promotion (42)

A chance to promote yourself...

10744104091?profile=originalOn July 26th, 2014, we will be putting on a play, entitled, "Somebody Else's Baby" at the Carver Military Academy, 13100 S. Doty Ave., Chicago, IL. from 6-8pm...there will be about 800 people in attendance. Here's your chance to tell them who you are and what you do...we are putting together goodie bags (marketing bags...) to hand out at the event. If you would like to promote yourself or your business, just send us your postcards, business cards, bookmarks, samples, etc....all we ask is that when you send the materials that you please include a donation for those individuals putting the bags together. Many of these people are young adults, individuals who have recently lost their jobs, or are struggling artists. Also, if you would like to be a vendor, there are 10 spots available...the spots are $50 until May 29th. If you are interested, please "inbox" me or email me at:
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Keeping in touch with your clients and prospects is crucial for your business. It can help maintain and enhance your current client relationship, and set the stage for developing business with new customers. Introducing greeting cards to your marketing strategy will enhance your bottom line in so many ways.. 

Repeat Business/Customer Loyalty: Tell current clients that you are thankful for their business  and support by sending them greeting cards. If you manage to make them feel respected and valued, this will encourage them to come back for more business.

Marketing and Referrals: Place some client case studies or testimonials inside your greeting cards. This kind of real life reference can make your clients believe that it is a right decision to choose your company. They will then suggest you to others.

Customer Appreciation: You would want your clients to think of you as more than just another vendor who cares about nothing but business. Express sincere wishes through your greeting cards to make them feel that they are more than just a customer. This will keep business coming through the door.

To set up an online system to stay in touch with current clients, prospect for new- consider using SendOutCards – online (from you PC, MAC, ipad or iphone) greeting card and gifting system.  SendOutCards – offers a wide variety to choose from and options to send postcards, 2 or 3 panel greeting cards, gifts and gift cards.  You can send one card or develop repeat campaigns to target all your clients.

For more information on how to implement a greeting card system into your follow up routine check out   Watch the short video on how others use this product, then send a Free card to someone. 

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by Rickey Johnson

ASA Instructor (


First an explanation ( now this is the simple version)

Ping is technical term used to describe how computer "speak" to each other.

To determine if a website is working (connected). A person "pings" that web address and translate the data received back to establish if a website is connecting.

OK enough techie talk.



I read this explanation for pinging on a blog ( interesting huh?)


The first question should be, WHY to ping a website?

Well, pinging is a way for search engines to update themselves quickly when you change your website content.

You want to ping a website after any big changes so that you can get that information to the search engines ASAP.

The quicker you ping, the quicker you get higher search engine slots and such.

Bloggers especially, should take heed, as they update frequently.


OK, now I will add my two cents ( and you might get change back)

People are using every "tool" they can to get people to pay attention to their information.

Blogging, ( writing an article in putting that information in a blog. LIKE RIGHT NOW) is one way to get people attention.

Yes, you are a BLOGGER, as soon as you write an article, and post it to your group site or blog site)


But, how do you get the blog websites  to pay attention to your blog?

You got it  PING!!!

Inexpensive, ( how about free?!) and requires no technical knowledge

ASA recommends, the ping service,,  as part of ASA member's promotion strategy. This service has been used by many and you know what websites you are "contacting"

There are other ping service available.

Some service do not show what site you are updating with your PING. You have to check for yourself. Most service will show which sites they are sending the ping to.

Check for yourself, which one(s), you think are more effective or even useful at all!!  Remember PINGING is just a tool.

Like any tool, it must be used correctly.

When post a article to your blog page ( you automatically are creating a blog page url ( web address) when you post). you should go ahead and use your ping service.

You are "telling" the search engines, " Hey over here!! I just added some fantastic information to my blog page and I want the world to know it!!".


You can wait until a search engine search happens and finds your update.


Notice , this article ( BLOG) can be located at

this address

Now, that is a long address ( most ping services will shorten that address when you submit).

Now, if I want someone to read this blog, I can send that address to them manually (email) or post to other blog sites, or social groups ( suggest you use a link shortening service  should you do that), or  a ping service,  and PING it!!!


