network (129)

Business Credit America will check you CPN Number for you. We will do a thorough investigation on the number to show you whether the number you have is someone elses social security number or is it a legitimate number that has never existed.

1.  Worried Your CPN Number is Bad?
2.  How Was Your CPN Number Was Validated?
3.  Are Creditors Asking For Your SSN CARD?
4.  Does Your Broker Ignore Your Phone Calls?

Click on the link to get your CPN Number checked

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Get a professional review of your business credit file before you ask a banker or investor for money. Business Credit America knows it could be a very embarrassing and frustrating feeling to hear someone tell you that your business credit is not strong enough to be approved for a small business loan. We know what lenders are looking for in a business, and we could show you what's missing in your file that's keeping you from being approved for a loan. 1-888-883-3013

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Testimonials tell the story of Leads can Lead to Success with A little investment and persistence


Have you really wanted success? Has success seemed to elude you? Have you ever wondered why other people have been enjoying more than you do?


It is not because you are not smart. It is not because you are a bad person. It is because other people have plugged into systems which generate them cash flow.


How well do you think sand sells in the desert? Do you think that the Eskimo needs to buy more ice? I know those seem like obvious questions, but they are relevant. In business especially when dealing with Home Based Business people the successful ones are focused on one activity. That activity is acquiring the next customer or business partner.


So when one them is approached with another opportunity, their usual response is how is this going to help me fulfill my main purpose of acquiring the next customer or business partner. This is where being able to offer a tool or service that will help the home based entrepreneur get what they want.


The question on your end might be “How does this help me fulfill my purpose of getting my main product sold and getting people to join my organization?” The way it helps you is that it helps you to build a relationship with your potential prospect. While you are reaching out and building relationship why not earn some extra money. In the video you will see several people who have been having outstanding success offering lead generating tools for a 1 time fee. Watch the video and see if it something that will be helpful for your venture. If it is you can get started at

Up-Grade Ultimate Cycler Testimonials By... by 1leadsbroker

About the Author

Clarence Coggins is an Internet Market. He has extensive experience with applying Web 2.0 technology in the promotion of business and educational ventures. He also works a Leads Broker with the Silver Fox Leads Factory to contact him you can email or call him at 973-943-4073.


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 Okay. Now, I hope that you all can see that. But the thing about the business credit score, what it is and how is it affecting your business? Now, I've broken it down into three categories because these are your most important categories. You have your PAYDEX score, you have your business credit rating, and then you have your bank rating. And talking about the PAYDEX score, a lot of people are concerned about their PAYDEX score, which is 80 or above. However, the PAYDEX score is only good for trade vendors and net vendors. So, if you really don't need those type of companies, you're just trying to get funding for another project, or whatever, this really wouldn't be an impact on you because you're not trying to get trade credit or Net 30. Net 30, Net 7, Net 15, they have different wants, such as Net Vendor credit and stuff, and Trade credit. That's basically like your Seton, ULine, Grainger. And what ends up happening most of the time, we buy from these companies just to get them to report on our business credit, to get a PAYDEX score. However, the thing about it, the majority of the stuff we buy, we usually don't need it for our business.

 And so, we got stuck in this... This is mainly part of the tier system method where they teach you, set the company up, buy some Net 30s then buy another round of Net 30s, then apply for some gas cards, then attempt to apply for some unsecured cards. Usually, the tier system... I can truly attest to this, it usually will take you anywhere from nine months to a year or longer. Depends on how active you are in your business. Okay, so that's what the PAYDEX score. The PAYDEX rating is 80 or above, meaning that you're good a payer. You pay good on time, okay, and it's just mainly for vendor credit.

 Now, your business credit rating. Your business credit rating, this is important. This is an important factor because this determines if you get business loans or business credit cards. So that's what the business credit rating is. That's the reason that you'd see me on the video always telling you to update your financials. Make sure you do the UCCs, things like that. That's what affects your business credit rating. And then I told you about the different banks to go to in my ebook that tell you where to go and get those secured bank cards and stuff, because that will help with their business credit rating.

