thoughts (6)

Will Smith Going Beyond Acting

Will Smith is known for many things, actor,husband, father,business man, and more.Now, he adds life philosophy to his resume. Take a listen to these powerful insights. If you are NOT making someone else life better than you are wasting your time. I want my life to mean something, I can create whatever I want to create.Thoughts are physical. Well go ahead and listen for yourself!
You have to listen to Will Smith Truths Click here to get paid for viewing videos
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Insight into Failure - Could This Be You?

In the past, I have joined many MLMs and have failed! Yes! I failed! I spent more money than I made and more time than I should have by staying when clearly I was not ready for the business opportunity.What I realized only recently, after joining an awesome MLM organization, is that I did not fail because the business opportunities were not good. The products were really great, and I loved them and believed in the company.The reason I failed at MLM was I was not ready for the business opportunity! What I mean by this statement is this:* I did not believe in myself* I did not believe in my own ability to succeed* I had low self-esteemI had all kinds of fears:* Fear of failure* Fear of rejection* Fear of not succeeding* Fear of making mistakesThese kinds of thoughts or mindsets will sabotage any great opportunity that presents itself to you. I have come to learn over the years that you have to be ready before opportunity knocks. If you are not prepared, and you go into a business opportunity or even a job opportunity, you will fail, become negative, frustrated, and you will eventually give up and quit.Success and financial freedom does not just happen. You have to prepare for it so that when it comes you will be able to not only handle it, but you will be able to maintain what you have obtained while you reach for new levels of success and opportunities.Toxic core beliefs (mindsets/thought patterns) need to be identified and detoxed from your thinking. If you do not, they will pollute and corrupt every thing you attempt to do. Your toxic thoughts or core beliefs will cause you to sabotage your own efforts to succeed and experience financial freedom. This will eventually cause you to experience a cycle of failures that can go on for a lifetime, if not dealt with.It does not matter how much positive affirmations or faith confessions you make if your core beliefs are rooted in negativity and unbelief. You will always move in the direction of what you truly believe. Have you ever heard the saying, “People say one thing and do another?” What you actually do or do not do is all predicated on what you really believe about money, business, success, people, the world, etc.The best way that I know of to identify or discover what you really believe (your core beliefs) is to become aware of what you are saying to yourself. The best time to do this is when you are under pressure or you are experiencing adversity in your life. What do you say to yourself when you make a mistake? How do you feel when someone says no to your opportunity? Do you call yourself negative names or put yourself down?Keep a journal to document your answers. When a difficult or challenging situation arises in your life, how do you respond? In your journal document the following: (1) What was the situation/circumstance (your trigger). 2) Write your response. 3) How could you have handled it differently? 4) Change the negative core belief to an empowering one. Confess or speak them over yourself daily, especially early in the morning and just before going to bed. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell it to yourself until you believe it. This is a way to renew or reprogram your subconscious mind.Great opportunities happen when preparation and opportunity meet! Decide what it is you want and what it take to get it. Then be willing to prepare and do whatever it takes! Remember this: failure is not fatal nor is it final; giving up on your dreams and goals is!Author: Yvonne Carson, M.Div., MA, MFT is the author of several e-books: The Courage to Change: Healing from Emotional Wounds that Bind You (An Interactive Workbook for Healing and Restoration); Wisdom and Life Lessons from the True Vine; Whatever You Seed You Will Receive: 50 Power-Packed Personalized Faith Confessions. Her books can be purchased at
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The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Corinthians 10:4). I was thinking of that scripture and started contemplating "warfare." Oftentimes we think of a full frontal attack when we hear war. We may imagine illness, financial troubles, death of a loved one or many other scenarios. Yet I think that the warfare is often more subtle, crafty, and insipid. Strong holds are a wall of thoughts. If our weapons were meant to destroy the physical attacks around us, why were they (weapons) designed to destroy thoughts? Perhaps it's not the attack itself, but how the attack affects our thinking. If we enter into warfare and lose a battle, do we begin to think differently about God? Any doubt will delay the manifestation of our promises from God, and if you were the enemy wouldn't you be trying to change our thinking about God? The warfare is battled in our mind.
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Hey again everyone,It’s your girl QP here to talk to you about Secret #4: Bootleg Publishers exist, how to tell the difference!As a member of SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists, Writers Network) my boss gets monthly alerts on publishing companies going out of business, or just doing unethical things and are being sued. Every month there seems to be at least 6 publishers going out of business because of complaints from writers who have sent their manuscripts, sent money to be published, that sort of crazy thing.So, that has lead me to disclose this secret which sadly but not surprisingly, most writers don’t know: everything with publisher at the end of it does not make it a publisher. Here’s how you tell:Clue #1: If they ask for money when sending your manuscript they are bootleg. A legitimate publisher won’t and doesn’t need to be paid just to read your story.Clue #2: If they advertise in the back of a magazine, they are bootleg.Clue #3: If they request $3.00 for postage, shipping and handling for a response to your manuscript, they are bootleg.Clue #4: If they aren’t a member of any professional publishing organizations such as SPAWN, SPANNET, or PMA to name a few, they are bootleg.Clue #5: If they don’t have a website, they are bootleg.Clue #6: If they have email that looks like this:,,, they are bootleg. Legitimate publishing compannies have company branded #7: If you are presented with a 5 page publishing contract, they are bootlegged. The average publishing contract is at a minimum 10 pages long.Clue #8: If your book cover looks like the outside of a cereal box, they are bootleg.Clue #9: If you have to pay for all your books, including the “free ones”, they are bootleg.Clue #10: If you are paid in royalties of IOU’s, they are bootleg.Clue #11: If anytime you call the phone number for them and all you ever get is an answering machine or service, they are bootleg.Clue #12: If the only software they have to develop your manuscript into a book is MS word, they are bootleg. Legitimate publishers have top of the line publishing software. My boss has ADOBE CS3, which is the latest in publishing software.Clue #13: If you can’t find them on myspace, facebook, or gather, they are bootleg. Legitimate publishers understand the need and use for consumers to find them on all outlets. My boss in on all three and even SImon and Schuster is on Gather.When deciding to send out your manuscript to a publishing company, make sure you contact them first, talk to someone, ask if they have a website, a myspace page, a gather page, a facebook page, ask for their mailing address, office address, company email address, verify no money needs to be sent in order to hear a response or when you are sending your manuscript.Clue #14: If when you call them up, asking for these things and they are reluctant to give it to you, they are bootleg.Writer BEWARE!Until Publishing Secret #5QP Signing Out!
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A Nlitened Thought! 05/02/08

