First of all, I would like to thank all of you for reading and for those who gave feedback on my posts. It is truly encouraging for a writer of any genre to receive feedback and to know that someone out there is actually reading about what we have on our minds!That being said, careful about this blog post, ladies, some of you might be a bit taken aback! However, understand that these are some of the hard questions that I went through myself.Are you official? Are you running a business "under the table"? Are you asking clients to pay in cash or to address the checks to you personally because you don't have a business bank account? If any of these questions apply to you, then ask yourself - are you really a small business owner?I made my little lotions and potions for family and friends, but before I went 'big time' with a little 25 dollar table at a preschool Christmas bazaar I had insurance. God forbid someone took my little lotion bar, rubbed their hands, then rubbed their eyes, then tried to sue me because they happened to be allergic to the beeswax, the cocoa butter, the fragrance oil, the shea butter, or the metal from the tin. Whatever. We all know that people will sue for just about anything.Right after that bazaar, I sat myself down and asked myself what I wanted to do with this little venture. I made the decision to go ahead and make it official. I registered with the state of New Jersey as a limited liability company, got a tax id number and got a business checking account with that tax id number. Fortunately for me, New Jersey has a great online services that walks you through the process. I paid with my credit card online and the papers arrived in the mail a few days later. I also got a tax-exempt certificate which exempts me from paying taxes when I purchase in bulk.So are you official? Are you ready to BE official? Ladies, don't half-step when it comes to this. If you want your business to be successful and to flourish, don't go into it half-baked: "Oh, if I make some money, then I'll open a business checking account....if I make at least X amount of dollars, then I'll register as a corporation or as an llc." BELIEVE in yourself, know that you make your own destiny by the amount of effort and work you put into yourself and your endeavors.Take the time NOW to make it official!
I’d have to say that 16 was the toughest age for me. I remember being confused about so many things…dealing with pressures from school, my parents, boys, and friends. It felt like the whole world was on my shoulders and no one around me really understood what I was going through. I wanted to reach out to all of the young ladies out there because I wish there had been someone in my life who could have helped me get my mind right and let go of all the nonsense that was holding me back. I want to be that someone for you.First, I need all of you to start recognizing what you are worth. Being a woman is a special and unique gift that comes along with special and unique responsibilities. Since the beginning of time women have been the backbone of our society, responsible for everything from giving birth to feeding and caring for entire villages and communities. Being a woman is a powerful thing, so powerful that it’s hard for me to understand how so many young women waste that power on people and situations that are not worthy of them. A lot of the girls that I speak with have never has anyone tell them that they are special so they really don’t know. If this is true for you, let me be the first.Regardless of what you’ve been through, what you’ve done, or what mistakes you have made, you are beautiful and wonderful inside and out. No matter what anyone has done to you or told you, you are special and you have the power to achieve whatever you want for your life. I know this about each and every one of you, and I don’t even know you. The toughest part is getting you to believe it about yourself. Once you start to recognize your worth, everything about you, and around you will change for the better.Over the next few months, I will continue to reach out to the ladies, with information specifically targeted to issues you may be facing. I welcome your questions, suggestions and
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First-Time Homebuyer Webinar Online:Sacramento, East Bay, South Bay, San Francisco and Sounthern California AreasWorkshops are given twice a week: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m._________________________________________________________________Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Available for Those Who Qualify! We are located in Sacramento, California but licensed to do residential mortgage loans anywhere in the 50 United States.Webinars Twice A Week: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m.Reservation is Required--------------------------------------------------------------------------------See our Next Scheduled Webinar/Workshop below:Register Here: you for your time, we are looking forward to serving you!Black woman entreprenuer, San Francisco Bay Area.Marketing avenues are opening up, thanks to this website as well.California DRE License #01362776Sacramento Mortgage Group(888) 365-0107. x 101
