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I don’t know about you, but the continued increase in the cost of gas that we are paying at the gas pump is kicking me where it hurts! What’s that you say? I say in my wallet and I’m sure you may be feeling this same pain as well. I’m sure you’re wondering like me, how high will the gas prices go? Some predict that the fuel prices may escalate to $10.00 or more a gallon at the pump. I don’t know about you, at that point or even possibly sooner the price hitting that level, there is really no point in going to work! You would be probably working to pay for gas to go into your vehicle and virtually nothing else. Most people are average folks just trying to make it in our economy and it would be difficult for them to manage paying high gas prices that continue to go up! As a matter of fact, it may already be difficult for some people. We are already at record level gas prices at the present time. In some places the price for regular unleaded gas is already over $4.00 per gallon and steadily approaching $5.00 per gallon as of this writing. It appears that the future outlook on the gas prices coming down are bleak and the stress on our wallets will continue.Click Here To Read More
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