I can do all of the above or none.


Again, you must determine what works best for you!

The great news is you have ASA members and membership benefits that can help you in your education and research.


Pretty cool, huh?

Ok, may this information been of benefit to you and business growth
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Online Promotion Plan

For the next few months this column will be dedicated to the newly published author. It will offer tips to help you promote your new book.

I can’t promise you a bestselling book, but I can promise you ways to get your name and book in front of readers.

As a new writer your time is very precious so you don’t want to wait to the last minute to try to come up with a promotion plan. I suggest you start planning six months before the release. This will give you a chance to do a little at a time and you won’t feel overwhelmed.

Take a moment to answer these questions and you will be on your way to creating your online promotion plan.

1. Is your book release or information about your book included in your email signature?

2. Do you own a site or blog?

3. Have you researched the sites/blogs that promote your genre?

4. Have you made of list of sites/blogs to introduce yourself to?

5. Have you written your introduction letter?

6. Have you sent out your letters to the sites/blogs?

7. Have you researched the online radio shows that promote your genre?

8. Have you created your list of online radio shows you want to be on?

9. Have you sent out your letters to the online radio shows?

10. Have you created at least five articles that focus on your books’ theme?

11. Have you researched forums that promote your genre?

12. Have you created your list of forums you want to be on?

13. Have you sent out letters to the forums?

14. Have you researched the online book clubs?

15. Have you created a list of online book clubs that promote your genre?

16. Have you sent out letters of intro?

17. Have you scheduled chats or skype chats?

18. Have you researched the online magazines that promote your genre?

19. Have you created a list of online magazines you want to be featured in?

20. Have you requested interviews from these magazines?

21. Have you researched their advertisement prices?

22. Have you created a budget for your online promotion?

23. Have you scheduled your online advertisement?

24. Have you decided if you would do a blog tour?

25. If yes, have you set up the blog tour?

Next month we will break down these questions to get you started on creating your plan.

Can’t wait to next month, contact me – I’m available for private online promotion coaching.

LaShaunda is the creator of SORMAG – Shades Of Romance Magazine. She has 11 years of experience on online promotion, most she learned from trial and error. She has taught workshops on online promotion and is available for private online promotion coaching.
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Online Promotion Plan Part II

Online Promotion Plan Part II

Last month, I asked had you started your online promotion plan. I know you’ve sat down and answered all the questions and now you’re ready to start setting up your plan.

Let’s get to the fun part, making sense of all the questions you answered.

1. Is your book release or information about your book included in your email signature?

Why is this important? Your email is something you use on a daily basis. This is the best form of free promotion you can have. You can be creative with it and you can change it up daily or weekly.

I will admit I’ve met many authors because of their email signatures. They announced their new book and that was all I needed to introduce myself to them.

The next step you want to take is to create a signature line for when you send out emails. You want the reader to take notice and hopefully click on the link and find out more about you.

What is a signature?

A signature is a mini bio. I've seen some introduce the author, some introduce a book, and some introduce a site. Only you can determine what you want on your signature.


Here's mine for SORMAG

LaShaunda C. Hoffman
Shades Of Romance Magazine Publisher

Sample Writer's signature

Shelia M Goss

Delilah & Savannah's Curse - IN STORES NOW

“Savannah’s Curse is an action- packed mystery with unexpected culprits. Sheila M. Goss brings readers a new side of her talent by entering a different genre. It is suspenseful with twists and turns that will keep readers turning pages. I recommend this book to others.” ~ Teresa Beasley, APOOO Book Club

There are a few rules when it comes to signatures, where you send them. If you're sending out an email to someone and not a list or forum, you're free to have as long of a signature as you like.

If you're sending a message to a list or forum, you have to make sure you know what their policy is on signatures. Some lists don't like a lot of promotion and will block your message or delete it if they think you're doing too much promotion.

I recommend keeping your signature to four lines. This gives you enough space to play with and most links and forums will give you that many lines.

For your signature you'll want:

Title of Book
Date of release
Website link (or 25 word or less blurb)

If you can html your signature, add a little color and hyper link your site, so the reader can click on and see your book or site.

