2009 Is The Year of BLACK AFFLUENCE

If we work together, ALL OF US can achieve great success beyond our wildest dreams in 2009.We are no longer at the bottom of the barrel; we have reached the TOP OF THE WORLD! If you look at all of the historic events that occurred in 2008, you have to truly believe in the possibilities of our future. Who would have thunk it…banks closings, Wall Street collapsing, foreclosure rates soaring and…Out of one of the most troubling times in the history of this country, a Black man was elected President of the United States of America?We came together in numbers not seen since the height of the Civil Rights activism in the 50’s and 60’s. It is now our time to shine once again and to be filled with pride likes our ancestors. We are truly a nation born from royalty, but we lost our culture, our true purpose, dreams and goals. So now what? We as a people need to siege the opportunities that are placed in front of us. We have to re-educate ourselves so that we can prosper in 2009 and beyond.We can achieve the financial freedom our families deserve with the right knowledge. Let me tell you my story. I joined TAG TEAM Marketing in December 2007 because of all the positive programs that were created to unite and empower the Black communities around this country and the world. In October 2006, my husband Larry and I had been the victims of a most vicious form of identity theft. The deed to our home was forged by a group of scam artists who were trying to sell our home without our knowledge. Well after 2-years of fighting, we went into foreclosure, bankruptcy (then kicked out of it) and lost everything. We started to be approached by family, friends and our church members to see if we could help them with their foreclosure issues. So we started the Steeple HOME Team In Jan’08. Even as we were still going through this crisis, my husband and I continued to drive 600 miles from Orlando up to Atlanta every other month, so that we could be a part of what we considered to be the most powerful seminars created specifically for Black people.In April 2008, we started to implement what we had learned at TAG TEAM into our business and almost tripled the amount of clients (as well as income,) and were able to turn our tragedy into a victory! We even started a radio show at a local station and got even more business. By September 2008, we were able to open an office in a very nice complex. In December 2008 we started to train others how to duplicate what we were doing and plan to open 10 offices by June 2009. The wealth of support from TAG TEAM, plus the knowledge from the seminars, conference calls, live Internet TV presentation and CDs prepared us to turn our lives completely around.TAG TEAM is even more committed to helping Black people achieve financial success during this next year, than ever before. Incredible programs and a ton of phenomenal surprises are in store that will take the Black community to a completely new level in 2009. As a result of the TAG TEAM Investment Club, brothers and sisters that have never invested before began earning income from their new KNOWLEDGE. Learn how you, as a Black person, can put your money to earn YOU money. Whether you have $1 or a million... whether you have no experience investing or lots of it, this FREE introductory seminar is FOR YOU. Live in Atlanta on Saturday, January 10, 2009. Note: I’m not sure if this will be streamed live via the Internet at the same time, but it will be posted on the website a few days later.I have already attended one seminar via Internet TV broadcast and plan to join the TAG TEAM Investment Club this month, so that my family and I can benefit even more with a better understanding of the financial system. I just have to share this information because I want to see every Black family have a better life. It is up to you to research it for yourself and figure out if it is time for you to re-educate yourself to move ahead.Visit www.tagteaminvestmentclub.com/TeamDollar and click on events!Darlene Robinson / mauddarlene.robinson@yahoo.com"I don't have to apologize to anybody for being Black, because God almighty knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he made me Black!" "God and nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be." Marcus Garvey
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