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The weekend is coming to a close and I tried my best to take a "time out" from Cocoa Prints. I was excited to spend time with husband and my son but I found it really hard to not think about my game plan for the upcoming week. I've managed to turn what my husband initally referred to as a "keep her happy" hobby, into a very promising e-business. The thing was, I never in a million years thought that it would go anywhere. So, in a few months and many orders later, I've come to the realization that I'm not just a stay at home mom with a hobby anymore- I'm a real business owner who's discovered a niche, and now I'm on a serious mission to make this work.
To make this work, I knew that I need to put on the brakes and define my business. When people ask me what it is that I sell- what do I say? Who does Cocoa Prints want to be? I need to say what it is that I sell, and say it with complete and total confidence.
I honestly started my business backwards. I knew what I wanted to see as a consumer and a crafter. And the difficultly I had finding the perfect prints just lit a fire in me. But, instead of going by the book and really outlining what it was I wanted to do, I jumped in head first. I had absolultely no idea how or where I would sell products, how much it would cost to just get started, and most importantly - how I was going to market my business. I just knew I was on a mission to bring designs to the market that I could relate to.
After my first of many sleepless nights, I woke up with the energy and curiousity of a 4 year old. I started calling what I considered some of the best multicultural designers (african american, caucasian, & otherwise) on the market asking if I could retail their products. Some "schooled" me, some put me in my place, and some were very encouraging. Either way, after that experience I knew that even though I was entering unfamiliar territory, I was definately on a mission to make my business possible.
Pure Romance by Nirvana carries a full line of relationship enhancement products. I invite youto embrace yourself and your desires. Spend a little time rekindling a loveaffair with the most important person in your life - YOU or make it a 2some andbuy a little something for you and your honey!!
Demand A Little?..........Place an Order!
Ordering on-line is fast, convenient and confidential. ALL PACKAGES ARE SHIPPED DISCREETLY TO YOURHOME!!! To shop online, simply log onto www.PRbyNirvana.com
Demand A Lot?.........Book a Party!
Are you ready for the ultimate girl's night in? Would you like to earn FREE Pure Romance products?Make no more excuses! Book a party today for any occasion. There is no fee tohave a Pure Romance Party. For hosting a party you will earn 10% of your partysales in FREE products of your choice, plus additional discounts and freegifts!
Demand It All?.........Become a Pure Romance Consultant!
Want to spice up your life, be your own boss, set your own hours, have the financial freedom you havealways wanted and work with women in a fun and exciting environment?.....PureRomance is for you! GET PAID TO PARTY!!!!! No monthly minimums to meet and norequirements on how many parties you conduct! If you would like additionalinformation about this unique opportunity, please contact me via email or phoneand I will be more than happy to send you more information!
Contact me for additional information:
Office: 914-613-3717
Sign up online at:www.PRbyNirvana.com
October Kit Special: Become a Pure Romance Consultant and get any PR Starter Kit at 20%off!! Plus get $100 of FREE products once you qualify!!
Finally, a Black business organization that shares the real keys to success and makes them simple to understand. Save yourself the pains of struggling to grow... Black Business Builders is a powerful resource and by becoming a member you will get the boost you need to reach your full potential. Find out what I am doing -- 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
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Hi Ladies,
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How do I save my home from foreclosure if I’m 2, 3 or more months behind on my mortgage?
We all know that life is unpredictable and that circumstances often arise than prevent you from making your mortgage payments. Even hard working people can encounter unforeseen situations which may affect their ability to pay their mortgage in a timely manner. Some of these issues can be a temporary job loss, medical illness or injury, martial difficulties, unforeseen repairs or high utility rates, tenant problems or even a death in the family. Just one of these situations can have a direct bearing on making home mortgage payments.