 Now, this is one that most people aren't aware of and not too many people speak of it, maybe because they don't. But the bank rating... Now the bank rating actually deals with... Well, your business bank rating. It actually deals with the activity of the business checking account in which you should have... When you're setting up a corporation, usually what I teach on, with the corporation, with C corporations, you wanna to have three accounts. You wanna have a business checking account, a business savings, and a business expense account. And in my ebook, I explain to you why you want to have those accounts set up like that. But the business banking ratings this year, is where it goes off the activity. How many deposits have been in the account? How often are you depositing money into the account? How long does the deposit stay in there? And the larger the amount of money you deposit in the bank, and the longer it stays, the higher your rating. So, the larger the amount, the longer it stays, the higher your rating.

 So, this is your bank rating. This is what really determines the amount of money they're gonna loan you. This here determines whether you're gonna get approved for unsecured credit cards and/or loans with a business credit rating. But this here, determines the amount of money. So those are the two differences there. So, you have your PAYDEX score, which is talking about your trade credit or your vendors. Your trade vendors, which describe you as Net 30s, you're Net 7s, you're net 15. Then you have the business credit rating, and this is what determines you being approved for loans or credit cards, unsecured or secured, okay. But your bank rating, that's dealing with the activity on those business bank accounts, okay. So, the more money you have in it, the longer it stays in it, determines the amount of money they're gonna loan you, future-wise. So, this is just a basic video I wanted to break down to you guys, so you can understand. If you are looking at companies, and they are not explaining this process to you, to actually help decide whether you should let them help you or you should do it on your own, then you don't need them because they should be at least explaining some of these basics to you. If they're not explaining these basics to you, they're wasting your time guys. And more likely they're gonna linger you on, so that you are paying them more money, but at the same time you're not getting any results.

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Hey guys! Houston here with Business Credit America, and today I'm just gonna get right to the point, and I wanted to talk to you all about Sallie Mae Student Loans. And I know from many of you all, may have seen my student loan video removal of Sallie Mae Student Loans. And the thing about it, you actually can't have those type of student loans because they're, not under the government guidelines. If you have government student loans, you can go to If you go to, right there, all of your government student loans, they can consolidate them all into one, and they will lower your payments.

In reference to your private student loans, because they're all under FDCPA, you have the right if you have to, if you need to file bankruptcy, those types of student loans, you can, especially like Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae is a privately held company, and I tell a lot of people that call me, and I talk to them about their student loan. By them being a privately held company, they're not under the government guidelines. And so you do have a right to file bankruptcy under that because like with Wells Fargo, with Chase Bank, Sallie Mae, they all fall under...

What type... What it is is that Sallie Mae... Sallie Mae, what they were doing, they would go to the government, and they would buy student loans from the government. And then, "Okay, we're going to service these." So the government like, "Well, okay. If you service these then, you have to pay us a monthly insurance payment on these loans." See, when you took a student loan, they automatically used... But most of the time they automatically loaned you until the insurance program. And so that insurance program was for in case you default, then the insurance company pays off that loan for you. And so, like a lot of people, they don't know that.

 And if you ask for your original contract with whoever, whatever school you went to, when you signed up for Sallie Mae, if they can't produce that contract, then they should not be reported on your credit report anyway. Also, another thing that Sallie Mae does is that say, that you defaulted way back when on your loan. What they'll do to keep on the collection practices, they'll re-age your account. And so they never report the original default date. So that puts you, like you're just starting over when you actually, because of the seven year time lapse on a loan or a regular loan except for a government loan, then it should have been folding up your credit anyway. But what they do, they re-age your account so to keep the student loan on there, especially when they're not backed by the government.

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Juniques Multi Cultural Connections strikes "Communication Gold!".


Juniques Multi Cultural Connections now can help you reach offline and online communities around the world!! JMCC is constantly seeking ways to help multi cultural communities connect.

JMCC discovered "Communication Gold" when it connected with  All Nations TV Network

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offers advertisement on All Nations TV Network. This dynamo online and streaming programming
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Roku Network channel. Roku Network is streaming to 5 million households and All Nations TV Network has its own channel!!


  JMCC is proud to be able to help your reach a greater audience and provide ad cost savings.
check us out at  call me 623-455-6364 

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Video Marketing: Does it work?


I have recently gotten more involved in my Video Marketing for my new extra-income driving business venture. In doing so, I have noticed how much more people I am connecting with across the country. Last week I had 3 sales conversions within 2 days all as a result of my videos. Although I knew was a great resource, honestly I didn't realize how beneficial it would be to my company. Here are some interesting statistics I found in regards to how much video marketing works.

