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Motivational Messages from featured BBWO Blogger: Julie Williamson


Are You In Harmony?
HARMONY: When I am in harmony, paired with peace and grace. I get a feeling of serene and effortless binding elements that brings forth happiness. How did you awake this morning?--JW 3/29/13

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Choose to Chase Your Passions

I've learned many things over the years but one thing I always remember is never to chase money. If you choose to Chase Opportunities...Chase Experiences and Chase Your Passions, the money will follow. --JW

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If you want forgiveness, you must first be forgiving. If you want understanding, you must first understand others. If you want to good people in your life, you must first be a sample of goodness. If you seek happiness, you must first find your peace. --JW

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BBWO Spotlight Member Blogger: Tanya Smith


Business Tips & Advice from featured BBWO Blogger: Tanya Smith


Eliminating Distractions 

One thing I hear solopreneurs talk about is how distracted we get from doing our day to day tasks - you know, the ones truly critical to reaching our goals. If that's the case for you, look at what you are tolerating. A great place to start?  Your email inbox. What things are you allowing to distract you? Continue Reading...

Editorial Calendars

Editorial calendars are a good way to organize how you will deliver your content. Without an editorial calendar you can fall into the trap of over-delivering in one period of time and under-delivering later on. You really don't want your content tripping over itself. What is an editorial calendarContinue Reading....

Business Recovery Lessons from Superstorm Sandy

So many people suffered from a superstorm that was born out of water, sand and wind. Sandy's latest stats spoke of killing an overall 161 people, including 92 in the United States.The aftermath of this storm has left literally hundreds of thousands of people without fuel, food, electricity, and prized possessions.....But there are lessons we can learn from the recovery following this devastating storm called Sandy. Lessons we can apply to life and our businesses, especially in times of loss. Continue Reading....

3-Day Detox

Getting yourself ready for that next step in your life and business. Watch Video

Have a Profitable Business in 2013

Here are 4 things to get right to make sure you are on that path. Watch Video

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Business Tips & Advice from featured BBWO Blogger: Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Top 4 Businesses to Start in 2013
2013 is just around the corner. And as we approach this time to declare a “New Year, New You”, this is a great time to do something new, do something different, and actually take the steps to start a business. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have specific education or thousands of dollars to invest in a business that will thrive and last beyond the dreaded 3 year failure mark. The following 4 business types are all businesses that have been deemed the “top” businesses to start in 2013 as their industries are growing. (Continue Reading)

I Quit!

Yup! I quit Garrison Prosperity Solutions,, EVERYTHING! Ok. No not really but I have felt this way before. Haven't you? Maybe on your job, in your life or in business. You get that feeling of frustration, worthlessness or failure and just want to quit. Give up. Move on to something else or maybe even nothing at all. You get tired of kissing your boss' butt, of the incoming bills, mortgage payments or even trying to find customers and attract people to your company. It all just gets to be too much sometimes. I completely understand this feeling BUT the people that get through it are the ones that become inspiring success stories. (Continue Reading)

How Blogging Can Make You Famous
According to, "The face of fame is changing". You no longer have to necessarily be a singer, rapper, actor, entertainer or even politician to be famous. As I'm sure you have seen, you can now be famous from as much as a silly video on YouTube to starting a really great charitable cause.One of the most popular, easiest ways to become online is to blog! Believe it or not, there are a few people who have become famous from blogging. (Continue Reading)

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Business & Blogging Tips from featured BBWO Blogger: Sylvia Browder


The Scoop on Marketing… 6 Tips for a Successful Business!
In business, marketing is the key to survival. Marketing takes a lot of planning, organizational skills, budget measures and timing. Proper planning and accountability measures will enable you to position your business for success. To ensure maximum ROI (Return on Investment) of your marketing plan, these are 6 tips for a successful business: Number 1 Update Your Marketing Plan (Continue Reading)


Top 5 Challenges Faced By Women In Business…and The Solutions!

Both career women and those in business have faced many obstacles in past decades and unfortunately, still today. Women in the workforce have battled glass ceilings, unequal pay for equal production and undeserved stereotypical barriers. As business prototypes have changed with the advent and growth of the internet, so have the unique issues encountered by women in business. Below are five of these challenges and solutions to overcome and achieve success. (Continue Reading)

5 Top Reasons Why a Website Is Beneficial for Business
If you are a small business and have not yet established an online presence, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to generate more revenue and profit for your company. As of early 2012, reports have shown that there were 2.4 billion internet users worldwide. The internet has become a great tool for buying and selling products and services, sharing files, communicating with friends and family, entertainment, education and many other activities. Many small businesses that acknowledge this fact have taken steps to build an online presence. Let us look at five top reasons why a website is good for your business. As a consultant assisting women in business in rural Southern Alabama, I regularly get asked, “Since my business is very small and I only sell my products or services locally, do I really need a website?” My answer is always the same… YES! If you are a business owner, you need to have an internet presence. Here’s why... (Continue Reading)

5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth
If you are like most women in business, you are looking for new strategies to stimulate growth. Whether solutions to better communicate or how to best manage employees, here are 5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth: #1:Expand thru Alliance Partnership. An extremely effective strategy for expanding your business is by forming an alliance with non-competitive companies. This gives you an instant marketing presence in front of potential clients. Do you know other companies to whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to find who they are and how you can team up and benefit from each other. (Continue Reading)

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Business & Blogging Tips from featured BBWO Blogger: Tamyka Washington

Creating a Business Blog with Purpose and Influence
There is no mystery behind the reason why so many small businesses have chosen to build a blog for their business. It is proven that having a business blog is a highly effective way to build your presence online, establish your brand and if developed properly, allow you to earn a generous stream of income.However, it is much easier said than done, wouldn’t you agree? (Continue Reading)

6 Success Habits of a Business Blogger

Entrepreneurs and small business owners who are creating their brand online, know that blogging for business is in fact, serious business. There are a number of things that set a business blogger apart from the average blogger, with one recognizable difference being that the business blogger’s BLOG, is a business of its own. Here are 6 Success Habits of a Business Blogger (Continue Reading)

Building an Engaged and Loyal Audience
You have this vision. You have an idea. You know that if you could just get in front of the right people, you can seriously, change some lives. You even know that what you’ve got has value, and if enough people know about it, your life would be so different. The reality is, doing business online is not as easy as the experts make it sound. You know in order to reap the rewards of your labor, you’ve got to build an audience. But, not just any audience, an engaged and loyal one. You’re no dummy, you know building this audience is going to take time and effort. You realize that there has to be order, a process to making it happen. That all takes time. So you start to wonder, what should I do in the meantime? (Continue Reading)

Are you generating traffic with your blog?
I know many of us have blogs for our business and have the hopes of generating traffic and increasing exposure for our business. At the same time, there are still a lot of us who are trying to blog to promote a business but not having much success.For me, I find that producing regular posts on topics my readers want helps to drive traffic to my blog. I also generate a large amount of traffic from posting my content in the Facebook groups I belong to. So my question is, Are You Generating Traffic with Your Blog and if so, please share what it is you are doing to obtain success. (Continue Reading)

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