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What next after the AD is placed?

Greetings everyone!After you have placed your AD in publications or it is running on the radio or TV, this is when the real work begins. Placing your AD and then sitting back to see what happens is a waste of your time and money. Think of your AD as a store. Would you open the store, leave the doors open with no-one assisting customers or assisting customers at check out time?Placing the AD with no interactive support from you, will not yield you the best results from your AD campaign. Your local store drives customers to their establishment. Use the same concept about your ADs. Be proactive driving potential customers to the ADs you are running. You have paid to be the center of attention, so if the spot light is on you, it is your duty to give them a show. Nobody pays to see the spot light. They pay to see the person or business occupying the spot light. Remember, you are paying to be there.Schedule mini-marketing campaigns around your ADs. You will have better AD success rate when you do. Don't open your store and leave it unattended!! Pimp your AD!Always a blessing to Share, Dream a World!
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