I know it's Independence Day, and I'm not unpatriotic. However, in the spirit of people who sailed around the world in hopes of discovering new and unchartered territory, not that I agree with everything they did once they got here, I applaud their "indiependence," by naming this day "Indie Business Day."
I encourage everyone to do at least one thing today to declare their indiependence from relying solely on traditional means of employment to secure their well-being, by taking the "I Am Indie Business Pledge.""I Am Indie Business" PledgeFrom this day forward, I declare my vigilant and lifelong commitment to maximize my personal and financial potential through Indie Business ownership. To this end, I pledge the following:1. I will use my talents and gifts to provide valuable products and services, and sell them at a fair profit to a specifically defined customer base.2. I will spend conservatively and invest wisely so I can use my business as a wealth building tool.3. I will proactively manage my business by minimizing the use of credit and maintaining indiependence from control by any third parties.4. I will use technology to maximize the earning potential of my business.5. I will commit to investing a portion of my profits in retirement accounts and college savings plans for my children and/or young family members.6. I will positively impact my family legacy by empowering my children and other family members to use their talents and gifts to generate income so they need not be solely dependent on a traditional job to secure their future.7. I will actively support and encouarge other families to start and manage profitable businesses so they can enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes with owning your own business.8. I will develop relationships with business colleagues and the media in order to spread the word about the benefits of my products and services.9. I will serve my customers with integrity, dignity, fairness and honesty.10. I will give of my time, talent and money to help strengthen my community and make the world a better place.It's not a perfect place, this country we live in. But here we are. May God bless America. Not that we deserve it all the time. But if we always got what we deserved, perhaps none of us would be here, huh?Now off to the Indie Business Day Parade in the booming metropolis of Waxhaw, North Carolina.Did you take the "I Am Indie Business" Pledge? If so, inspire us! Leave a comment with your thoughts on the significance of your pledge. And don't forget to include your blog or website link!To enjoy more Indie, all the time, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.
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