Strong and wealthy!Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume thatit is beyond the powers of man- but if anything is within the powersand province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also.[ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ]Adapted from Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra (New World Library,1993).Affluence of wealth means that one is easily able to fulfill one'sdesires, whatever they may be, whether they apply to the materialrealm, or to our emotional, psychological or spiritual needs, or tothe realm of relationship.A truly wealthy person's attention is never focused on money alone.Moreover, a wealthy person never has money concerns. You may havemillions of dollars in the bank, but if you think all the time aboutmoney, if you have concern about it, if you worry about it—aboutgetting more, about not having enough, about losing it—thenirrespective of the dollar amount you possess, you are poor.To have true wealth or affluence is to be totally carefree abouteverything in life, including money. True wealth consciousness is,therefore, consciousness of the source of all material reality. Thissource of all material reality is pure consciousness. It is pureawareness. It is the unified field. It is the field of allpossibilities. We cannot know this field just by thinking about itbecause, by definition, it is transcendental to thought. We can,however, have experiential knowledge of this field by transcending toit and knowing it intimately as our own nature.The best way to acquire knowledge of this field of pure being isthrough meditation.My Thoughts:The stronger your will the more apt you are to obtaining that whichyou desire most. Within you is the ability to achieve anything. Findstrength in your daily rituals/practices; meditation, breath work andphysical/spiritual exercise (Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong even Bellydance). You will bethat which you practice daily. Money can be the paper presence of theego, desiring more of it will only make room for a higher desire ofit. Live within your means, attain enough to help you functionpositively and create the level of true wealth you desire in yourmind first. Money is no great healer however your mind, body, souland spirit are!Love is….TL
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Welcome back,This week’s secret is a continuation from last week’s silly conversation with the caller. (If you need a recap, go to Secret #1)Writers have this crazy idea that they’ve written a book that deserves to be published. No! You’ve written a manuscript, a manuscript of a book hopefully to be published! In the publishing industry, contrary to popular belief they do not consider your book, a book until it is published! That thing you call a book is called a manuscript! At weekly meetings it’s Manuscript #205 or Manuscript BOW or whatever!In the publishing industry, a book is considered final. What you have written is not! It has yet to go through the final editing phase, if any editing at all! It has yet to have a cover designed for it; the book size decided; how it will be marketed, or who will print it. And we are missing the all important task of deciding who will publish it.My boss hates when people tell her they’ve written a book and when she asks who wrote it or where can she get it because it sounds good, they reply by telling her they wrote it, it’s not yet in stores, and that they are looking for a publisher. She always responds, “So, you’ve written a manuscript?” Not knowing what she’s talking about, they look at her funny eyed.So what do you do?Change your language, but more importantly, change your way of thinking!Remember, you have 7 seconds to make an impression. When you approach a publisher either in person or via writing, approach as follows:“I’ve written a potential book”“I’ve got a book idea, I’d love to pitch to you”“I’ve written a manuscript about xyz”Let’s repeat this again: You have 7 seconds to make a good impression. Approaching your potential boss correctly determines your next step career wise. it is the same for approaching a publisher. Remember, they get approached 500 times a day, mainly by clueless writers. Approaching them correctly is the difference between them actually taking your manuscript to read it or politely (and even in some cases) unpolitely, saying ”Thank you, but no thank you!”Let’s recap: Your book is not a book until it is published! We all know that’s your baby, but just like welfare doesn’t consider your baby a baby until it is born, the publishing industry doesn’t consider your book a book until it is published!Sounds harsh! I know, but I told you that the truth was going to hurt!Until Secret #3QP Signing Out!
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