Posted by Teresa Cannon on September 29, 2008 at 6:30pm
For those of you that have just been introduced to TraVerus Travel please understand that David Manning has a vision far bigger than you can imagine. Would you like to know the Vision of TraVerus to understand where we are going?Many times people get involved in network marketing companies hoping and looking for that get rich quick program. I can say there certainly are a few but the key for me is building that residual income to receive those checks in the mail month after month after month. The get rich quick programs run their momentum then they stop and so does the money.After being involved with TraVerus Travel I have been truly blessed to receive those monthly residual checks because I could see the vision and didn't give up. Trust me it took hard work and lots and lots of time talking to like minded people who had the same desire as I have. TraVerus Travel truly is a great opportunity and I pray you too can see the vision and join my team working together. It Takes Teamwork to Make the Dream Work!Teresa CannonRegional Executive202-327-0312Great Travel Deals!Read more…
Posted by Teresa Cannon on September 29, 2008 at 6:44pm
TraVerus has definitely bridged the gap with the official launch. bringing the world to China and China to the world. Most Recently China along with 5ctv and China Clicks2 have officially Launched Traverus China and Chose Traverus Travel as the Exclusive premier travel agency to bring China to the world and the world to China through this Historic Partnership. As we expand with new travel agents throughout the world TraVerus will become the global household name in the industry.Traverus Travel China will be the first Internationally advertised Travel Company throughout 5 Continents and the First travel agency opening into the China community. 5CTV is carried in all 50 US States, the top 25 markets, with total subscribers with excess of 15 million viewers. Those who are on board prior to this momentum hits are in the million dollar seats of the largest travel company in U.S. History. The Citizens of China alone booking travel through a western company for the first time is phenominal and will make us the most profitable Travel company Globally.Get onboard now with me as TraVerus in China launches throughout and get positioned to changing your financial futures.Teresa CannonWorldBeMine TravelRegional Executive202-327-0312
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