principlles (1)

Dear Black Business Space CommUNITY,

Centuries ago, Aesop (the famous Black greek philosopher), provided us with a compelling parable that instructs as well as warns us about how to do business.

Its message could not be more timely: The fable recalls the story of a poor farmer who discovers in the nest of his goose a shining golden egg. He is suspicious, and starts to discard the egg, but then decides to have it appraised to determine its worth. He discovers the egg is pure gold!

The farmer is overwhelmed with his good fortune. He becomes even more excited when he finds that each day, as he visits the nest, there is a new egg.

Imagine his excitement as day after day he awakens to the thrill of finding a new egg! It all seems too good to be true. However, the farmer becomes wealthy beyond belief.

Then, with his newfound wealth, comes greed and impatience. Instead of waiting for each day to pass, he decides to get all of the eggs at once. He greedily opens the goose, only to find that it is empty. Not only are there no eggs, but now there will never be anymore. He has killed "the goose that laid the golden eggs."

For us, "Black business networking" is that goose. As Black entrepreneurs we have an enormous capacity to help Black people universally achieve economic health and financial freedom. However, with that incredible opportunity comes significant responsibility.

We have to do business THE RIGHT WAY! If we do, we ensure continued freedom and prosperity for everyone.

For that reason, the National Black Business Trade Association, established "Codes of Good Business Practice". These Codes have been adopted in order to define the duties, responsibilities and rights of members among themselves, the Black community, and the public in general as well as with the National Black Business Trade Association, Inc. (NBBTA) office and staff.

The purpose is to develop relationships which are more conducive to successful business practices, financial and community development, as well as the advancement of African peoples worldwide. While at the same time maintaining the right of each member to engage in a free and independent business enterprise.

CODE 1: Treat your customers, suppliers, employees, contractors, prospects and public as you would want to be treated. We are dedicated to the principle that if “you help enough people get what they want out of life, you will automatically get all you want out of life”. Service to others will always return great dividends. Its called, “synergy”. People working together in harmony and cooperation will accomplish much more than the same number of people working separately.

CODE 2: Each of us is an attitude away from greatness. Each of us is unique and special, with our own set of beliefs, talents, strengths, abilities, perceptions and values. Each of us is a product of our lifetime experiences. We base our decisions and actions upon these experiences. Each person has a unique contribution in life - each of us has innate worth and value. An attitude of total unconditional acceptance of others will cause each of us to allow for differences and help eliminate prejudice and judgmental thinking. By allowing another his own opinions and actions, individuals actually enhance their own self-esteem. We seek first to understand and then be understood.

CODE 3: The power to change your life is within your reach. We believe that each individual has the God-given right and responsibility to live freely. Each, as a mature, adult business person, must be given the right to operate independently and be allowed the freedom to succeed or fail based upon individual efforts and abilities. We are each responsible for our own well-being and growth - personally and financially. We seek to be compensated in the marketplace in direct portion to the value we bring to the marketplace.

CODE 4: What we do, we do for our children (future generations). The proper raising and education of our children is our collective responsibility. In addition to all else, we must teach them the importance of ownership, equity participation, international economic reciprocity and entrepreneurship as alternatives to laboring in the job market. We must lead by example, encouraging the creative process in all, bringing others along as we grow.

CODE 5: We each have the responsibility to deal with openness, honesty, and kindness in business and in life - to cause the best results possible. Once a difficulty or problem exists, the most effective manner to correct it is to go back to the root cause of the problem and treat that - not just superficially treating the effect. Following the ancient principle of “whatsoever you sow, so shall you reap!”, we acknowledge that each of us will reap exactly what we give out. Each of us will reap a life harvest - the size will depend upon our generosity at planting time, the quality will depend upon our diligence to tend the crop and the kind will depend upon the kind of seed we’ve sown. Eventually all our thoughts, words, actions and attitudes will come back to us. The principles exist that those dealing honestly, fairly and with integrity will find success, friendships and ultimately - happiness and peace.

CODE 6: One who masters the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he is always doing both.

These Codes reflect the positive nature of our mission and our desire to be of service to Black people throughout the world. If you look closely, you will notice that the first code really is a summation of all that follows.
Treat your customers, suppliers, employees, contractors, prospects and public as you would want to be treated. We are dedicated to the principle that if “you help enough people get what they want out of life, you will automatically get all you want out of life”.

Together, I believe we can fight the universal tendencies toward greed, negativity and impatience. I believe we can do business the old-fashioned way, with integrity and honesty. If we conduct our business THE RIGHT WAY, the goose will be healthy and our mutual abundance will be unmeasured. In the end, the only way to do good is to be good.

Peace and Blessings,

Lee Green, Chairman, National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA)
and Founder,

Networking Increases NetWorth


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