Alternative Job Fairs need you!

More than 37 million Americans live in poverty, and the vast majority of them are in line for extra help under the giant stimulus package coming out of Congress. Millions more could be kept from slipping into poverty by the economic lifeline.People who get food stamps — 30 million and growing — will get more. People drawing unemployment checks — 4.8 million and growing — would get an extra $25, and keep those checks coming longer. People who get Supplemental Security Income — 7 million poor Americans who are elderly, blind or disabled — would get one-time extra payments of $250.If we can just help 1 percent become self-sustaining that will be some help considering the very little the stimulus plan will do.SummaryMake A Difference Ministries is a not-for-profit humanitarian program that serves all of Johnson County, Cleburne TX. MADM goal is to help unemployed families in Johnson County and expand to help others nationally by soliciting, collecting, and packaging food for distribution through a network of service agencies and programs that serve our target population groups. Our services include food box programs, alternative job fairs, utility assistance, and a youth job shadowing program that provides opportunities for self-sufficiency activities for "at risk" youth.Unemployment rates continue to rise and now millions of families are without sustainable income. Our client base is low-mid income people, mainly families, who need emergency help to put food on the table. Nearly half of those served by the program are children. MADM facility where we store donated clothes for distribution will host our first alternative Job Fair. The program is, soliciting food donations, vendors, and door prizes. In addition, we are offering an alternative from traditional job fairs to bringing in net-workers, small business owners to mentors others how to use one’s skill or talent to make a living.Alternative Job Fairs provide the opportunity to connect face-to-face with recruiters who would appreciate training and mentoring prospects.Our services will improve the ability of families to care for children and achieve goals of self-sufficiency. MADM services, now, are a small investment in comparison to cost of ignoring the problem of unemployment, hunger, in the country and the influence it has on a number of health, mental health and crime issues.MissionThe mission of MADM is to help as many families as possible by soliciting, collecting, packaging food for distribution through a network of agencies and programs, as well as provide opportunities for self sufficiency. Our services include food box programs, alternative job fairs, and children's programs.ObjectivesThis new initiative is designed to create an Alternative Job Fair that will serve all of Johnson County, Cleburne TX and expand nationally. Our objectives are:• Effectively organize our first alternative job fair with a network of vendors, volunteers, as a pilot event before expansion.• Establish donation network of local growers, retailers, wholesalers, and processors in Johnson County and provide utility assistance.• Establish youth program that will employ "at risk" youth.• Collect over four million pounds of food the first year of operation. Increase collection amount by 20% each year.• Effectively distribute the food to low-income families that make up over 20% of Johnson County.• Acquire $500,000 of start-up funding through corporate, private charities and government financial support.• Raise an additional $100,000 in fundraising activity.Strategy and SummaryMADM will focus on establishing an effective system for organizing alternative job fairs, collection network with retailers, wholesalers, and processors. Another primary goal will be the creation of a youth program that will employ "at risk" youth. The program will also start a fundraising campaign with area retail markets, banks and credit unions in order to raise an additional $100,000.MADM will advertise its services to the target populations groups through the agencies that serve these groups on a daily basis.Marketing StrategyMADM program will focus on increasing its visibility in the community. Participating business and food retail stores will carry information about MADM and how programs like this one are helping the community. Award certificates will be distributed to businesses each year and the program will find additional methods to raise the profile of businesses that assist the program.Program brochures will be distributed by local social service programs and agencies that serve the target population groups. In addition, these programs and agencies will serve as advocates of using MADM in response to the need for emergency food.Fundraising StrategyMADM will immediately start a Fundraising campaign that will focus on using the local banks and credit unions to collect donations to help unemployed families. Typically, food drives are started in October and November. MADM will place donation bins in participating banks and credit union. In addition, customers in local retail food stores can donate money to MADM at the checkout stand at participating businesses.Vendors will pay a booth fee and various speakers will pay a registration fee to highlight their business and do presentations. We need your support contact us thru
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