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FREEDOMPEOPLE Magazine was created to elevate and inspire. We have focused our mission on doing what is best for people to try to enrich the life's of each of our readers and all people in the urban communities, by providing a excellent publication that is greatly needed in the coming days. Many forget what entertainment means, when it is just that: Entertainment. What you spend most of your days listening to or watching on TV. But what's on TV is just that; Reality TV, NOT Your reality.FREEDOMPEOPLE Magazine will be a very valuable influence in the world because we can relate more to our reader's then what they see on TV or read in other magazines therefore, our reader's will trust in what we provide to them in each and every issue! We know that by providing our readers with the necessity of knowledge they need; they will become better human beings with a better, clearer conscious of the "Real Picture" so to speak. We have focused our vision in, FREEDOMPEOPLE Magazine, to teach our readers what we think is the best "entertainment" for our community and our younger generation growing up in the world!Please visit our website and SUBSCRIBE!
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