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Are YOU the Common Denominator?

Often times I hear it said by man ythat they feel like everyone around them is out to harm them. I also see these same people, continue to exhibit self destructive and non constructive behavior. They are unable to maintain any healthy relationships. They are insecure and they seem to find joy in the act of self pity. They struggle with forgiveness and are unable to accept the blame for many of the wrong turns that they have taken in life.

So, again I ask… Are YOU the Common Denominator?

It is imperative that we take an extensive look at ourselves on a regular basis to establish what type of person we would like to project ourselves to be. Do you want to be someone who lives a lonely and destitute life, lacking of true friendship, true happiness and the knowledge of self worth? If you answered NO to any of these questions, there is help. But it starts with you. 

Once you realize that you have the power to change these obstacles, then and only then can you begin to change them. It is absolutely necessary to remove the blinders from your eyes, the plugs from your ears and the hardness from your heart. 

The world is not out to get you, It is not everyone else………the Common Denominator is YOU!!

If you have a problem with keeping friends……..There is a reason!

If you have a problem maintaining healthy relationships…..There is a reason!

If you can’t seem to find true joy in your life……There is a reason!

If you find yourself isolated……..There is a reason!

First you must find the root of the problem and then you can trim the dead leaves and branches and establish a healthier life that grows better with time! 


Don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed. We can’t do it all on our own!!

Stop being the Common Denominator!!


Randa Johnson

"Helping You Brand the Best You"



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Are You a Microwave or Are You an Oven?

When the going gets tough...the tough gets going, right? At least that is what I have always been told. Unfortunately I rarely get to witness it. It has become evident that most people don't really have what it takes to press on and persevere through the storm. But for those of us that do, it can be extremely rewarding.We live in what I would consider a microwave society. We want everything fast and with little to no effort. We have developed a sense of entitlement that leads us to believe that we don't have to work hard to be rewarded. We want rewards and accolades to be easily attained. We have lost sight of all the hard work and dedication that goes into reaching our goals and having the lives of our dreams.Think about it....everything that you have ever had that was worth keeping did not come to you overnight..did it? For mothers, it took nine months to finally be able to receive that bundle of joy. For those with college degrees, it took years to achieve those ranks. Not many can say that they are a "true" overnight success. Easy come...Easy go!! When we work hard for our rewards, we are much more apt to take better care and have a greater sense of pride.For those looking for true success in life and in your business, know that it does not happen overnight. You must put in a great amount of work and dedication. There will be sacrifices that you must make and the transition will not be comfortable. Take massive action for an extended amount of time.Don't put your life in the microwave and expect it to come out perfect...Put it in the oven and let it cook slowly and consistently. The finished product will be much more appetizing!!


Randa Johnson "Helping You Brand the Best You"






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