Most email systems let you add signatures to your out going mail. Check out the options for your email.

See that wasn’t so hard. Your first question answered and you ready to start promoting.

Show us your email signature, leave your signature in our comment section.

Next month we will break down more of these questions to get you started on creating your plan.

Can’t wait to next month, contact me – I’m available for private online promotion coaching.


LaShaunda is the creator of SORMAG – Shades Of Romance Magazine. She has 11 years of experience on online promotion, most she learned from trial and error. She has taught workshops on online promotion and is available for private online promotion coaching.

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October is Small Business Month?

Okay, I was online networking and just found that October is Small Business Month. There is nothing happening here in Wisconsin for small businesses during this month so I decided to start the month of with promotions. WHY NOT?

I have scheduled a show on talk shoe to talk about C.K.Q. LLC and it's affiliates AND giving other business owners the opportunity to do the same.

So please join me and if you want to promote your business contact me at I am charging $2 if you want to have a chance to speak.$5 for promotion on the show and in the newsletter, BUT, I need to hear from you by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. The newsletter is being released tomorrow NOON CST.
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Nine out of 10 Americans look forward to receiving personal letters and greeting cards. Adding a personal touch to your greeting cards can make them even more special to the receiver. Here are some tips for personalizing greeting cards:


  1. Write the person’s name or nickname on the inside of the card. Personalizing the card reminds them this card was sent just for them.
  2. Highlight the phrases that apply or hold special meaning. This is a great way to signify how the card personally applies to your loved one.
  3. Write a heartfelt note inside the card. If you are not especially eloquent, write something simple, such as, “I am not always great with words, but when I read this card, I thought of you.” The most personal
    cards are honest and heartfelt.
  4. Enclose a meaningful photo. A special photo could be of the two of you or of someone or something else unique to your relationship.
  5. Add a small gift inside. If your card is for a holiday or occasion, you can include a gift card to their favorite store to make the card a gift in itself.
  6. Make your greeting cards a part of an ongoing conversation. Create a sequence in which each card you send tells part of a story and together they answer a question or reveal a hidden message.


Send Out Cards is an online greeting card and gifting system you can use to send postcards, greeting cards and tri-fold cards that can keep you in touch with your friends, family and loved ones- from the comfort of your home.


Take a look for yourself by sending a greeting card to someone special.   Mother's Day is just around the corner!

  Select option #2 at


And yes there's a free SendOutCards - APP for you ipad!


Take care stay blessed

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Greeting cards can be a great way to stay in touch with clients and generate more business.

If you haven’t thought of using greeting cards to bring potential customers to your door and to keep in touch with past and current clients, you should consider this strategy. These cards should be thought of as part of any successful marketing strategy, but they should NOT contain a hard-hitting marketing message all about you, your company, and what you have to offer. Rather, the intention here is to build the relationship with your clients, in order to develop a sense of customer loyalty by finding out what your customers needs & wants are, then providing solutions through use of your product or service.

Here are a few examples of several occasions during the year when sending a greeting card to a client is not only appropriate, but also beneficial.

Client birthdays
– If you happen to know the birthday of your main contact at a client’s company, be sure to put it on your calendar. Unlike major holidays, which are the same every year, it takes a little work to remember a client’s birthday. Acknowledging the day with a card is a thoughtful gesture that your client will be sure
to appreciate.

Thanksgiving – What better time to let a client know that you are thankful for their business, than at Thanksgiving? These cards don’t have to be anything fancy — just a high-quality, professional-looking card and a short, handwritten note thanking your client and letting them know that you appreciate their continued
Holiday time and New Year’s
– Although most of us think of this holiday in terms of Christmas, remember that not everyone celebrates it, and many people don’t think of it as a religious holiday. To avoid stepping on any toes, be sure to choose cards with a neutral greeting, such as “Happy Holidays.”

