I remember hearing about network marketing and immediately thought “scams” where it was to good to be true. I held on to that for years. I recently began researching companies that came out with products that appeared to be good. I found many had a lot in common in there approach. I would like to share some of that information with you because when you are uneducated you can make costly mistakes or fail to see when a reputable company comes along.I use to cringe when folks would attempt to aggressively recruit me because of my position with people. It was difficult for me to say, NO because I wasn’t armed with information. My past experience as an educated has proved to be key when dealing with people about products and services.RED FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!NOW IS THE TIME!ASK FOR LARGE AMOUNT TO GET IN!NOT LISTED OR DOESN’T HAVE A GOOD RATING *BBB or Direct SalesONLY THE FOLKS ON TOP GET PAIDCOMPENSATION PLAN NOT SOLIDUSES AGGRESSIVE SALES TACTICSTREND PRODUCTWhen you see these types to things you need to stay away from these ideas because they can get you in a lot of trouble with those you bring into the business and those you sell to.GREAT INDICATORS!!!!!!!!GREAT PRODUCT OR SERVICESMALL START UP COSTSOLID COMPANYGREAT COMPENSATION PLANFOCUSES ON TEAM BUILDINGOFFERS TO ALL *meaning products can be for entire household*NO TERRITORY ISSUESYOUR EFFORTS COUNT TOWARDS YOUOFFER GREAT TRAININGANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME TO JOINIf you see these kinds of offers and can prove them you have just found a solid network marketing company that can yield you anywhere from 500-10,000 month. In the business that I am in people approach me all the time about joining their teams. I can’t take the risk of getting caught up in a company that will not be around. I encourage you to do your research before you jump in.I have been afforded the opportunity to be a part of two great companies like Prepaid Legal and Arbonne International. Please research both companies and you will find they are solid and have great compensation plans.Please call me if you have any questions @901-553-8901or email me sharenrooks@gmail.com
This is what you get when you "TELL IT" All RVP get a FREE white Mercedes with Arbonne.
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