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Today I ask the question, "Who do you need to forgive and why? I had a conversation with a friend over the weekend about anger and the benefits of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a funny thing, where by doing it, you not only release the other person from your anger but you also free yourself. Do you realize how much energy you put into keeping an old score unsettled? How it is a constant reminder of how someone did us wrong? How that moment or series of moments keeps playing the scene over and over again in our head, like a movie that never changes? Is this a good use of our time and energy? Who is our anger really affecting? Us or them?When you don't forgive someone, you take it upon yourself to keep that anger near the surface. You give that anger active power, power that could be directed towards what you do want, not what you don't want. It has been said that whatever you focus on comes back to you into your life, whether the focus be positive or negative.If you insist on not forgiving, for whatever reason that works for you, are you really telling the universe that you want more anger to manifest itself? Perhaps you never looked at it this way. Perhaps you think your anger is justified because we don't know all of the facts. Perhaps you think that you will look weak and the other person will win, if you forgive them.I remember a story I saw on TV years ago. A woman had been torched, wrapped in bandages and in pain, when the interviewer asked her if she hated the person who had done this to her? She thought for a split second and responded with a, "No". When asked why not, she said she didn't want that person to have power over her. She didn't want that person constantly in her thoughts. She said she forgave him, not because it helped him, but because to forgive helped her. She need every ounce of energy possible to make a recovery and she wouldn't waste once ounce more on her attacker.Try it, forgive someone today for what they did to you yesterday, last year, ten years ago, etc. Who feels better? Them or you? Release yourself from the burden of carrying around anger and move forward and focus on what you really want, what we all want; love, understanding and forgiveness for being human.-- Unknown
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Greetings Family,(Contact Information At Bottom Of Page)It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again (smile)As many of my readers know, I talk a lot about participating in industry trade shows, conferences, and events.We all know the old saying about the golf course being the place corporate leaders make deals...well trade shows and conferences are the working mans equivalent of a golf course. If you want to meet and greet the leaders in your chosen industry, then you must participate in their national conferences and local events.City Lights Software ( is proud to support Carlos Muhammad and the Luv4Self online family at their first national conference. With over 17 different products that feature people of color, City Lights Software is the undisputed, number one developer of Afrocentric and multicultural software in the country. As an official sponsor of the Luv4Self National Conference, City Lights is contributing their award winning, Black Art screen saver, the "Collectors Series" to the conference package. It is completely downloadable and will be emailed to conference participants upon registration."Collectors Series", Black art screen saver for Windows PC's, features the artwork of such notable Black artists as Albert Fennell, Charles Bibbs, Calvin Massey and Larry Poncho Brown. It is internationally recognized as one of the finest representations of Black fine art on the Internet.This year, the first "Luv4Self National Conference" will be held on September 19th through September 21st 2008 in Baltimore, Maryland at the historic:Sojourner Douglass College200 N. Central AvenueBaltimore MD, 21202Phone: (410) 276-0306Fax: (410) 675-1810Toll Free: 1-800-732-2630Website: are asking all Luv4self members and supporters to begin movements of mobilization in every city...Luv4self members from urban centers across the US will be meeting to discuss topics surrounding the 4 main issues in the Black community:Healthy Living - vegetarianism; exercise; obesity; high blood pressure and other health concerns in the Black communityBusiness & Economics - 2008 presidential elections; entrepreneurship; credit; financial planning;Cultural Awareness - media reviews on music/hip hop; racism; education; youth development; reparations; political prisonersFamily & Relationships - marriage; love; personal growth love for self; strengthening of Black familiesSpeakers and moderators are:The Honorable Cynthia McKinney (Rep., D-GA)(Keynote Speaker)Sister Empress Chi (Organizer of Million Woman March)Sister Autumn AshanteQueen AfuaProfessor Griff of Public EnemyThe Turn Off Channel Zero MovementErnie Panicolli, Hip Hop photographer for over 30 years and (author of "Who Shot Ya?")Vendors & ExhibitorsCity Lights Black Art screen saver with registration)---About Luv4Self---Luv4self is a way for the Black online Diaspora to network and promote their businesses, events, and ideas, as well as engage in stimulating discussions.Luv4self doesn't constitute the individual SELF but the collective SELF. We recognize that WE are all ONE. Therefore it is our duty and obligation to support one another.....for supporting our sister and our brother is supporting our SELF.Luv4Self Online Communities:Website - http://www.luv4selfpublishing.comMySpace - - Networks - more information please visit . Also check us out on Myspace at**********************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. We do not indulge in or encourage Spamming. We never send unsolicited emails. You are receiving this message as part of our opt-in subscriber mailing list or you are a member of an affiliated newsgroup.For comments or suggestions please contact us at the following;Jim Neusom ( Director/PublisherInterServe Networks/City Lights Software, subscribe to our opt-in mailing list simply send an email to; ( on Myspace go to )
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It is amazing! June makes it one year since I have ownede a YTB Travel Business Opportunity. I am planning on going to the YTB Convention in August. I just completed a booking of my first group trip. Many cruises, and weekender trips. Friends and family are now seeking me out asking about booking their vacations. Financially YTB has been a blessing and I am looking for even more. I have been able to bless my church and my family. I can;t wait to see what the next year will bring me in YTB. I could not be happier. Come see the presentation on my website www.GailsVacationandTravel.comWant more information? contact me www.GailsVacationandTravelBiz.comRead more…
What do you do when you discover that what you're doing in your business is not exactly what you had in mind? Do you fold up your tents, take your toys and go home? Or do you readjust, reassess, re-evaluate?Well, I give you three guesses and the first two don't count! Don't give up....readjust your vision, your mindset and move forward with your new plan. I am currently facing this situation in my business. As you know from reading my blog (and if you don't know, you've got a bit of catching up to do, lol) I fell into this business. Deep breath, readers, because I am going to admit, I HAD NO BUSINESS PLAN. Yep, you got it, NO BUSINESS PLAN. I have one now, but rest assured, you're not the only one who flew forward on a wing and a prayer with no idea where I was going when I put up the website.(NOTE: Understand that I am not advocating anyone to fall into a business, especially a storefront with no plan. Please, understand that I am relating my own experience as a mompreneur and business owner....learn from my mistakes!!! LOL) PS You'll soon learn that honesty is both my strength and my weakness.So now I'm at a crossroads. I need a niche and I'm currently working on finding one through research and just plain reflection with a yellow legal pad and pen. I'm ordering new inventory, reformulating some of my products and actually having a good ol' time with it. (Anything that involves purchasing new oils and fragrances, I'm all for.)Basically what I'm saying to all of you is - if you feel "stuck" , please don't give up. Sit down with that yellow (or pink or purple or white) pad and start brainstorming. I guarantee that you'll come up with something that will get you through this time.CeeCee
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"The Easiest and Most Lucrative Black Business Opportunity Online"If you've been thinking that you should have a second stream of income but have been reluctant to get started because you don't have either the money or the time, you'll be interested in this program.Black Business Builders, is an affiliate program of the National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA) and many are calling it, potentially "the easiest and most lucrative "micro-business" for Black entrepreneurs online to be found anywhere.In case you weren't aware, micro-businesses can give you immediate income - not an initial fortune, but a solid, extra cash stream. It's an additional stream of income that one day they may be worth more than everything else you have. They may start small but they don't stay small.In fact, this program contains a "Black Business Tool Kit and Entrepreneurial Training" that will help you grow any business you currently have or are thinking about starting. And - by using the program's proprietary marketing system - you quickly create a solid extra cash stream.Black business owners and entrepreneurs are joining because they