Another option is to send out New Year’s cards thanking clients for their business during the previous year, and wishing them prosperity in the coming year.
Fourth of July
– Independence Day makes a great mid-year excuse to send out greeting cards to clients; there are other summer occasions that you can choose to send a card if you’d prefer. Inside the card, you can say you hope their summer is going well, and let them know that you are available during the summer months. Since some people take off or reduce their hours during the summer, this can be a valuable way to remind your clients that you are still open for business and raring to go.
Anytime you haven’t heard from them in a while
– There’s nothing like a “Thinking of You” card to remind your clients of any projects they might need you for. Just like you, clients get busy and mentally move projects to the sidelines, but dropping them a line might get them thinking about them again.

As you can see, greeting cards offer a number of opportunities to keep in touch with clients in a thoughtful manner. Many clients truly appreciate the personal touch of receiving a card in the mail, and you will often find that your cards remind clients of purchases or projects they have been putting off but now need to think about.

For more information on how to incorporate postcards and/or greeting cards into your marketing mix, feel free to contact me. I offer a great line of handmade and online greeting cards. Check out click option #2 and send a free card. Or follow me on my blog at

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You want customer loyalty in your business. You want repeat business, yes? How about making your customers into valued friends? Showing concern and empathy for their situation? The more your able to treat your customers as friends, the more business they will want to do with you.
You’ll watch your profits soar.

Let’s go through 10 ways you can keep your customers coming back to you, time and time again. And you will no doubt make close, lifelong “friends” in the process.

1. Send Birthday Cards – Do you like to be remembered on your birthday? How about doing something really easy and sending birthday cards to your customers. Could you send a little gift with it? What
about a “special offer” coupon? Free tickets to an event.

2. Make “How’s thing’s going” calls regularly – Section out 15 minutes a day to call your customers for no other reason then saying ” Hi ______, I just called to see how things are going?” Have you ever called your customers to do that? Watch your customers appreciate you thinking of them. It makes them feel that you do care. If you want to have more business, do this regularly.

3. Send out small bags of jelly beans or candies - Could you include a bag of jelly beans, with a handwritten note on your next sale, with the note saying, ” I thought you may like these, they are my favorites.” Or a note saying “Here’s something for you to enjoy” Watch their eyes light up.

4. Send unexpected gifts – If you find an article, audiotape, or anything specific customers might be interested in,send it with a note saying ” I thought you’d enjoy this. I just finished reading it and
there are some interesting ideas here. Also, if you educate your customers they will send you more business.

5. Send Holiday Cards – What about sending a Holiday Card that is different then all the “others” your customers are getting? Make it UNIQUE and PERSONAL and DO NOT promote or ask for business when sending holiday or birthday cards. These should remain sincere and be all about the person you are sending it to, not about you or your business!

6. Send Thank You notes – Send Thank you notes for everything. When they pay their bills on time, every time they order from you, if they send a referral your way. Be sure and thank them for referring
business, coming to see you. Whatever you want more of, reward. It works.

7. Make Thank You calls - You should started making Thank you calls, A variation from the letters. Saying, “Hi ________, Just wanted to say Thank you for referring Mr. Smith to ABC Co.”

8. Give your customers recognition - Take a photo of your customers while they are in your business and send them a card with their picture in it. How about a photo and a testimonial? They’ll be flattered and
your business will increase. People love recognition.

9. Give your customer awards – Yes, you read that right. Have customers of the month. Send them a award certificate or even plaque. Dear _______, Just the other day I was going through my records and I
realized that you are one of the top (10,20,50,) customers. We really appreciate your business. That’s why I want to send you this “Top Customer Certificate” that is enclosed.ABC Company looks forward to
seeing you soon.

10. Hold seminars, breakfasts, lunches. If you want to give recognition to your customers and stay in touch, have monthly or quarterly functions for your customers. Have a speaker and an interesting topic. Dear _______, I would like to invite you to our “Special Customers” lunch. It will be held at ______ on ______. It’s FREE It’s our way of saying Thank you. etc…

Do not under-estimate the power of showing gratitude and appreciation for your customers. Treat them like GOLD and it will result in more GREEN for your business!

If you are looking for an easy and affordable way to send out cards & gifts to your clients and customers, Send Out Cards is a cost effective way to do this. Contact me for more info on this awesome customer-appreciation system! Visit my website or drop me an email and I can tell you more.

