visionaries (3)

Does Your Business Have Standards?

Ever wonder how to incorporate your personal values into the way you work?

It's important to incorporate your personal values in the work you do. People connect to and respond with people and people leave bad managers not bad organizations or companies. With so many businesses lacking ethics and leaders facing worldwide criticims from poor leadership and management, leaders of organizations should incorporate their personal values into the work they do, especially entreprenuers! In doing so you set the standard for excellence within your company.

The following exercise is help you decide what you value most.

1. Go through the list below and write down the top 10 things you value most.

Achievement                               Friendships                               Physical challenge

Advancement and promotion         Growth                                     Pleasure

Adventure                                   Having a family                          Power and authority

Affection (love and caring)            Helping other people                   Privacy

Arts                                            Helping society                          Public service

Challenging problems                   Honesty                                   Purity

Change and variety                      Independence                           Quality of what I take part in

Close relationships                       Influencing others                     Quality relationships

Community                                  Inner harmony                Recognition (respect from others, status) Competence                                Integrity                                  Religion

Competition                                  Intellectual status                    Reputation

Cooperation                                 Involvement                         Responsibility and accountability Country                                        Job tranqulity                        Security

Creativity                                    Knowledge                             Self-respect

Decisiveness                               Leadership                                Serenity

Democracy                                  Location                               Sophistication

Ecological awareness                   Loyalty Stability                  Economic security

Market position                             Status                                  Effectiveness

Meaningful work                             Supervising others                  Efficiency

Merit                                            Time freedom                      Ethical practice

Money                                          Truth                                  Excellence

Nature                                        Wealth                                 Wisdom                                                                  Excitement being around people who are open and honest         Fame

Order (tranqulity, stability, conformity)                              Work under pressure

Fast living                             Personal development           Work with others

Financial gain                               Freedom                              Working alone

2. Once you've captured that list write down how you display those values in your personal life.

3. Next I want you write down how you can display those values in your professional life.

4. Then I want you to look at that again and circle your top 5 values.

Those are what you are going to be known for showing and displaying at all times at work. Make sure you write them down and keep a company at your desk, in your wallet and make a post it note for your car.

Remember to look at them daily and ask yourself: How can I show this in my work today?

You can also complete the same activity for your business and once you've identified your top five values, create a values statement for how your company can display these values daily.

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10744053491?profile=originalEver wondered how you can be in a mastermind group and watch your team members have an aha moment about a project one day then it is up and running the next? Well, it is exciting to be in the midst of women in business who are bursting with new ideas and creativity. There's lots of good energy around them and they allow nothing to get in their way. But creativity alone is not what keeps visionaries from getting stuck in dreamland. When you have an idea that you want to implement, you can speed up the process with the following tips to create business goals and objectives that move you from thought to action right way.

What's Your Mission?

A good place to start is your company's mission. Each goal and objective should support the mission and move you closer to fulfillment. Use bullet points for each item and consider your target population and their needs.

List Your Goals

The goals that you choose should be in line with your company's mission. Start by creating three to five goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timely (also known as SMART goals). Think in terms of the target that you want your company to reach. Some examples of business goals might be to "Increase market share 20% by December 20xx" or "Reduce overhead costs by 35% over the next two years." You may have a long list of goals that you want to achieve but it is best to work on the ones that makes the most impact the fastest and those that you have the resources to support.

Identify Objectives

After you identify business goals then you can create the supporting objectives. These are the tactics that will help you arrive at your goals. It helps to give each objective a priority ranking. Be realistic and know that you may not accomplish everything at once. Remember that Rome was not built in a day and chances are that this is true of your company as well.

Assess Your Needs

Finally, list the needs for each goal and objective that you create and assess the resources that are available. Following this process allows you to see where your strengths are and where you need additional resources for your strategy. Do not be afraid to seek outside assistance for things that you need. Remember the SWOT analysis in marketing? It is a good idea to draw upon these principles because they will help you turn goals and objectives into reality.

Being aware of what it takes to create goals and objectives in business will help you get ideas out of your head and onto paper. Use these tips the next time you sit down to plan your business strategy. To learn how to get better results with business planning at

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SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS ARE:1. Visionaries. They are beyond obstacles. They focus on possiblities rather than limitations.2. Strategists: They plan well, and execute effectively3. Problem Solvers: They see a problem as an opportunity for growth and strategically seek resolutions.4. Risk Takers: They are not afraid to challenge the status quo nor, are they affraid to take the road less traveled.5. Servant- Leaders: They realize that serving precedes leading6. Survivors: They don't quit. They fail forward to successTammy FSynergi Group, LLC
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