The Cost of Not Pursuing Your Passion

So many of us are unhappy and unsatisfied with how we are managing our lives. Though most of us are grateful for the ability to have an income during this tough economic season, I believe the #1 desire is to do what you love to do. A great percentage of time and energy is directed toward doing alot of busy work. Unfortunately when that's the case, we have no say so in the qualty of life for 7-12 hours of the day. That's a whole lot of time doing what you know doesn't offer satisfaction.

Operating in your passion is the most important thing you can do in life, because it causes something on the inside of you to bubble up. You feel euphoric. You're motivated, inspired and built up and you have a feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day, not dread that you got through it.

So what occurs when you are not connected to your passion?

  • You have no joy. It's all over your face.
  • You lose your sharpness.
  • You take less risks in life because you don't see the benefit of going against the grain.You become comfortable with where you are and what you're doing. You have found a way to be comfortable even though you are unhappy, joyless and unmotivated.
  • You miss out on opportunities to reach people with your gifts and talents. You're not changing lives. At the end of the day, you should ask yourself,"whose life have I changed today?"

You know I can list more, but I think you get the message. We were not created to live this way. I've found that people who are passionate about life are:

  • Productive daily.
  • They are not afraid.
  • They follow their calling, take risks, and see challenges as opportunities to expand.
  • They are in synch with who they really are and it's revealed in what they say, do and think.

Until you discover your core DNA, you are living a life of mediocrity. Take intentional steps to do the great things you were meant to do. You owe it to yourself!



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