Our Goal Is Solely To Assist Homeowners
We have no interest in owning your home or prospering from your misfortune. As professionals who understand the mortgage industry, we know how to help you. The goal of loss mitigation is to work out an agreement between you and your lender that will stop foreclosure proceeding permanently. This allows you to stay in your home and protect your credit history. We provide real help for VA, FHA, Conventional and Privately Held Notes. Our services are guaranteed and confidential.
How Do We Stop Foreclosure?
Our company specializes in resolutions of mortgage delinquencies or home foreclosure claims on behalf of you, the homeowner. We perform a detailed financial analysis and work with you to determine your best alternatives. We review your lender loss mitigation policies and your state’s foreclosure law to make sure that we give you the best service within the context of your situation. By working with you and your lender we can tailor a resolution to meet your specific criteria and financial circumstance. We do all this quickly and effectively.
Some of the programs available are: Loan Modification, Short Payoff, Repayment Plan, Partial Claim, VA Loan Modification/Refunding, Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure, Special Forbearance, Reverse Mortgages and others.
Don’t let pride stand in the way of letting us help you. You worked hard for your home; let us work even harder to make sure that your home remains yours. We guarantee that we will work out a solution for you or you pay nothing. There will be an estimated 2.2 million homeowners that will lose their homes in foreclosures over the next year. While some of those homeowners cannot afford to keep their homes, many homeowners will not seek the help that is available to them or will wait too late before they ask for help. DON’T WAIT ANOTHER DAY!!!
Current mood: restless
Domestic violence and emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating.
Examples of abuse include:
Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuse are not criminal behaviors, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence.
- name-calling or putdowns
- keeping a partner from contacting their family or friends
- withholding money
- stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job
- actual or threatened physical harm
- sexual assault
- stalking
- intimidation
The violence takes many forms and can happen all the time or once in a while. An important step to help yourself or someone you know in preventing or stopping violence is recognizing the warning signs listed on the "Violence Wheel."
ANYONE CAN BE A VICTIM! Victims can be of any age, sex, race, culture, religion, education, employment or marital status. Although both men and women can be abused, most victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are more likely to be abused and/or neglected. Most children in these homes know about the violence. Even if a child is not physically harmed, they may have emotional and behavior problems.
If you are being abused, REMEMBER
- You are not alone
- It is not your fault
- Help is available
You thought you knew.....
What little girl doesn’t dream of being a princess? Make your little girls dream a reality by creating the ultimate princess party especially for her. Here are some ideas that are sure to make her “royal” event memorable.
· Ask guests to wear their fanciest dresses. Be sure to have some extras just in case someone forgets. You can also find some old jewelry or purchase inexpensive costume jewelry for the girls to accessorize with.
· Decorations: Make your child’s party extra special by using the Uzuri Kid Kidz’ Princess Amira party supply pack which includes cups, plates, table cover, treat bags, and napkins all printed with the beautiful Princess Amira.
Fill the party room with pink, purple and white helium balloons attached to matching, curled ribbons. Weight some of the balloons down and allow some of the balloons to float to the ceiling. Decorate doorways with pink or white tulle and white Christmas lights to set the stage for this royal event. Set a chair by itself designated for the princess to sit on when she opens her presents. You can decorate this throne with tulle and ribbon. You can have each guest sit in the chair to have their picture taken as well.
· Craft Activity: Keep the theme of the party flowing by letting the guest make their very own tiara! We found a great idea for a quick and easy tiara. Here is what you’ll need:
o Metallic Gold Poster Board
o Stickers and Gems ( found in local craft stores)
o Double sided tape
o Large Paper Clips
1. Cut out a basic tiara shape for each guest from the poster board. (Parents should do this in advance of the party.)
2. Trim the midsection to create a fancy edge.
3. Adorn the crowns with stickers and plastic gems attached with double-sided tape.
4. To fit each crown, wrap it around the princess’s head and paper-clip the overlapped ends.
· Food: Finger sandwiches and “tea” are the perfect goodies for a princess. Make peanut butter/jelly, cheese, or turkey sandwiches, depending on your guests. Use a star-shaped cookie cutter or kitchen scissors to create star sandwiches. Serve pink punch made from pink soda or lemonade and hand out princess fruit snacks after the kids have eaten.
