100 (1)

You Owe It to Your Business to Enter!

In late 2002, I received a phone call from someone saying they wanted to nominate me as one of the US Small Business Administration's Home-Based Business Advocate of the Year. I had only been leading the Indie Beauty Network for two years at the time, and I wondered why anyone would consider me a worthy candidate for an award. I answered her questions and submitted a package of information by the deadline. A few months later, I was walking (really, waddling since I was several months pregnant at the time) across a stage accepting the award for the SBA Washington, DC office Home-Based Business Advocate of the Year.


Through that experience, I learned that, no matter how unqualified you think you may be for an award or honor, you have nothing to lose by applying for it anyway and putting your best foot forward. In fact, one could say you owe it to your business to give it your best shot. And like they say, there's no time like the present, right?

So, here's your chance. StartupNation is now accepting nominations for their annual Home-Based 100 Competition. Why don't you enter??! There are 10 categories:

You must submit nominations and votes by midnight on September 30. I know tons of great Indie Business owners out there working from home, and so many of you qualify to win this competition. So why not enter today??!

And if you've already entered, please let us know in the comment section below so we can check out your entry and perhaps vote for you!

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