Posted by Narda Goodson on January 27, 2009 at 7:36pm
There are “wildflowers” that grow in their natural state rather than being cultivated in the parks or gardens, yet, they tell of the splendor and brilliance of God’s glorious design. While not all “wildflowers” are bad, God has placed them in unique places, i.e. highways and by-ways, meadows, pastures, and fields. Remarkably, they can also be found in remote and secluded territory.The Lily of the Valley is a type of believer that grows in the deep and difficult places of life. This serves as a reminder that others have gone before us, yet, they were able to develop, blossom, and mature during their demanding seasons. It also serves as an indication of God’s power to keep us during our personal wilderness and valley experiences and an amazing glimpse that beauty can be seen even in the most unpleasant circumstances.Are you like a wildflower? Can you, through the rigid conditions of life’s journey, develop, blossom, and mature to your full potential? Do you permit the power of God to flow through you even when things are grueling, strenuous, and testing? Can you grow “anywhere” God chooses to plant you? Finally, the most challenging question, can you allow the brilliance of your life to shy away and go to seed when it is over? For he that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it (Matt. 10:39).Our “wildflowers” should be God’s gift of uniqueness that conveys and radiates His love, grace, and strength in us for others. Psalms 2:1 says, He is the Lily of the Valley and the Bright and Morning Star. All of this can be seen in a “wildflower”.Tilt your heart towards the SON!Pastor Narda GoodsonFirst Lady of Whitewright, TexasOfficial Website:\Social Network: 2008 Gospel "PiLLs". All Rights ReservedRead more…
Monday, June 16, 2008Evaluate UCurrent mood: enlightened~TNGAs I stroll through my page and see some of the desperate women out there, I see why some men treat us the way they do. Not saying it's right, but if most of the women project that perception, then that's their reality. Some of the Default pics that you all have of yourself are degrading and desperate. One of the top things on a woman's "To Do List" of life is to be Happily married to the Man of their dreams. And some people's dreams are different. But for the chics that kept reading (and have some of the same values that I do) this far and didn't catch an attitude because of this blog, I am talking to you. I am in no ways the best at everything or a perfect person. I have fall short in many situations. But one thing I can definitely say is that I have learned lessons along the way. That's why I was lead to write this. Sharing positive and uplifting inspirations is just something I love to do.... Every situation in life we encounter is a Test. If you don't pass the test, you take the test again. If you never pass the test, you never grow into being a positive, mature, and productive individual. That's what We all need to understand. Half of the women & men on this wonderful networking resource, really are successful and trying to help others achieve that same goal. But some of the women & men have alterior motives. Their intention is to steal and destroy. A snake in the grass (whether it is a man or woman) gives major signs that they are no good. We just choose to ignore them. Whatever perception a person gives, is another persons reality. Someone told this girl I knew, that very same sentence. The energy you place out is the energy that comes back to you. Your character and reputation are constantly fighting a battle against each other (similar to your Flesh & your Soul). Your character weighs more because at the end of it all that is what will be judged. Reputation is what you do...and what you do follows you. Character is who you are and how you treat others. Some women are so thirsty and desperate for a man or for some attention, they don't realize what they are attracting and how they are killing themselves softly. Ladies, do a thorough Introspection of yourself. Evaluate you and your goals and what you want for your life. Until you evaluate you, your situation may never turn out in your favor.
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