· Games to Play: Start out by reading the African version of the classic story, Princess and the Pea written by Rachel Isadora. Place four or five pillows on the floor and put a green tennis ball or golf ball underneath one of the pillows. Guests take turns sitting on the pillows and trying to guess which pillow has the pea underneath.
“Pin the Kiss on the Frog” is another fun game your guests will love. Draw a basic frog on a piece of green poster board. Cut the frog out and glue it to a piece of white poster board or pin it right to the wall. Use red or pink craft foam to cut out “lips” and add a piece of rolled tape to the back of each set of lips. Children need to get the lips as close to the frog’s mouth as they can to turn him into a handsome prince!
Hide a large amount of craft jewels in a large container of sand. Let your guests take turns searching for treasured gems to take home as a royal souvenir.
Goodie Bags. Fill your Princess Amira goodie bags with treats such as glitter lip gloss, plastic jewelry, candy necklaces, chocolate gold coins and hair accessories. Small candies can be added as well – remember to think pink, white and purple.
With the Princess Amira party supplies and these exciting party ideas, your little princess will remember her party for years to come!
For more unique party ideas, visit www.cocoaprints.com
If I can show you a way to lower your telecom billing, FREE or Discount Cell phones, ( AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile) The holidays are almost here these would be great gift ideas!
Here is my website and a BRIEF overview of my products and services
Discounted Telecommunications Services through providers we all know and use! (FREE or at a DISCOUNT cell phones and services (AT&T, NEXTEL, DISNEY, T-Mobile, Sprint and more), Home and Business phones with Long Distance, VOIP (Voice over internet Phone services think VONAGE) Internet Services broadband, Satellite TV Dish and Direct TV, and more services all at a DISCOUNT!
Relationship Networking puts you on the fast track to success! Discover how powerful networking with other Black business owners and entrepreneurs can be for your business ... ===> Join Us, and Grow!
Hello my family, I do hope that all have a relaxing weekend. I saw on the internet that Roots:Next Generation is going on sale today I believe. Some thirty years later, after the airing of Roots and Roots Generation how did those two television series affect your life?
I will share with you that I was raised in Georgia. My family did everything to shield us from the racism that they faced. However, they were not able to shield me from everything.
As a child, I don't remember my parents discussing anything that had to do with Africa.
I do remember my grandmother on my Father's side told me that she was born into slavery and told me how hard times were.
I really want to thank Alex Haley for exposing the honest truth about slavery. Yes, it was painful but at the same time the truth set me free.
Watching both movies made me feel very proud for the Haley family.. My intentions are to try to and find out what country in Africa I may have descended from by taking the saliva test.
What are your thoughts and views in regard to my post? Please share.
Greetings Friends,
As you may already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Chances are you know of someone who has this disease or who has overcome it. Either way, we have all been touched by it in some way.
This year, 211,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer, the most common type among women, excluding skin cancer. Another 80,000 women will be diagnosed with a cancer of the reproductive organs. According to the American Cancer Society, one-third of all women will face a diagnosis of cancer in their lifetimes.
That is why as a woman, I feel compelled to do something and I graciously ask for your help and support. As a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, I am partnering with the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation during the month of October to help support the fight against these cancers that affect women.
Between now and October 31st, 15% of all sales of any Mary Kay fragrance you purchase with me will be donated to the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation. In recognition of your generosity, you will receive a $20 gift certificate from me towards any future Mary Kay products. Please remember, your donation is tax deductible.
Because I am committed to raise as much money as possible to help further the research needed to find a cure, I kindly ask for you to please consider helping. Visit here to learn more about the MKACF or click here to purchase your fragrance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at NuImage@nuimage4u.com
Thank you for your time and have a blessed day!
Warmest Regards,
Tamyka Washington