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Marketing a small business is not limited to print or online media. Using greeting cards in business is still a highly beneficial tool for marketing, promoting and most importantly to show appreciation to your clients.
REAL cards that come addressed, stamped and in the mail, not e-cards are proven effective in securing business relationships, creating referrals and can be used as a tool to generate sales. Unlike sales letters, greeting cards are appreciated and have less chance of ending up in the trash bins.

Some reasons to add greeting cards to your marketing plan-

Adding greeting cards create loyalty. A company that shows appreciation for their clientsis likely to have better business relationships in the long run. Show them that you do thank them for choosing you to provide the product or service they need by sending thank you cards.

Cards are easy to send any time of the year. Another advantage of usinggreeting cards is that you don’t even need special occasions to send them.

You can personalize them making the messages more sincere thus strengthening your relationship with them. You can also include a personal message about the recent product or service that you are promoting. Tell them that you want them to experience what you have to offer and any help that you can give them.

Using a online greeting card system like Send Out Cards can make it easy and affordable for you to send real, high quality cards on an ongoing basis to your customers to keep your business “top of mind” so that they will entrust their loyalty to you!

I extend an invitation to all of you to take a few minutes and send a thank you to your most recent customer or someone whose business you've been after.

Try Send Out Cards- online greeting card and gifting system. Visit my website at select option #2 OR for more information on how you can purchase this product contact me at

Thank you and stay blessed!

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Why Don’t People Send Out Cards?

Research shows that the average person only sends out about 10 cards per year. However the same average person has the need to send outabout 70 cards per year.

So why don’t they send them?

  • Its inconvenient to buy the card, write on it, post it.
  • Ít takes time, which people often don’t have.
  • It’s expensive
  • And people forget or don’t get around to it!

If there was a system that was

  • simple to use
  • cost effective
  • time efficient and
  • wouldn’t let you forget.

Would you be interested? Yes? This is it!!!
You can now send out cards for all occasions: personal, business, birthdays, holidaya, special occasions, staying in contact withclients, etc.

All at the click of a button.

It doesn’t matter if you are sending one card or 1000 cards, we can handle it. And these are real cards. Cards that arrive in the mail. The ones that people really appreciate. Acknowledging someone whether its a business or personal contact goes a long way.

Everyone loves getting cards in the mail, especially when it is personal and customized for them. You can even print in your ownhandwriting and sign it with you signature.

How do you Send Out Cards to your business customers, your family and friends.

  • You pick a card
  • You type in a personal message (maybe even add a photo)
  • We print the card
  • We stuff the envelope.
  • We stick the stamp.
  • We mail your card
  • The recipient receives a real card, personalized for them, in their mailbox, from you.

See how simple it is to send out cards. Try it today.... click option #2.

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When you look at marketing these days, most of the traditional strategies of advertising have become outdated. MLM network marketing has become a leading force in the advertising drive as it reacts to the consumer and includes the most updated strategies available. Traditional marketing such as TV, radio and print media focused on reaching as many people as possible in order to capture the attention of a particular few. This form of marketing has proven to be very pricey with no chance to track the success of various advertising programs. With MLM network marketing you take advantage of the next stage of advertising by embracing the idea of relationship marketing.

More companies are starting to realize the ineffectiveness of conventional marketing techniques. The internet has fast become the primary source of information, communication and shopping in the world. With MLM network marketing you have the opportunity to make an impact in the online environment through the utilization of relationship marketing and Send Out Cards.

Relationship marketing focuses not on attempting to reach a huge number of customers through generic advertising, but an effort to develop professional relationships with your customers. The advantages of the internet has attracted lots of clients and companies, but it has also turned businesses into faceless entities devoid of human contact. With relationship marketing you utilize the methods of MLM network marketing to help build relationships with your clientele, increasing consumer assurance and repeat business.

One of the most efficient methods to expand your MLM network marketing chance is with the utilization of an online tool, Send Out Cards. With Send Out Cards you're taking advantage of a technique which would allow you to often stay in touch with your clientele, developing that individual relationship which is so essential in relationship marketing. With Send out Cards you have the convenience of an online source which will offer you with a wide variety of templates that would merely require a personal message from you.

