Hi, my name is Artiatesia Deal and I am addicted to buying books and sometimes I don’t read or never finish them. This is why I try to stay clear of my favorite place Barnes and Nobles bookstore. I can never leave empty handed.
I even keep my BN member card update, so I can save a little money on my purchases. In my late teens I was addicted to those “urban fiction: books, never could just walk pass a street vendor with out checking out what books he had for sale that I haven’t read. I don’t know why and where I lost my lost of books but I must find it again.
So I decided that I should do something about it. I scan my personal library and pick out a few books that still look like that are in on the shelves at the store because it never be cracked open. I am going to do my own summer reading challenge. I have tried in the past to do yearly challenges but I always seem to quit after a few months. I figure by making the challenge smaller I will be able to follow through.
Read on to see what I will be reading and don't forget to share your summer reading list as well.