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10744052870?profile=originalWant to be more inspired in your work day? The answer could be that you need to improve in the area of discipline. Managing your time well is something that you get better at the more you apply practical discipline in this area. One useful way to be more in control of your day is to literally buy yourself more time.

Take a look at three benefits of using time to manage your day: Focus, Organization, Productivity.


Focus keeps you on track when you are compelled to tackle many things at once. You may be fortunate to have your own company and design your ideal career but for many this can be a distraction. Work that is interesting consumes our time and takes away from working on other areas of business. For example, you might enjoy doing research more than the back office administration. By using a timer as a tool it can help you work on one thing through completion rather than multitasking to get things done. Learn how to pinpoint what you can accomplish in a certain amount of time so that you know your limits and how to best fit tasks into your schedule.


Timers also help you organize thoughts by keeping you focused on getting things. As a business owner you handle the income producing activities in your company. Product development and projects management are two of your main priorities. And up until now you might be all over the place in terms of how to best manage your creativity. There is something about having to come up with thoughts in a limited amount of time that really gets your inspiration flowing because it pushes you to be more purposeful. Using a timer can help you master the process more efficiently by developing a quick outline, supporting tasks and sticking to them.


If you want to increase productivity having a timer is a great place to start. It makes you turn things out quicker because you realize subconsciously that you have a quota to reach. When you know that the bell will ring at the designated time you set your mind to get things done. Remember being back in school and knowing that your class will end and the next will begin when the bell rings? It is the same principle in business. When you assign things to be done by a certain time your adrenaline increases and you become more productive. Why? You want to prove to yourself that you can. It is invigorating when you meet your goals. It is even better when you become more proficient and excel in the area by exceeding them.

By using this simple tool you will be able to save lots of time with a small investment in a timer. Use it well and grow your business.

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