wysiwyg (1)


Are you a "wysiwyg" (what you see is what you get) person? Do you consider yourself an authentic individual?Have you ever met someone, (and I know you have) who ... who is just plain "plastic" in other words, a fake and a phony? This type of woman or man tries to be… or pretends to be what they are not. I meet these type of people all the time. It's like they are hell bent on proving something to someone, or that they are better than others. Self love is apparently lacking, poor things are just not comfortable in their own skins.Think about it. God chose to make a one-of-a-kind you and yet you are not satisfied with that. It's like saying God made a mistake, He didn't do right by you, because you don't have this or don't have that, if only you were what? If only you were bigger here, smaller there, richer, taller, thinner, wealthier...you know what I'm talking about, so your mission in life is to correct what you consider to be God's mistake. Hello! God don't make mistakes!Let's take happiness for example. Many people are not happy because… they lack the main ingredient for happiness; which is "you." It's the "you" that kicks happiness into action, and without it.. Well what can I say? The thing is, most people confuse happiness with "a happening", if it's not happening to them or for them then they can't be happy and they spend their whole live waiting for someone to make them happy. If no one ever told you, I'm telling you now, you are responsible for your own happiness. But if you don't like being you, then you will never be able to be happy because you are missing the main ingredient, see my point?It's best to be what God has created you to be and that is "you" a wysiwyg person. Start there and then let God fine tune you, and trust me, He will. Now does this mean that everyone you meet will like you? Of course not, but the important thing is that you have to like yourself first, before anyone else can like you. The beauty in life is knowing that there is a one-of-a-kind you, a "wysiwyg" you, while at the same time knowing that you are a work in progress, just like me. It's so wonderful to know that God is not through with us yet.Pastor AminataCreator of Word4UTVNetworkBlack Business Builders Club
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