In addition, Send Out Cards could help your business in remembering important dates relating to your clientele including birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and more. Lastly Send Out Cards represents a low cost marketing source which will print, stuff and ship your custom-made cards at a fraction of the cost it will cost you to do it yourself.

MLM network marketing has surpassed the restrictions of traditional marketing and at present represents a crucial component of any successful business. The options which are offered to a business with Send Out Cards would drastically help your cause in building customer confidence in your business with relationship marketing.

To find out more, feel free to visit my website at or contact me by email at

"Send Out Cards- Building customer loyalty, one card at a time"
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Nine out of 10 Americans look forward to receiving personal letters and greeting cards. Adding a personal touch to your greeting cards can make them even more special to the receiver.

Here are some tips for personalizing greeting cards:

  1. Write the person’s name or nickname, if appropriate on the inside of the card. Personalizing the card reminds them this card was sent just for them.
  2. For cards that already have a message inside, highlight the phrases that you want to stand out or hold special meaning. This is a great way to signify how the card personally applies to the receiver.
  3. Include your own words, something simple, such as, “I am not always great with words, but when I read this card, I thought of you.” The most personal cards are honest and heartfelt.
  4. Add a small gift inside. If your card is for a holiday or occasion, you can include a gift card to their favorite store to make the card a gift in itself.
  5. For business owners, send a series of greeting cards to make your message part of an ongoing conversation.
The importance of sending a greeting card, is that the receiver will know you took time out of your day to think of them. And as the quote says... People may not remember, what you did or what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.

Stop by my blog and hear more... ; stay blessed!

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This type of website is ideal for entrepreneurs and small business owners looking for simple internet presence to expand their business to a larger market. It can also be used to announce special events such as weddings, group trips, parties or conferences. The winner of this month's promotion will receive the following:

• 2 custom single page website designs will be created for you to choose from
• Maximum of 50GB of space with 10GB of bandwidth
• Website hosting for one year with email and email forwarder
• Website maintenance instructional guide
See Website Example 1See Website Example 2

Please Note: The initial content will be added to the website by PresGuru. Subsequent changes will be handled by the winner/client.

The Fine Print
Website design and hosting does not include:
• Domain registration or renewal
• Logo design
• Photo resizing, resampling or retouching


To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on our site by 11:59 pm on April 20, 2010.

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March Madness Discount!

Hi ladies!

Since it's the month of March Madness, you can get any Mocha Writer service 20% off.

Services include:

  • Articles
  • Press releases
  • Press kits
  • Website copy
  • Bios
  • And more; click here to see all services provided.

Please feel free to check out writing samples and testimonials from satisfied customers.

If you need more info or have questions, please contact me: or (864) 202.9568.

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Holiday special on writing services

Hello lovely ladies,Just wanted to let you all know that I have a holiday special going on until December 31. Choose any writing service and get a $25 discount. To check out a full list of services, click here.If you have any questions or need more info, please don't hesitate to contact me:
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Shopping Made Easy with a Click

