It is my pleasure to introduce to you our PeopleWhoProsper Feature Entrepreneur, Janét Aizenstros. Her story speaks for itself but in a nutshell let me say, WOW. This woman has had some hard times yet has triumphed to become a successful founder, CEO and executive producer of her own radio talk shows. She is the founder of JAOM (Janét Aizenstros Omni Media). Her motto is "helping women be the change, they want to see." JAOM offers several programs which include coaching and wealth management services and radio talk shows, among many others.  Being a licensed life coach, Janét explains, "My primary focus is to teach the fundamental principles of mind, health and wealth from a holistic perspective. She shares more in her interview with me about how she has PROSPERED. Enjoy!

1.Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

I am the founder and CEO of JAOM (Janét Aizenstros  Omni Media), which is dedicated to the empowerment and advancement of women worldwide. As an award-winning entrepreneur, internationally recognized writer and radio host, I enjoy teaching women how to achieve the level of success they aspire to attain. My dedication to changing lives has truly motivated other women to capture their visions and dream beyond their current circumstance.

The vision of JAOM is "helping women be the change, they want to see." Well, I am definitely a living testament to self-healing and transformation. After, drastically changing my mind, health and wealth in 2010, I have made it my life's mission to seeing other women achieve the level of success they so aspire to attain.

Through my business savvy and charismatic personality, I've taken my extensive  corporate credentials and are lending those same principles to building my online empire. JAOMONLINE.com is an online platform for women who are "the first to acquire the best" and residence to Editorial  M.O.M, Life Masters Now Success Coaching, Masters Now Wealth Management Group, Masters Now Wealth Mastermind, I am...Janét, Women's Movement Radio Network,  and additional services to further the empowerment of women.  The primary focus of all these program is to instill the importance of three vital components to having a successful business; by creating a solid mindset while achieving great health and secure wealth creation.

I am a licensed practitioner of the Law Of Attraction.  I received my certification under Dr. Joe Vitale (featured in the film The Secret). My primary focus is to  teach the fundamental principles of mind, health and wealth from a holistic perspective.

I've  partnered with many leading international companies to offer women the opportunity to learn how to achieve the Positive Feeling Frequency™, which I  describe in detail in my upcoming book Live Free.

"I want women to know how to master their mind, time and finances.  My desire is to see women succeeding in every aspect of their lives, so they will know what it really feels like to live free and on their own terms."

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

In September 2010, I had a miscarriage, a close family friend the same age as me died -- leaving behind a 9 month old child and my ex-husband's best-friend, his daughter (age 5) was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia.  All of these events happened on the same day.  I decided I could no longer go on living unhappy.  I didn't start my business right away but I began working on myself, my spirit.  I remember a few weeks later sitting in my kids playroom by myself asking G-d how does He take a heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh again."  Later, that year I was introduced to a network marketing business that gave me the start-up capital to start my business. However, I didn't want to build a network marketing business.  I started reading books and taking courses.

Then I had an Aha moment! In the midst of it all I started a small blog talk radio program called Mommypreneur. I started marketing it to other women network groups overseas because my network marketing business [helped me] capture [an] international audience. I began trying to launch Mommypreneur here in North America but it didn't capture an audience the way I thought.  While, doing the program, women began inquiring if there was an online outlet they could contact me.  I had a blog but I really didn't use it consistently.  I started writing business articles and I became bored because it reminded me of when I worked in corporate.  One night, I started going through my emails and noticed all the emails were relationship based from moms around the world.  Now, I couldn't understand why they would be asking me about relationships because I never spoke about relationships in my program and especially my own. If I did, many would have known I was separated and going through a divorce.  I woke up in the middle of the night and it came to me.  RELATIONSHIPS!!  I spoke to my coach about my apprehension about talking about relationships and she shared that I could relate to women [in] all walks of a relationship.  She showed me how I had been single, married, mother, separated and eventually divorced. I never thought about it that way. I decided I wasn't just going to create another relationship blog, it would have to be reflective of me.  I am honest about who I am with my audience which is why I feel so many women have contacted me. I use my intellectualism mixed with my love of pop culture to convey my message. JAOM is to be an online lifestyle site.  I talk about everything that is me...life, love and lifestyle.  All I did was blend who I am with my existing businesses.  I ended the Mommypreneur program but I have rebranded it under Moms Movement Radio.  My blog gave me a diversified audience that I am happy to receive fan mail from daily.  Also, I've heard claims that it's followed by certain celebrity moms, whether it's true or not I embrace it all.  I make my living at being me, there is no greater feeling than that.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

No sleep! LOL  Seriously, I have alway had exceptional time management + great organization skills + diligent consistency with lots of meditation. lol  This is my remedy for success.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

I currently do not have a mentor.  I do have a good support network though.  I am a natural self-motivator but I do need support on the challenging days.

