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I have definitely defied the odds and can speak from experience that “it’s not about where you’ve been, but where you’re going! Growing up poor in Stockton, CA with limited resources, I fought hard for the opportunity to attend college and become somebody. I barely escaped the hands of death at the age of eighteen when I attempted to take my own life to flee the harsh road and lies that were whispered into my spirit about my self-worth. But my mother’s hard work and struggle to give my siblings and me better opportunities superseded those lies and gave me the strength to press on and become the women I am today.

As an African-American military veteran and prevailing entrepreneur, I know that my purpose is to give a voice to women from all walks of life through the pages of my publication, Average Girl Magazine, now The Girlfriend Connection, and through the sharing of my story. I know that stepping out on faith when the odds are stacked against has set me on a path that only God knew I could handle.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I have had many a days that every first stage entrepreneur who steps out on faith dreads: hearing that your idea is great, but because you have no resources (i.e., money), you'll never make it happen. In the past four years, I have heard every excuse from high powered business persons to those just starting that there’s no way I will be able to grow this company because I don’t have those thousands of dollars behind me. If I had a quarter for every time I heard that, I'd be able to buy a the Hamptons.

So, when does one "give up"? Or in business jargon, "when do you start executing your exit strategy?" When every door closes in your face? When you turn off your cell phone to avoid the bill collectors? When your spouse starts to give you that "this is bull*&^%" look? When you run out of faith? My entire life has been about battling the odds and taking the road least traveled. There’s something in me that just has to march to a different drum beat.

The day that I tried to take my life was the actual beginning of my journey through faith. I let my doubt about who I was and what I could be cloud my vision and distort my faith. As I swallowed those pills, though, something whispered to my spirit that I was worthy…that my family needed me more than I knew. God told me that I would always be somebody to him…if only I would believe and have faith. He told me that he had a gift in me that needed to come out…if only I would believe. I have been moving and walking in faith since that day.

I will admit, though, that there are days when I do feel like giving up on everything. What human being doesn’t? I think aloud everyday about giving up this “foolish” idea of entrepreneurship and going back to work for someone else because at least then I'd have a steady paycheck, health insurance and the coveted 401 (k). But then my spirit would die and that scares me more than not having a paycheck. Sometimes, I think that I must be an alien. Why else would I risk my security to save my spirit?

This past Christmas, I was sitting in a Christmas play called “The Gift” when I heard a character say something that gave me an “Ah hah!” moment. The character said: “God’s gift to you is potential. Your gift to God is what you do with that potential.” How profound for me that statement was because what I realized was that my potential is my purpose, and my purpose is my gift to God, but only when I move in it. The blessings don’t come until you MOVE.

One of my favorite inspirational quotes is by Maya Angelou: “I can be changed by what happens to me. I refuse to be reduced by it.” What this means to me is that no matter what happens with my business or in my life’s purposeful journey, I will not let it change the essence that is me. I am a child of God and He has given me my purpose…no matter the odds, I have to fulfill it. I can see it, feel it, touch it and even smell it. That’s purpose!

So what’s yours? What steps have you taken to pursue your purpose? There’s an ancient Chinese proverb that says: “Ambition knows no obstacles.” I think now is the best time to be ambitious and purposeful. Whatever you call the Divine Being, know that He has blessed you with potential, purpose - a gift. Use your faith to guide and move you towards fulfilling your purpose.

Know that this is the year of your completion…whatever that may be for you. Believe in your gift; work on your gift; and share your gift. But more importantly, write it down on a piece of paper and carry it with you in your wallet or purse, and when you have a moment when you feel as if the world is coming down on you – and it will because that is life – take it out and repeat it to yourself until you feel calm enough to put it away again and go on with your day.

Remember! Life isn’t easy. If it were, we wouldn’t have the chance to show God, the Divine Being, what we can do with his gift to us. Your purpose is waiting for you. Get started on your purpose plan today and don’t let your past be the roadblock to your purpose-driven life. MOVE! It’s time to step out on faith.

~ Copyright © 2009 Rebekah L. Pierce. Rebekah L. Pierce is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of Average Girl Magazine, a motivational magazine for women in searc h of change, purpose and prosperity. For more information, visit or call (804) 274-8976.

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