Is Your List Making You Money?
It seems like a funny thing to ask, I know. But, the mantra "the money is in the list" has us slapping opt-in boxes on our web pages and waiting for the money to roll in.
How's that working for you? I know it did not work well for me until I had this epiphany.
The money is not in just having a list; it's in the relationship you build with them.
A list is just that, a list of people who have given you permission to market to them. So, the key to unlocking the money making potential you hear so much about requires you to market.
And for most entrepreneurs, that's easier said than done.
Why does it seem so easy for our marketing heroes and professional crushes to make money their lists while you struggle to build yours?
The truth is it isn't a matter of hard or easy, It comes down to strategic and consistent execution until you find what works for you and your subscribers.
So, how can you build a list that is a win - win for you and your subscribers?
Here are a few tips to help ensure you build a list of responsive subscribers, ready to take action on what you have to say & sell:
#1. Get In Tune with Your Ideal Customer's Deepest Challenges and Desires
If you don't get this right, fuuuget about it! And it's not enough to know this intuitively, especially if you're just starting out. You need to deliberately research this information and keep a running list you can reference on an ongoing basis. This will not only help you hit the bull’s-eye with the next tip, but also when it comes to your follow-up campaign.
#2. Create a Compelling Signature Lead Magnet or Opt-In Gift
Make the right first impression. Your lead magnet should be both relevant and helpful to your visitors and be a natural first step to doing business with you. Gone are the days people signed up for stuff just because it's FREE. These days people's email in-boxes overflow with hundreds of messages from people who want them to sell something, read something, and do something!
Use this criterion as a general guide:
- Is this something I feel confident about referring my offline networking connections to?
- Is this something that people would gladly pay money for if it were for sale?
- Is it a natural first step to working with me?
- Is it a good introduction to my core offerings?
If you are a little shaky on any of the above questions, look at ways to change or improve your offering so you feel confident about marketing it and driving traffic to it.
#3. Provide One-Time-Offers on Your Thank You/Download Page
The "Thank You" page is the least utilized web real estate. It offers a great opportunity for you to offer your new subscriber an opportunity to solve their problem at a higher level. And, it provides you an opportunity to make a sale. They are the most excited and engaged at this point so now's the time to give them a deal on a product or service they won't want to refuse.
#4. Identify & Tell Your Subscribers What to Do Next
Be sure to build into your opt-in process, instructions on what to do next. To make this the most effective, you'll want to build this call to action into your opt-in offer itself. If you are providing a report, insert your call to action in the beginning and at the end of your report. If you free offer is a video or audio series, be sure to end each session with your call to action.
Don't assume they will go back to your site to buy something or read something. Show them that you have taken the time to guide them towards getting the results they need.
#5. Create Effective Follow Up and Nurturing Email Campaigns
"What do I write about?" This is the reason most entrepreneurs aren't making money. You have to build the know, like and trust factor and train your subscribers to act on what you have to say and sell.
I recommend when you create your opt-in gift/lead magnet. Write you first 10 follow up messages at the same time. Otherwise, it may never get done.
Here's a sample sequence you can use to get started:
- Email 1 - Welcome and set expectations
- Email 2-9 - Give incredible value
- Email 10 - Sell them something
Don't forget to work in a pitch every now and then. It's okay if you have been adding value, they will be hungry for it.
Examine your opt-in process and use the above tips to implement or improve your list building results. Understand that building a highly profitable list may take some testing and work. But, if you commit to the process, it will be well worth the reward in the end.
"Feedback is the breakfast of champions."
~ Ken Blanchard
And as a champion of your success, I'd be honored if you let me know what you thought about this article. Your tips, advice and comments are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!