love the many great benefits, concept, simplicity and income potential of the program. Black Business Builders is perfect for part-timers, or for those taking the initial steps to amass the capital they need for longer-term goals and bigger plans. And the money is good. You can reasonably expect to make good money over time and with just a few sales. The best part? Anyone can do this, even those who generally are very busy. This is one program you can't afford to overlook.Using this system, many newbies have transformed themselves from wanna-be "program jumpers" into legitimate, money making entrepreneurs. And those with a little more experience have found to get the training they need to create the wealth they want.The Black Business Builders Club is one of the many benefits of membership in Black Business Builders and is an on-line, worldwide community of people brought together by a common bond -- a shared interest in business and entrepreneurship. Whether you are a new business owner, or a seasoned professional, the Black Business Builders Club is for you!# Networking! Using the web-based forums and e-mail list, you can communicate and network with other members around the world. Share ideas, start lively discussions, make friends!# Audio/Video Postcards. Forget conventional e-mail announcements or boring paper invitations. Use your communication skills to create audio & video postcards! These messages can be recorded right on your computer and e-mailed to anyone you choose.# Get Feedback! Get together and pick each other's brains; share ideas, thoughts, strategies, tactics; share experiences and resources; network and form joint venture coalitions; create long term relationships; get help and suggestions. And the best part...we will hold each other accountable.# Answers from the Pros. Questions about business? Browse the Discussion Forum section and get answers from some of the best entrepreneurs found anywhere.# Your Own Blog. A blog is like a web journal or diary. Create a blog and share your story with other members. How did you get involved in business? What advice can you share from your experiences? We can all learn from each other whether we are business "rookies" or pros.# Your Own Photo Gallery. Do you have photos of your products or service? Share them with the group!# Member Reviews. Do you ever find yourself looking at a product or service and asking, "I wonder if this is worth the money?" Browse our growing database of business related products and services and see what other members have to say about them. Rate products you have used and share your information with others!# Video & Audio Chat & Teleconference! Participate in one of our many scheduled live voice chat sessions where you can talk, type, or just listen in and enjoy. We have many guest hosts that will lead lively real-time discussions on areas of business. These events are advertised on the calendar.This is just a list of one of many benefits available to Black Business Builder Members in just one category. We invite you to join us today! -For more information: http://www.BlackBusinessBuilders.comNational Black Business Trade Association - http://www.nbbta.orgRead more…
In honor of my fellow mother's of color, for Mother's Day I would like to share several of my Mahogany Momma eGuides to the members of the Black Moms Club. You can download them now for free on BMC, or support the cause and purchase eGuides which are now on sale for only $1 on Download your free copies today only on the Black Moms Club.Act now, this is a limited time offer. You can also view the other Mother's Day All May specials and new features on the Black Moms Club.
The issues available for free download include:
- Guide #15 - Seeking Support A Guide for Single Black Mothers
This is a web guide for any single mom who is looking for programs,community groups, books, and other resources that aim to support single moms and children living in single parent households.
- Guide #8 College In And Out
This College Guide for Students of Color includes a College Focused Timeline for students from Junior High to High School Graduation,with an extensive listing Black College Life resources, books, sites & more.
- Guide #9 Maternity Guide for Mocha Moms
This guide was designed with new Black Moms in mind. It includes information about some of the best programs, books, sites, baby products, and resources for Pregnant Women of Color.
- #1 Crafty Creations
Find websites, books, and fellow Women of Color who enjoy Arts and Crafts (crocheting, knitting, scrapbooking, etc.)
- Guide #MM Free Preview
This free preview of Mahogany Momma distributed in print at the Harlem Book Fair 2007!
- Guide #10 Proud Poppas
This Guide Highlights Books, Movies, and Websites that feature and give tribute to Black Fathers and other Black Men who are phenomenal father figures within the Black Community.
View all these Guides and Check out the Mahogany Momma eZine here:
Brought to you by: Black Moms Club
Share. Join. Connect today!
