Tip of the Week

Whatever you focus on expands. If you continuously focus on negative things or how much you are lacking then you will continue to attract those types of things into your life. If you continuously focus on positive you will get positive. Your assignment today is to change your focus.

I am a living witness that once I changed my focus on positive things that is what I attracted into my life. Something that I also do daily which is a great help is to have a gratitude journal. I write in my gratitude journal each morning before getting dressed. Adopting this habit has helped prepare me for an awesome day. I suggest you try it also and tell me your results.

Have a wonderful week!

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  • Monica I am so thankful that I can be an inspiration to you. Continue to focus on all of the blessings that you have in your life right now and I guarantee you that you will attract more blessings.
  • Thanks Erica! I will admit that for the past few months I have focused on negative - what I don't have, what I've lost, what others have that I wish I had. In the words of Dr. Phil, is that working for me? NO.

    Yours is the second source of inspiration today that has reminded me that I must focus on positive in order to draw those things to me.

    Thanks for the reminder!
  • Thanks Lavanda. It seems since I have started keeping a gratitude journal my life has changed drastically. I seem to attract more things to be thankful for. Also problems seem to be beneath me.
  • Great advice, Erica! I also believe in the benefits of keeping a journal. A gratitude journal is an awesome idea!
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