Ever wonder how to incorporate your personal values into the way you work?
It's important to incorporate your personal values in the work you do. People connect to and respond with people and people leave bad managers not bad organizations or companies. With so many businesses lacking ethics and leaders facing worldwide criticims from poor leadership and management, leaders of organizations should incorporate their personal values into the work they do, especially entreprenuers! In doing so you set the standard for excellence within your company.
The following exercise is help you decide what you value most.
1. Go through the list below and write down the top 10 things you value most.
Achievement Friendships Physical challenge
Advancement and promotion Growth Pleasure
Adventure Having a family Power and authority
Affection (love and caring) Helping other people Privacy
Arts Helping society Public service
Challenging problems Honesty Purity
Change and variety Independence Quality of what I take part in
Close relationships Influencing others Quality relationships
Community Inner harmony Recognition (respect from others, status) Competence Integrity Religion
Competition Intellectual status Reputation
Cooperation Involvement Responsibility and accountability Country Job tranqulity Security
Creativity Knowledge Self-respect
Decisiveness Leadership Serenity
Democracy Location Sophistication
Ecological awareness Loyalty Stability Economic security
Market position Status Effectiveness
Meaningful work Supervising others Efficiency
Merit Time freedom Ethical practice
Money Truth Excellence
Nature Wealth Wisdom Excitement being around people who are open and honest Fame
Order (tranqulity, stability, conformity) Work under pressure
Fast living Personal development Work with others
Financial gain Freedom Working alone
2. Once you've captured that list write down how you display those values in your personal life.
3. Next I want you write down how you can display those values in your professional life.
4. Then I want you to look at that again and circle your top 5 values.
Those are what you are going to be known for showing and displaying at all times at work. Make sure you write them down and keep a company at your desk, in your wallet and make a post it note for your car.
Remember to look at them daily and ask yourself: How can I show this in my work today?
You can also complete the same activity for your business and once you've identified your top five values, create a values statement for how your company can display these values daily.