According to comScore, the global leader in digital business analysis, so you understand the potential for marketing with video:

  • 89 million people will watch 1.2 billion videos today. Yes, today. Not for the week, or for the month, or for the year, but every day.
  • Businesses spent $1.4 billion in video marketing on 441 billion videos in 2010. This number continues to increase.
  • Video is popular across all age groups. Although 18 – 34 year olds spend the most time watching video, over 80% of the population across all age demographics watches video. So it isn’t just your teen that consumes content on the screen.
  • Probably the most important statistic of all, comScore reported that on average retail site visitors who view videos are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors.

These stats should give you a little hope when venturing out into Video Marketing. Although it can be scary because you are making yourself available for people to critique, it can still be great for business.

According to Edelman and Adobe, the stats below show how much audiences enjoy videos that tell stories. UNIQUE stories at that. I believe people are captivated by unique stories because of the authenticity. My husband sometimes gets on me about where I choose to shoot my videos but in my research I have found that when you are real with your audience they connect more. Of course that is to an extent. You should never go on camera with a messy house in the background or in your pj's, etc. However, is you have a nice office space or living area feel free to have in the background.

So far Video Marketing is going well for me as a tester campaign. The following are 5 tips on how to make video marketing work for you.

1. Know why you are doing this. Having a lot of viewers is great, but you want to make sure they are targeted viewers that want what you have. So make sure you present it well.

2. Have a script. As boring as that sounds, a script will at least guide your video in the direction it needs to go. Although you may be recording alone, millions could potentially view your video so it can be nerve-racking while recording. So you want to make sure you have a clear understanding of what you are saying to your audience and that there is minimum babble.

3. Be patient & Have time. These two go hand in hand. As I stated earlier, taping can be nerve-racking and lead to having to do a lot of takes. Don't get frustrated, impatient or stop taping because of this. Make sure you regroup in between each take and feel free to practice before taping.

4. Use the right keywords. This is the most crucial part of Video Marketing. You want to make sure you use the correct words in your title and in the tags. I would suggest researching  what videos in your content area are getting the most views and why. Look at the titles and the tags. Revamp the title to fit what you are doing and see if you will show up on the first page of YouTube for the keyword. That should be your goal. For example: If you are looking to target people who are looking for diet pills, then look up "diet pills" on YouTube. What videos are coming up and what are their titles? Research this and apply to your video. After posting your video, test the keyword to see if your video pops up on the first page. If not, keep editing your title and tags until you do (without full-on copying anyone, of course).

5. Camera equipment. Some people believe they need a high-tech video camera with bells and whistles, which (don't get me wrong) is not necessary but  will be great when you start to get those millions of viewers. But to start out, the video camera on your computer will suffice. Or on your phone like a Samsung Galaxy or iPhone. For the phones, just make sure whomever is camera man has a still hand while recording.  The convenient thing about using your video cam is that you do not need anyone to record for you and you can record alone.

These are just a few tips to consider when starting your Video Marketing venture. I hope they help. Let me know how Video Marketing works for you!


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People Who Prosper is pleased to announce our new segment, A Day in the Life of... Series.  In addition to featuring successful business persons, we will be featuring work-from-home business owners, chronicling a typical day in their life. This segment is to help those CURIOUS and perhaps INTERESTED in a career change. 

Our first A Day in the Life of… feature entrepreneur is Shakirah Karim. She is a Seacret Agent by day..and by night. Shakirah is a successful distributor with Seacret Direct. Seacret Direct started about two years ago, branching off of their kiosks in malls. Shakirah and her partner Felipe have jumped right in and are steadily moving up the ranks. 007 couldn’t touch her as she rises to the top in this company.  So, watch your back as you read A Day in the Life of…Shakirah Karim, Seacret Agent. 


1. What do you do and how long have you been self-employed ?


My background is in public relations/Marketing and I'm currently a partner in a few small businesses. I've been self-employed as a network marketer for 6 years and for the past 2 years my main focus has been as a SEACRET Agent, an independent partner within the community of Seacret: an established retail brand now converted into a network business model. 

2. How did you find your business and what made you decide to become self-employed?

I was introduced to SEACRET by a few close friends. They had been inspired by products and had come up with a new concept that would redefine the Seacret brand. They developed a system where instead of chasing people at the mall through high pressured kiosk sales, they could WOW them in the comforts of their own home. Today, with still less than 30,000 agents within the entire company (US, Canada, Mexico, South Korea) and more international capabilities there is so much more growth we're going to experience and those that take action and position themselves  now while we're doing less than $5 million a month will be reaping the many rewards once we reach $100 million mark! 

