blessed (2)

I Am...

Remember when you were a kid and you had big dreams and an imagination to create the person you wanted to be when you grew up.  Some of us wanted to be actors, dancers, teachers, doctors, inventors, the list is endless.  Whatever happened to those dreams, did you pursue them and become the person God created you to be or did your life steer you towards a much different path.At this very moment in your life are you the person you want to be?  Are you happy and content with the direction your life is headed?  Are you satisfied with your career, your health, your finances, your relationships?  What about your happiness, your joy, your overall life?  If you answered yes to all these questions, your life is blessed.  But for the rest of us, there may be a little life adjustment that needs to take place.  At any given moment, your have the power to control and direct your life to whatever outcome you desire. You can accomplish this by changing the way you think.  Switch your thoughts from focusing on the negative around you to all that is positive within yourself and that which surrounds you.  Start to fill your mind with the person you want to become.Here's what I would like you to do:Grab your favorite journal and if you're like me, you have a favorite pen too!At the top of the page write, I Am...Now, begin to list the awesomeness that is already you and the fantastic person you desire to be.I Am...I Am a beautiful personI Am generousI Am lovedI Am a faithful servantI Am a healthy womanI Am happyI Am so blessedI Am inspiredCelebrate the woman that you are with the I Am's that are currently you and the I Am's that you desire to become.  Read and focus on your list everyday, say them aloud and believe that you are every beautiful element you have listed and watch a powerful increase take place in your life.With Love and Gratitude,The Black Woman's Rule Book
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Happy New Year to BBWO

I hope everyone had a great year in 2009, and I wish all you ladies the BEST in 2010!!!! I have been mia on the net for the past 7months. I have been Blessd to continue my education so that has been my main focus. I know there are some of us who juggle everything that's going on in their lives on one plate, but I had to find out that my health is important too. So I have decided to put my social marketing online on the back burner so to speak. My education is very important to me. Im so proud to be 40 (mistaken for 30 lol), and back to getting the education I've always wanted (God is so good!!! ). I also have been getting closer to God and learning that I don't have to do things to please others to make myself feel good. If ppl don't like me for who I am then they are not the people for me. I will find a real true husband not in my time but in Gods time. I can see that 2010 is going to be a great year for me, even though in 2009 some doors closed right in my face, so many windows opened up for me too. I am a Black Woman who loves life, and I love sharing my experiences with people just to let them know that everything is going to be alright if they just trust and have faith. Life for me is not all about how much money/friends I have. For me life is alll about how happy I am.Im going to hit the books after posting this blog, and just continue to Be Blessed. Oh and just because Im getting closer to God and Im all about pleasing the Lord this does not make me a "RELIGIOUS" chick so please don't get it twisted. I don't need people sending me all kinds of scriptures or telling me how much God loves me I already know these things. God and I have our relationship just like you may have your relationship with the Lord it may not be the same. But I don't want to get into that because that would take up too much time. I just ask that you respect me. Thanks in advance. Much Success to you all in 2010!!!!!Everyone Stay Blessed :)DawnW
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