Join the party at Ladies,I know that you are all busy making plans, for your businesses and family. So I would like to invite you to join me for a eParty from December 9-13, 2009. You can order with a special promotions code newmembers. All orders over $30.00 will be shipped for free right to your door step. No more waiting for the Avon lady!! How great is that. On those days I will be available for live chat from 6:00pm to 8:00pm eastern time, to answer any questions you have about the products and prices. Hope to see you there!
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On a lovely Sunday afternoon, it was very quiet as usual, and I felt like there should be some noise in the background. I turned on the TV and QVC was on. If you don’t know what QVC is, it’s one of the largest television/online shopping networks. They feature a large range of products which are presented by very enthusiastic, knowledgeable guests. The item being presented was a simple table, but you would not believe how much they had to talk about for an entire segment about a basic table! I felt inspired to share with you some tips that you can apply directly to your curvy-friendly business to increase sales.* Naturally when you’re selling a product, you like to talk about all the features and bells and whistles that makes your product fabulous. While this is great, you need to tell your prospects about the benefits and WHY to buy…and do so repeatedly. What this does is solidify what your product/service can do for them in a more realistic way. They may not understand all the features, but if you tell them WHY in a way that makes sense, then you will capture their attention and be at the forefront of their memory when they are ready to buy.* Give examples and stories of how to use your product. These are otherwise known as testimonials. However, if you tweak your testimonials a bit so that they tell a story and paints a picture of what the customer will experience once they’ve bought your product, it truly brings your products to life. It’s absolutely amazing how people can use the exact same product in so many different way.* Plug shameless promotion on all the media attention you have received. Even if you were picked up by a local newspaper or quoted on someone else’s blog, publicity is publicity. This helps to increase your visibility and build your credibility which all leads to more sales for your business.* Do not make money the deciding factor for prospects to purchase your products or services. In today’s economy, spending hasn’t stopped completely, it has changed, and everyone is keeping an eye out for the best deals and values for their hard earned dollars. You don’t have to heavily discount your offerings but you can offer easy payments or provide additional value that won’t stretch your business budget too far.* Connect with your audience in a more personal way, people really don’t want to be sold. In your copy, pretend that you’re talking to a friend; how would you share your offerings with them in a way that fosters relationships? Eliminate a lot of “I” and add more “you” in your marketing messages.* Get other people to talk about what you do and what you’re offering. This is a little bit different than a testimonial. A testimonial is usually a one-time statement that someone told you. What if you were to invite your clients to actually present your products and services to others as guests? It definitely sounds a lot better to your potential clients coming from someone else than it does coming from you talking about all the great stuff you do. As entrepreneurs, we’re very biased and it can come across in our messages. Let happy clients do the ground work for you and watch your sales skyrocket!* Never rely on one form of media to reach your audience. Video has been an increasingly popular medium that is being used to connect with others. Develop a strategy that allows you to effectively and efficiently use technology: phones (teleseminars), video (webinars), blogs, email, social media, etc. Go where your target market is and connect with them in ways that captures their attention.* Give your customers an opportunity to talk about why they purchased your product before it arrives in their inbox or mailbox. One of the most fun parts of watching QVC is when they take callers live right after they’ve made the purchase. They’re so excited, they just can’t wait to tell everyone about how great your product/service is and what they plan to do with it. Ask your customers what they’re looking forward to, what do they expect, and see what they say.* Always tell your clients what’s coming up next or give them a sneak peek of what’s to come. We’re naturally curious human beings and if you have something interesting coming down the pipeline, we want to know about. Use this strategy to peak their interest so this way your audience is always expecting you to bring them something fresh and new.* Rinse and repeat with tons of energy and enthusiasm! For goodness sake, the segment on QVC was about a table, but I was really engaged and almost fascinated. Have fun with your business, test out some of these techniques and continue to do what works.Do you watch QVC? What techniques will you try for your business?
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Bios for your business

Whether you’re a freelancer or a business owner, one thing you need is a good biography.What is a bio?It’s basically a “story-based” version of info you would put on your résumé. A bio is not as formal as a résumé, and it gives you the ability to showcase interesting tidbits about yourself while highlighting your personality.The main reason to write a bio is to give your readers and prospective clients a good sense of who you are and what you do. It also confirms your skills and shows your credibility and experience.You can use a bio on your website and blog, in your marketing materials, for speaking engagements or presentations and with any books, e-books, documents or reports.So, what do you put in it?Most bios include:Present job and professional /business experienceProfessional membershipsHonors, awards and certificationsContact informationYou can also personalize your bio by adding things like your photo, educational background, testimonials or samples of your work.Tips for writingYou can write a bio in many ways, but there are common factors to make it more effective. You should usually write your bio in third-person (use ‘he/she’ instead of ‘I’). When you do it this way shows your professionalism and allows others to really trust what you’re saying.Grab the attention of your readers in the first paragraph so they will want to know more about you.Write conversationally; this will make it simple for readers to follow what you’re saying.Make it as brief as you can; only include necessary information.Think about incorporating personal or unique info about yourself at the end.Once you have a bio you’re happy with, remember it’s not permanent. You’ll want to adjust and update it periodically to reflect any changes you’ve made.If you have any questions about writing bios or need a professional to handle it for you, contact me at or (706) 436.7982. I look forward to hearing from you!
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