5. What would you tell someone getting started in your line of business but does not know how to get started?

I [would] tell anyone wanting to be in this line of business to know what they believe. What you believe has the ability to hinder your progression or propel you into your destiny. The main reason women contact me at Life Masters Success Coaching is [because]  I am authentically myself.  Anyone who has followed or read my I am...Janet blog knows that.  I intentionally expose myself showing women, that instead of hiding behind walls of masked insecurity...it's ok to be vulnerable.  I believe in the Taoist quote of Lao Tzu where he states, "I show my weakness to show my strength."  I believe it takes a strong person to allow themselves to be vulnerable with one's self and more so in a public format.  Truthfully, many people deny themselves this luxury because they are afraid of being judged.  However, [what] I would like to share is if you look at the most successful people of influence in our culture their lives are living testaments of living intentionally exposed of one's insecurities.  Truthfully, it's our older ideologies that keep people bound in their destructive mindsets.  Regret, judgment, emotions of this nature create a counter reaction that systematically institutes people walking around feeling confined in their own lives.   This new year, I plan on teaching a series of how to Live Free.  Free beyond your inhibitions, mental limitations.  Really helping people to understand and stop worrying about judgment.  Teaching them the ability to just live. Live in the moment and be in the moment.

What you should know about me is my movement extends far beyond just helping women...it's about liberation.  Real liberation.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

Don't let anyone put limitations on you.  Some people told me that being myself wasn't going to be good enough or no one would be interested in what I had to say.  Well, I am sitting in a really great place now.  I am living free. Free of my inhibitions, free of my personal insecurities. I wish everyone could live this emotionally free.

I want to thank Janét  for sharing her inspirational story with us. You can connect with her online at www.jaomonline.com/get-in-touch.  Fill out the form leaving a brief message and she will respond to all emails within 48 hours. You can also find Janét at www.jaomonline.com for speaking engagements, business consultation and mentorship.


Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on PeopleWhoProsper.com email Tamara@garrisonprosperitysolutions.com. Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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Subscribe Today!5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life Through Your Actions and AttitudeThis article is dedicated to the winner within YOU.Main Principle Mindset: Everyday that we Wake, ...we WIN!Given this wonderful and awesome feeling, it is up to each one of us to maintain this uplifting positive attitude that, in turn, direct us through our daily journey within this beautiful universe. Oftentimes, our words and self-talk serve as the root of our thoughts which in turns impacts our actions, those actions that cause us to maintain the winning attitude or, allow others and/or situations to take it away.Unconsciously we sabotage our own efforts to maintain the Win everyday. (Yes!...WE allow this to happen) This can be corrected immediately by making a conscious choice to keep failure at bay and to maintain that Winning Attitude regarding both our personal and professional interactions and goals.Failure is not fatal but it can be avoided when you take the necessary steps to ensure your success. Here are a few pitfalls to navigate around.1. Have a plan - Winging it doesn’t always work. In fact, if you are serious about your goals, winging it is never a good idea. Map out a strategy for getting your goals met. Now, just because you write it down doesn’t mean it is set in stone. Plans change but without one, you never really know where you are going or will end up.2. Set deadlines that you can meet - The point of setting a goal is to achieve it. The goal itself might not be easy but it can be realized if you break it down into steps. Unrealistic timelines introduce the possibility of failure into the equation. Let’s say that you want to learn to swim. Giving the goal three weeks is not going to cut it. In fact, when the deadline comes and you still can’t swim, you might just give up.3. Choose your goals for yourself - Sometimes we pursue certain goals because of someone else. It is their desire to speak French or climb a mountain but we take it on for whatever reason. If the desire to achieve is not there, neither will be the success. Lack of a motive for your goals will stop the train every time.4. Don’t do it alone - No man or woman is an island. You interact with people each day. If you are having trouble achieving a goal, ask for help in the way of support. It is hard to reach the finish line when no one is cheering for you. Find the support and resources you need for success and use them.5. Face your fears - As weird as it sounds, there is a fear of success that is going around. If you achieve this one goal, everyone will expect bigger and better things. Even if that’s not true it is the mindset of someone who fears failure. Instead of concentrating on the goal at hand, they worry about future goals that are still floating in the ether. When fear strikes, tell yourself that you will only think of the current goal and not a future that is not reality.Have you met with failure and disappointment in the past when it comes to achieving your goals? Look at the above list and see if any one of these points derailed your goals. If so, deal with the problem and get back on track.Your Life, Your Goals, Your Desires, Your Dreams...then it's Your Responsibility! A person or situation (i.e. recession) CAN NOT define you....WITHOUT Your Permission.

V. Ivana Foster, The Confidence Architect-"Realizing Beauty, Confidence and Dreams from the Inside Out."The North Star Life Empowerment Program(TM), Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven DivasLike to Learn More? Attend the next FREE Teleseminar in The North Star Life Empowerment Program Conference Center.Choose Your Level of Investment and Commitment to Begin to Live Within Your Purpose and Passion.
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