Look at me NOW!!!!!! My thoughts in March of '05

Wed, 9 Mar 2005 09:10:49 -0800 (PST)Subject: Daily Meditation/Words from FaithMarch 9If we stand tall it is because we stand on the backs of those who came before us.-Yoruba proverbAs painful as it may be to accept, our ancestors were required to die as part of the evolution of the race.They died in order that our genius could be spread throughout the world.They died so that their energy would be shifted into the invisible, untouchable force that sustains life today.They died in order that we could stand in a new place, do new things and create new order.We must stand tall knowing the power, strength and wisdom of the ancestors is as close as a breath.All that we ever need to be, to do, to know, to have is available.All we need to do is take a stand.-IyanlaI Am standing on a solid foundation.-IyanlaMe-Faith. That is the word of the day. My favorite thing to say is "I walk by faith and not by sight." (II Corinthians 5:7) I say that because I have been through so much until everything that's happening now in my life would have never been possible if I did not stop and check myself. It's down right unbelievable to me. I can't believe the blessings that are coming my way.People say once you are able to slay that giant within, you are on your way to success. It is true. There was a time when I was in school and I didn't see myself graduating. I sat out of school for a year. During that year I had to do some self-evaluating. In 2003, I couldn't see 2005. But that didn't matter because I knew that my life didn't consist of pain, suffering, and struggling. If I didn't see past 2003, I would still be in that same state of mind and in that same place I was two years prior.Change starts with YOU. A lot people couldn't understand how happy I was when I kept going on and on and on about graduating, but I knew. I knew that I had been through somethings people will never go through if they don't get caught up in everything else, but what's important. After graduating, I knew if I could graduate, anything I wanted I could get. So I was tested. I was supposed to have a job right out of school, but anything that comes easy isn't really worth having. A lot of people kept telling me you may as well just stay in Charleston, work for about three months, save some money, and then move to Atlanta. In my head, I'm like I am NOT living in Charleston, and something is going to come through. No matter what people said I tried anyway. They even said no one knows you in Atlanta, you know this world is about who you know, you know the college kids in Atlanta that attend Morehouse, Spelmen, Clark, and all the other schools in Atlanta have first pick on jobs because they are in the city and most of them have done interns with the Fortune 500 companies. I didn't care because my school prepared me for the business world too. And I knew if I worried about what I saw, then I wouldn't have a job in Atlanta today.I knocked on everybody's door! I applied everywhere! But only stuck within my concentration. It didn't matter that I wasn't qualified enough, or a candidate got the job I wanted, or I had the job and at the last minute I find out that, someone with more experience got the job. All of those things didn't matter because I walk by faith and not sight. If anyone grasp this saying you can have anything you want. This is why I understand my Purpose, and I will fuilfill it. I don't care what people say or think. I know what I have to do and how to get where I want to go. It took me 2 months to get a job. Some collegues who graduated in May 2004 that live in Atlanta, are still crying about it is so hard to get a job. I am like how could you say that, it's about applying yourself and not settling or giving up on what you want. Some jobs wanted to offer me $10 an hour. If I accepted that it wouldn't have made any sense for me to go to school. I never lowered my standards! Because I was prepared, persistent, and focused on what I wanted, I got it. I start my new job with benefits on 03/21/05......Living in the place where I can definitely grow and connect in the industry. And emotionally connect, through words, to women all over the world. That's my Purpose and talent. I will fulfill my dreams, no I mean my Purpose.Ya'll better jump on the boat and know that through Faith, ALL things are possible. I am a living witness. As long as I stay focesed on what is important, I am going to have the neccessssities. And I am writing to tell you all that if it happened for me it can happen for you. Faith is an act. Faith is believing even though don't see it. Faith is how strong you are mentally. And the stronger your faith, the more prosperous and friutful you will be...If you don't grasp this then you'll continue in the same cycle until you do.......TawanaP.S. Know that "Your future is as bright as the promises of God."
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  • Thank you for that wonderful message of strength, determination and faith. God is blessing me today through you.
  • I was going through some old mail in my email (I am looking for something to post but I CANNOT FIND IT ANYWHERE!!!) box and came across this email that I sent out 3 years ago. I am amazed at how far I have come in growing within....Back then I didn't know I would be where I am now. Ladies we must reflect sometimes. Introspection is really what it's called. I go through struggles now but when I just reflect on where I came from, it reminds of all the blessings that I have received and that's in store for me....
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