3. What are your daily success, productive, personal development and/or family routines? Explain a day in your life: Morning. Afternoon. Evening.

My daily routine consists of waking up, walking my dog, reading a few pages of the Bible. Then I spend 30-45 minutes doing personal development, I just finished reading Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napolean Hill and I've just started reading The Leader Within by John C Maxwell. I try to make it to the gym at least 4 times in the week. I make sure I start my day off right and continue to working on myself inside and out. Creating good habits like these help you develop in business and in other areas of your life. The remainder of my day consists of a mixture of sharing the products with new people and helping new agents launch their business and helping them with their WOW parties.  I work Seacret on a full-time basis so I will have 1-2 WOW parties a day. The majority of people who work with us are on a part-time basis, doing maybe 1 WOW party a week. I'm on a leadership hunt, we're less than 25,000 agents, the top money earners coming out of Seacret haven't even heard of this opportunity yet. 

4. What are the biggest challenges in your business operations?

The biggest challenge that I face would have to be MINDSET. It's something that we all struggle with not only in business, in our faith, in our life. What's interesting, is it’s also the only thing we have control over. I can't control what others are going to do or not do. But I can control how I feel, how I react and what action I take. I continue to work on keeping a positive forward thinking mindset. For the first time I've found a passion and purpose in what I’m doing and I’m confident on where it will take me and my family. Never forgetting where I've come from, I'm focused on where I'm going and how many people I can take with me. 

5. What keeps you motivated to work from home or stay self-employed and not get an everyday J.O.B.?

I'm motivated by the future of this company. Seacret was a $800 Million powerhouse and to be a part of that moving over to the relationship marketing space has been amazing. What motivates me is that fact that we have WOW products that shows results, it's sold in over 40 countries, and has only been open for less than 2 years. The timing of the company has made me want to work even harder. There's no other industry that can provide me unlimited income potential and time freedom. And with Seacret I've been able to help other people realize their goals and dreams as well, because it's not just what you do in your life but how many other people you can effect as well.

6. What advice would you give to someone looking to be self-employed?

What I love about this business is that it's meant to be built part-time. You should be working full-time on your job and part-time on your fortune (your business). I think self-employment is the key to freedom. Having a part-time home based business that pays can give the average person choices. If you find the right venture and follow a proven system that part-time business could do anything from cover the bills to pay for that vacation or even completely transform your life financially. Once the income from your part-time business outweighs your full-time income you have reached freedom. Then you are in a position to choose where you want to spend your time. When deciding to start/open a business do your research, find something that will give you exponential return. With respect to network marketing if you want to build true leverage invest in a venture where there's still an opportunity for growth and not in a company that has an already well established distribution. Mark Twain once said that success was simple: "Find out where everyone is going and then get there first."



If you would be interested in being feature in our A Day in the Life of.... Series, please email with a synopsis of your journey to working at home.

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It is my exciting pleasure to introduce to you the first ever MALE entrepreneur on Brian Howard started in the restaurant industry then was introduced to the Network Marketing industry and has been in ever since. Brian shares his journey in business and what it really takes to be successful in the industry. I enjoyed hearing his story and hope you do too!

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

My story is really simple I was born and raised in Dayton, Oh. I grew up in a single parent home until I was a teen. It really did not feel like a tragic situation because I have an incredible family that always made sure that we were taken care of. I found my way into playing athletics and got good enough to walk-on the football team at Eastern Michigan University. I strongly recommend that everyone take part in some sort of team sport as you learn more life lessons on the field than in the classroom. I came to learn that playing professionally was probably not in the cards for me so, I started working in the most profitable industry that I knew of that required the least amount of training. The restaurant industry is probably the most misunderstood industry in all professions. I learned how to grow a big business. The only problem was I was always doing it for someone else.  I found out that I would never really have what I wanted working for someone else. 

Because of that realization I believe that the universe sent me a message. I was shown  Amway and the direct sales industry. The men that introduced me to this industry were some of the sharpest people that I had ever met. I wanted to be a part of what they were doing and I wanted their life because they were not only living life but living it with style. So I went to work introducing this company to all my friends and family. All of them thought I was crazy and should pursue something more concrete. I came to the harsh reality that I was not as sharp as I thought. I needed better skills. I started to attend seminars, reading all the books, listening to the tapes and began my journey of personal development. I was still in the restaurant industry having a pretty good life just not what I wanted. I also fell away from the networking industry as I did not understand the nuances of being an entrepreneur.

