Why I love Going to the Gym

Today I want to discuss why I love going to the gym. Many of my coworkers seem to think something is wrong with me because I race off to the gym every day. The first thing is that I have a great time there. This is because I choose great classes with awesome instructors that really work hard to motivate the class. Nothing gets me more pumped up than great music and instructors that are good at what they do. I find that I work best by trying to match up with those who are pushing hard. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't doing this on the first day. I had to build up to this, and you will to. I have learned to not give up when I can't do things right away, but rather to keep trying. There is no greater satisfaction than being able to accomplish what you deemed impossible. I suggest experimenting and finding something that you will like and you will find yourself racing to the gym the same way I do everyday!

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