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Nine out of 10 Americans look forward to receiving personal letters and greeting cards. Adding a personal touch to your greeting cards can make them even more special to the receiver.

Here are some tips for personalizing greeting cards:

  1. Write the person’s name or nickname, if appropriate on the inside of the card. Personalizing the card reminds them this card was sent just for them.
  2. For cards that already have a message inside, highlight the phrases that you want to stand out or hold special meaning. This is a great way to signify how the card personally applies to the receiver.
  3. Include your own words, something simple, such as, “I am not always great with words, but when I read this card, I thought of you.” The most personal cards are honest and heartfelt.
  4. Add a small gift inside. If your card is for a holiday or occasion, you can include a gift card to their favorite store to make the card a gift in itself.
  5. For business owners, send a series of greeting cards to make your message part of an ongoing conversation.
The importance of sending a greeting card, is that the receiver will know you took time out of your day to think of them. And as the quote says... People may not remember, what you did or what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.

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