Years pass and I was re-introduced to the networking industry by a very successful attorney in Las Vegas where I currently reside. The company is a great company that has helped a ton of families become financially free and out of legal and identity theft troubles. But, there was a problem with the field leadership and communication issues, so after a year and a half of menial success I decided to let that company go. I'm glad did because in order to move on to the next you must let go of what's behind.  I cultivated a strong relationship with a real leader. I was introduced to a brand new company that is organizing the natural products industry the way that Google organized the internet. The opportunity that I have been searching for is here.

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

The reason I have been wanting to be a part of this industry, "start a business" is because of the challenge. The challenge to become the person I have been sent here to be. My mission is to help as many people that want my help become the person they are meant to be. Whether we are in business together or not I want to help raise the vibration, conscience of people and the planet by being a better person every day. The network marketing industry is perfect because it is a personal development business wrapped up in an incredible compensation plan. The more you give, grow and help others become successful, the more successful and prosperous you become. That is my theme to life. Help more get more.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

The things that inspire me are people who overcome physical challenges. That's another reason I love sports so much. I get motivated by seeing others not give any excuses and never giving up on what they want to accomplish. I like watching the "My Wish" segments on Sports Center. It is where children get to hang out with their favorite sports star for a day and have their dreams come true. Truly brings me to tears almost every time.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

I have several mentors: Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Curtis Jackson, Brian Tracy, Sean Carter, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Oprah Winfrey. Just to name a few. I find myself gravitating toward great people. I love seeing the confidence they exude. It lets me know that no matter how bad life seems to be you can always make a change and get on a new path. Mentors are very important, they are the teachers who come along and show us that there is a way and they say let’s work together until we figure it out. A great teacher will not only let you know that you are in the mud but, they also throw a line to get you out.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

I would tell someone who wants to get in my business to be prepared to be disappointed by people that you think want your help but don't know how to ask. Adults have a strange way of saying something to appease people they love, instead of being mature and learning to communicate and deal with their problems. Their problems usually belong to someone else, if you know what I mean. I cannot say that I have not done the same, I just wanted to take personal responsibility for the only thing that I can control, me. If you can master your emotions you can make a lot of money and have a lot of friends.  You can get started in this industry by finding someone you trust or you can contact me and I will share how to be on my team. Go to, watch my partner on YouTube, then you can call me at 702.755.2647 and leave a message. This business is super simple but it will require hard work for the next 2-3 years. But if you follow the system you will never have to work for anyone ever again. We are the best of the best and we want you to join us at the top.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit know that you will have moments of great joy and massive disappointments. The secret is to discipline your disappointments and delay your gratifications. You must know that what you are doing is very admirable and should be looked on with pride because the entrepreneurial spirit is what built this country.  If it were not for entrepreneurs we would not have electricity, houses, airplanes, computers, or any other convenience way have today. Entrepreneurs create jobs, solve major problems, invoke a different mindset in the way we view the world and how we can make it better. What a great way to live.

Thank you Brian for taking the challenge and sharing your story. I hope someone has been inspired by Brian’s story and remember if you are interested in working with Brian, contact him for more information.


Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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There has been a incredible shift in the world around us.  From the Northeast hurricane, to many people stepping out on pure faith and starting new businesses, ending unhealthy relationships to even finally taking health seriously. We’re all being charged with “purging” something. In the midst of this though…doesn’t mean there are challenges or days when you simply want to “quit”.

::The client money isn’t coming in on time

::The husband just “ain’t acting right”

::The kids are a mess at school

::Your stress level is out of wack

::Your business is good…but it’s not “great”

::You seem to be working harder for the same result.

::You feel enslaved to your purpose.

As women we come as a package deal and with that means that often overwhelming feeling of wishing and wanting to just “quit” – to let it all go. To throw in the towel and just let the sh!% it the fan!

I know that feeling and I have to have a “come to Jesus”  meeting with myself. And get real.

It’s time someone offered you a dose of truth…and that is


Truth be told, women of color tiptoe around our issues in our lives and ultimately our businesses. We don’t invest in ourselves however we expect others to invest in us.

