In order to reach your goals you must commit to taking action steps. If procrastination is an issue in your life then you must to take steps toward changing the habits that keep you from taking charge of your life.
Here are 40 tips to stop procrastinating:
- Plan your next day, hour by hour, the evening before
- Make one to-do list
- Write your tasks down
- Put it on a calendar
- Learn to say “No”
- Schedule 2 hours of uninterrupted time in which to work on your tasks
- Commit to not checking email during scheduled uninterrupted time
- Commit to turning your phone off during scheduled uninterrupted time
- Commit to not checking for texts during scheduled uninterrupted time
- Get your spouse or children involved in what you are doing
- Partner up with someone who will hold you accountable
- Hold yourself accountable
- Report to someone else
- Let your family know what you are doing and get their support
- Give yourself deadlines (time and date) to finish a project
- Set your desk up to be conducive to productive work
- Do your biggest task in the morning or first thing before anything else
- Do the most difficult task first
- Do the item that will yield the most results first
- Require yourself to finish at least one action step before going to bed
- You can maintain high standards but being a perfectionist may hold you back
- Take a break to rejuvenate, but decide on a specific to complete after your break
- Build momentum by getting one, then two, then three things done
- Break a large action step into bite size, manageable pieces
- Find a way to get started by doing the easiest part first, build momentum
- Make your decision and stop wavering; it’s holding you up!
- Face your fear
- Identify your obstacles
- Finish a task before you start on a new one
- Get organized
- Make your task fun
- Reward yourself
- Don’t over plan
- Create a routine and plan recurring tasks at the same time every day
- Be disciplined
- Have a sense of urgency
- Just do it and stop thinking about it
- Believe in yourself
- Say affirmations every day
- Look at your goals every day
Take a step over that line of procrastination and make things happen in your life. Your success or failure is up to you.