War (2)

From the Widow of A Soldier...

A Poem By Randa Manning-Johnson


Left Behind in disbelief and in a state of confusion.

This couldn't be happening.  It's just all an illusion.

We just talked, exchanged emails, you were coming home soon.

Never imagined in a box, draped with a flag, under the cover of the moon.

Can't help but wonder if you suffered...was it quick?  I hope you felt no pain.

While still trying to hold it together, in hopes of not going insane.

The kids still need me, so it's required that we go on.

But there's no way to erase the pain of a loved one that has passed on.

Now living second to second, when before day by day.

Trying to smile through the tears in a room filled with grey.

But I can take pride in the memories that seventeen years can bring,

And Thank God for the Gift of You, our Children and the Honor of wearing Your Ring.

It's been tough adjusting to a New Life for which I had no plans.

But I can honestly say that with God, I am in good hands.

The kids are doing well, God protects them that way.

But for me it's a little different...This was a huge price to pay.

Although this could be considered a horrible situation.

I can easily find the good because of my Biblical Foundation.

And one thing I can Always hold Dear to My Heart,



Dedicated to my husband Stacy O. Johnson, First Class Petty Officer USN, who died during his final deployment to the middle East.  Ten days after his birthday and two months before his scheduled return home.



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The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Corinthians 10:4). I was thinking of that scripture and started contemplating "warfare." Oftentimes we think of a full frontal attack when we hear war. We may imagine illness, financial troubles, death of a loved one or many other scenarios. Yet I think that the warfare is often more subtle, crafty, and insipid. Strong holds are a wall of thoughts. If our weapons were meant to destroy the physical attacks around us, why were they (weapons) designed to destroy thoughts? Perhaps it's not the attack itself, but how the attack affects our thinking. If we enter into warfare and lose a battle, do we begin to think differently about God? Any doubt will delay the manifestation of our promises from God, and if you were the enemy wouldn't you be trying to change our thinking about God? The warfare is battled in our mind.
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