I've been having a very frustrating week so far! I feel, I need to attend a support group and stand up and say "My name is Vanessa Ophelia Rigault - and I need a to ESCAPE MY LIFE! I wanted something/someone to help me to escape - to escape the frustration of not being able to do what I want - when I want to do it - to run away - but guess what? - I can't run - I have a broken ankle!
So here, I'm sitting - refusing to have another pity party, when a client emails me to tell me - that the guided meditation I recorded for her - that she is still using it and it helps her to relaxes her mind and escape from her daily stresses at the end of her day.
Out of the blue, the Universe sent me this reminder. I'm reminded, I can escape for a few moments everyday by getting back to my meditation. I've always believed, that when you take time to center and balance yourself - you can be balanced and centered when dealing with any issues in your life.
You see, in the last year or so, I've had lots of changes, and I have not been consistent with my daily meditation - so when my client told me this wonderful testimonial - it made me feel good - but more importantly, it also reminded me to 'take time for myself' - to take time to still my mind - to escape for a few moments.
I immediately put on some meditative music, turned off my lights and sat for a while as I relaxed and release the daily stresses. It felt so good! My soul was happy!
Here is a FREE gift for you to get relax and release your mind (just scroll down to the bottom of the page).
I hope you enjoy it!