Do you? Do  you invest in yourself or do you quit at the thought of doing the work

QUIT at the thought of truly asking for assistance and support in growing your business or how women like Cameka Smith (founder of listed BOSS Network) has done by fostering a community of women entrepreneurs who network for good?

QUIT feeling like you can’t really work with other women because “they always want to take what’s mines”. And the hard work of learning to trust your own “GET IT GIRL!” so you can work with other women without the “crabs-in-the-barrel mentality” like LaShanda Henry (founder of Black Business Women Online) did with her girlfriends

QUIT at the thought of truly (and I mean truly) investing in quality mentorship and guidance and humbling yourself to end the thinking that you must do everything on your own or that perhaps Women of Color can’t produce high quality events and workshops that are impactful and profitable like thePOWER CIRCLE Conference & Expo happening Jan 2013.

What’s my point? I’ve been in a “Inner BITCH” release pilgrimage for some time involving releasing all the GUNK that was stuck in my belief system for too long.  My sister on this journey of complete liberation and I have been charged with not only calling ourselves out…but other women. Particularly women of color and Black women more specifically on how our emotional wellness is the TRUE source of abundance.

If you’re still reading I offer that I realize this post is making tons of assumptions about you – the reader – but perhaps it’s not. Perhaps somewhere inside of you, a-lot of this rings true. If not to this extreme, perhaps in your own self-sabotaging efforts to define “success” merely as the sum of your bank account or based on the number of episodes of  Donald Trump’s
The Apprentice” you’ve been able to copy-cat in your own business journey.

Whatever it is…there is a time to call it quits, but not on yourself…but on the nonsense that is causing many of us to live beneath the truth of our possibilities. The truth is that there is another more authentic way of living and creating and this video offers a bit of that truth.

Join me Friday November 9, 2012 here.

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  • What  are your options for health insurance  and how to make the most of  all the changes.
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Have you heard of this television show? I have been anticipating the debut of this show on the Centric Television Network, for a few weeks now. It's a reality TV show highlighting the life of a few  millionaires (Chyna Bethley, Dorothy Cook, Helen Dela Houssaye, Bryant & Deborah Huff, Robert & Nicola Jackson, Kenny & Chante Lloyd, Lidia McKinney, Erika McQueen, Erwin & Twiler Portis, and Stormy Wellington). I know, I know. Sounds like every other reality show in existance, but this one is different... It's different because these millionaires didn't inherit their money. These millionaires aren't has-been actors or associated with Hollywood. These millionaires didn't even get their money from growing a successful "bricks and clicks" business. These millionaires are the result of building successful Network Marketing businesses. Or in other words, Multi-level Marketing (MLM), or Direct Marketing business. says, these millionaires earned their money " a relatively short period of time and at relatively vibrant ages". The purpose of the show (besides showing off the lifestyles of these network marketing business owners) is to launch a contest between the millionaires to find  and groom the next successful business owner.

Turns out, Amateur Millionaire's Club (AMC) has been brewing for a few years and it finally debuted on Saturday July 7, 2012. This show was in true reality TV fashion, including "unscripted" drama, events, and the lavish lives of these millionaires. BESIDES all of that, I really enjoyed the message being sent that Network Marketing really works and ANYONE can do it.

My dad hit me up to the Network Marketing game about 10 years ago. The simple business model, compensation plans, and low start up fees (in comparison to a franchise) is what caught my eye. Ever since then, I have been in business somehow through a Network, Direct or Internet Marketing company. Along with the other services I offer, this business model has just been the best choice for me. As shown on the AMC, Network Marketing is a very lucrative business. Especially as a first business model. Not only do you OWN a business, but you learn key business skills along with marketing strategies, all with a team of people that are really looking to see you succeed. Because if you succeed, they succeed! Recently, I have been exploring the world of internet marketing. It is just like network marketing except you do mostly everything ONLINE. It is very convenient and you get the same results, if not better! It is definitely a good business model to look into to supplement your current business. You can find out more here =>

After watching the first two episodes of the Amateur Millionaire's Club,  I enjoyed seeing what these people have done for themselves and how they are still on their grind. It is great motivation to actually witness the fruits of the labor of those in the same position as yourself. Stormy Wellington stated in that, “There was a point in my life when I understood that I was the creator of my own destiny and I knew that I had to get myself out of the (debt increasing) situation that I was headed towards".  If you have not had a chance to catch this show, I encourage you to do so, or check out a few of the millionaires on Youtube. You will  definitely learn SOMETHING.

