"The Right Kind of Change Can Transform Your Life and Your Business!"
- Trina Newby, Business Success Coach
With June marking the half way point before year-end, I'm focusing on the goals I set for myself and business. Some of my goals I am on point with and some I have allowed myself to be distracted and have not been so focused. Below are 5 things that I did to get myself re-focused, so I can accomplish my goals:
- Admitted that it was time for a CHANGE! Yes, that's right I had to quickly face the facts that I what I was doing was not working and that I had to evaluate the changes needed to get better results and meet the goal.
- Started eliminating habits that prevent me from reaching my goal. One habit that I discovered was that I was staying on the internet too long when social networking and checking email. To remedy this habit, I created a system to check my email and social network and made a commitment to stick with it. Guess what? It's working! (Y-E-A-H)
- Drawing alliances and creating new partnerships! I know for sure that in order for me to reach my goals and be successful that I can not do it alone! I must be willing to bless others and develop relationships with others who compliment what I do and vice-versa.
- I evaluate my time schedule morning, noon and night to ensure that I am in alignment with my goals and on schedule with tasks.
- I completed a cash flow analysis to determine how I was going to meet my financial goals before the end of this year.
A Special Note for You:
If you're feeling like it's time for a CHANGE, please connect with me. Let's discuss and let me share with you what's working for me and how you can get more things accomplished in your business as well!
Schedule a FREE PowerTalk Coaching Session with me Today!
About the Blogger:
Trina Newby is a business success coach, host of Successful Woman Radio Show and founder of Women About Biz. She is passionate about helping women to realize their full power and potential to have and live an abundant and joyful life.