly what it is that the company or business is trying to fulfill whether it be short-term or long-term. The vision of any company and or business has to have a plan that summaries every aspect of development, its values, purpose goals. Without this planning the mission will be incomplete, there has to be a guideline in which to follow in order to reach the next level. Companies and or businesses have to incorporate programs, budgets, procedures as other means in taking the company forward into future prosperity and to be able to function according to the strategy in place with room for changes.Financial planning gives an overall appearance of the current and future goals in contributing and seeking out other financial resources, included in the financial planning information that investors will want to view for certain information about the company's present financial information, future revenue, the targeted market.Problems that could occur –Being able to convince investors, banks, any other financial entity that additional funding resources would be an asset in longevity and profit.Repay debts that occur, the change in market, spending habits, customer approval.