"Referred to in Success Magazine as a group that spreads wealth, reaches new heights, and creates purpose driven opportunities; the Amateur Millionaire’s Club is vastly redefining wealth in the African American community as the world knows it" (

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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How Blogging Can Make You Famous

According to, "The face of fame is changing". You no longer have to necessarily be a singer, rapper, actor, entertainer or even politician to be famous. As I'm sure you have seen, you can now be famous from as much as a silly video on YouTube to starting a really great charitable cause.

One of the most popular, easiest ways to become famous online is to blog! Believe it or not, there are a few people who have become famous from blogging. And as a "potential blogger" or "rockstar blogger in the making", it is important to know a few of these famous bloggers. Why? Because as the famous saying goes, "don't reinvent the wheel". No reason to think TOO outside of the box when it comes to blogging as a lot of it has been done already. And if these people can do it, believe me, so can you. Here are few famous bloggers online you may not be familiar with...continue reading


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Let Your Light Shine

With the advent of the London 2012 Olympics and the illuminating flame-lighting ceremony on Friday July 27,  2012, I thought this title would be fitting. Today one of my fellow industry divas,  Nicole S. Cooper Facebook-ed,"I believe that we all have greatness on the inside of us, but I don't believe in allowing excuses to be the deterrent for why we never allowed our lights to shine!"

She wrote this in response to a client who thanked her for pushing them to move forward in their business. Her response was so key. EVERYONE has the ability to accomplish their goals and essentially create a better quality of life for themselves. But lets face it, ultimately the only reason why you are not where you want to be is because of excuses (especially in business)... just isn't the right time, I don't have the time, not enough money to get started, don't know anything about the industry, I don't like or know how to sell, my teeth hurt today, blah blah blah. ALL excuses.

BUT just as Nicole said, stop allowing excuses to keep you from letting your light shine! Stop allowing excuses to keep you from fulfilling your dreams. Stop allowing excuses keep you from recognizing someone special in your life. Stop allowing excuses to rule your life! At some point you have to take control of your life and begin to fulfill the dreams and goals you have for yourself.

I lost a very dear friend last week, he was only 34 and it got me thinking. We NEVER know when our last day on earth will be. When the last time to speak to a loved one will be. When the last time to do something you've ALWAYS wanted to do will be. So you cannot continue to allow life to pass you by with all of these excuses. You have to find "your light" and start letting it shine. Start working towards the goals you have for yourself. Unfortunately, some of your goals may require more income. And there are so many opportunities available to give you the financial independence to achieve the things you want to. One of my favorite sayings is, "If you will DO for a season, what most won't, you'll be able to live the rest of your life the way most CAN'T. It's not a matter of whether you can or can't its a matter of whether you WILL or WONT." Find a business opportunity that  you are comfortable with, find someone you are comfortable working with and start accomplishing your goals. Start to Let your Light Shine!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

P.S. If you are still looking for a way to Be Famous Online Too with blogging, get access to this video. You'll see actual stories of real people (previously struggling to be famous online) who are well.... let's just say.... famous now!  (before you click this link, make sure to grab a piece of paper to take notes after you have access)

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I think you’re doing it right. I wouldn’t mix your Rep and RTA businesses. Those are separate opportunities that need to be marketed separately. The key is going to be content. Keep posting content that will engage people, ask questions, and post content that people will want to share. Particularly in travel, several of our vendors have Facebook pages with videos and photos you can reshare on your page. With non-profit fundraising in particular, Carnival has a great fundraising program that I doubt many people know about. How about putting together a group to raise funds for the church youth group? Maybe a marriage encounter with the pastor? Then, ask them to share photos of their trip and recap how much money was raised for the youth group. Get testimonialsand post them on your page letting everyone know you are their travel professional of choice. Another way to help grow your page, make sure that you’re telling your clients about it. When you meet newly engaged couples, tell them to connect on your Facebook page. (If you have some current clients with honeymoon registries, ask them for an engagement picture to announce on your page and tell people about their registry.) There are so many things that you can do. Get creative. Don’t be afraid to start conversations. One more, if you know any area RTAswho have pages, ask them to help you get the conversation going by responding on your page, and then you do the same for them. Sometimes if you can just get a few of your friends talking, the conversation will follow from potential customers. I hope this helps you Gordon! Just remember to have fun!”

Click here and get started today.

Thank Bob and Shirley
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