bbwo-expert (3)

PRICING STRATEGY TIP: Create the “Belief” factor for your ideal clients before selling to them. Don’t be the “Loomis Simmons” of your industry (remember that character of in Living Color, no? see the video and enjoy the laugh and learn something in the meantime). Simply creating a kick-butt product or program that you KNOW your client will love and hurrying to bring it to market is NOT the business. In fact a great product doesn't mean your client will buy...

What is more important then a great product to make your clients want to buy? Click here to watch the video and to read more...



Katrina is a Life & Business Strategist that helps women transform their businesses & unlock the profit potential by transforming their minds via ownership of the true value and purpose.  She has a gift for cutting through the BS so women create businesses that are spiritual total life experiences (that also makes money - #realtalk) Get her FREE Signature “Price to Profit (not panic) Kit” (valued at $500) plus her weekly podcast and “I only share with my tribe” truths and signature business building tools by signing up here. #getliberated


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You left your corporate job (or perhaps it left you) and you’re finally self-employed. You get to finally live your dreams of business ownership right. but do you have the right mindset? Are you still treating yourself like an employee of your own business? What are the 3 things you need to do to shift your mindset from thinking "paycheck to paycheck" to thinking like a real employer?

When I said "that's IT" from my last corporate layoff (yes I had 2) I was ready to embrace self-employment head-on. I had clients almost immediately and had replaced my corporate salary and then some. BUT

I was overwhelmed, I didn't know know to set boundaries with my clients, I felt like I had to "earn" every penny they paid me. I was  "crackberry" addict (my Blackberry stayed on 24/7 literally. I spend 40+ hours on client work with little time to actually build my business. Despite the fact I had 15 years+ experience and a solid background in operations and systems. I was still struggling and overwhelmed. Even though I was my own boss, I was treating my business and my value like I was still an employee.

Listen to this latest podcast for the 3 things I learned about myself and my business that literally changed the course of my business.


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Multipassionate entrepreneurs often suffer from this...Self-competition - doing WAY too much in your business or having so many visions and passions that it's difficult and challenging to know exactly what to focus on - where and when to ask for help and how to really impact change with your work. What is the key "thing" you MUST know and understand if you desire your visions to truly manifest into real impact?

I'm excited to introduce my new PODCAST show "Liberation Conversations with Katrina" discussing a issue I struggled with for YEARS in my business. The issue that caused me to start a business on Monday and by Friday I'd be "on the next". Or to start a project and then find myself completely overwhelmed (and underperforming) because I was doing waaaay too much and not delegating properly. I got the wake up call and in this podcast I reveal the "thing" we must all do to be both effective and sane. The truth revealed here may ruffle a few feathers and be uncomfortable to hear but often the truth isn't comfortable, but it's always necessary if you intend to grow.

Listen to this podcast, then leave me your thoughts, comments. Do you agree with me? Disagree? Are you challenged in your own business with "Self-competition?"

Until next week


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