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***********My 14th Sale gets 50% off***********See something you like? Take 50% off everything Or 20% off any custom items and its yours if you’re my 14th sale today!. Just send me a convo with requested items and i will Change you purchase price! I just know you will find something for you and yours. Talk to you soon!***********My 14th Sale gets 50% off***********
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Long, short, thick, thin and or chemically processed, you can have healthy hair. What is healthy hair? It is hair in optimal condition. EVEN hair having had some sort of chemical process which has changed the texture and or color can be healthy hair. It just needs attentive care. In order to have chemically processed healthy hair you must first be aware of the things you are ingesting, foods, vitamins and medications these all play a vital part in the health of the hair. No matter the combination of chemical processes you have chosen to do to have done, healthy hair begins with what you put into your body. Food, vitamins and even medications can determine the hairs health. Consulting with your physician and or dermatologist is a great way to determine if your hair is not healthy due to an internal problem.Taking care of your scalp is a very close second in acquiring and keeping healthy hair. Part of scalp care requires us to be informed about what is being used on the hair and scalp, from the chemical processes to the home maintenance, procedures, tools and products. Knowing our natural hair texture, coarse, fine, thick, thin, kinky, wavy, straight, the categories and combinations go on….. but consult with your stylist become knowledgeable of what is in the products you are using on your hair so you know what does and does not work for you hair type. After you have done this you then need to carefully choose your hair styling tools. Brushes and combs are not all the same there is a wide range and tools used on the wrong hair type can be killer for the hair, causing short stubby breakage, split ends or even worse, balding. But when you use the right tools you may find that spending hours styling your hair is a thing of the past. Healthy hair styles a lot easier you’ll find that it has memory and body, no matter the texture. Split ends are going to come even when you are doing everything right but they do not have to be the hair destroyer. Regular trims keep the split ends from running up the hair shaft and causing you to have to cut more off than desired. On healthy hair in excellent condition, 1/8th to ½ inch should be trimmed every other month. Styling tools and products don’t always have to be expensive to get the job done but don’t be afraid to spend a little more when the product or tools is hands down the best. Some styling products have money back guarantees and all electric styling tools should have warranties. I hope you have noticed the theme for healthy hair and that is to be informed.-B. beautiful, mind, body, spirit.
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I've taken a major hit with everything going on with the economy and my love mobile being no more(R.I.P)...i'm trying to get back on my feet..trying to focus more on getting closer to God,being a good mother,and my art:)I know the Lord will bless me to move foward and be successful,i'm just thankful i have favor with God.Pz n Blessings.
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When I talk to teens about goals and positive thinking, many of them think that it’s corny to be concerned about their future in their teen years. They feel like this time in their life is about enjoying themselves and that they can worry about the future later. Of course, I agree that you should enjoy your youth but I also believe that it is never too late to start to think about what you want for your future. This is where goals come in.Setting goals is an excellent way to keep yourself motivated through hard times and goals also give you something to look forward to and work towards. Goals are personal, unique to you and what you want for your life. They should be realistic and achievable, and have timeframes, such as 6 months to a year (short-term) or 2-5 years (long-term). You should write down your goals and keep them in a place where you can see them everyday. Some people even create “dream boards”, where they post pictures or descriptions of the things that they want to achieve, and use it as motivation to keep moving forward when they want to quit. However you choose to display your goals, keep them close to you and try to move at least one step closer to reaching them every single day.Without goals, I really don’t know how I would have made it this far. I have spent so many days frustrated, wanting more for myself and not knowing what steps I needed to take to move forward. I knew I wanted more but it seemed like there was so much to do that I didn’t know where to start. When I started setting goals for myself, I was able to move forward with a clearer head and a plan for action. On the days when I wanted to walk in to work and quit, I remembered that I had a goal and I was able to put a smile on my face and deal with it.Whatever you choose to do, use your youth wisely, and to your advantage. Get started early making positive choices now and goals for your future. Work hard when you’re young so you will be able to retire early…trust me, your 40 year old self will thank you for
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Many of us on this board are mothers who work out of our homes, which presents special challenges. This subject has been weighing on my mind this week, so I decided to write about it.I am a full time mom, and I am certainly blessed to be one. I used to be a teacher and a staff trainer in mathematics, so to finally stop taking care of other people's children and focus totally on my own was truly a relief!! Although some teachers do it, I can't imagine dealing with 20 children every day, then coming home and dealing with my own. Why work to pay someone else to raise my children while I raise someone else's. (And for those who don't think teachers have a large part in raising children - at least the good ones - has never been a teacher.)As much as I am glad to be home, it is not easy to run a business from your home with three little ones 5 and under puttering about. Plus, I'm that silly stay at home mom who doesn't depend on the TV to take care of the children and instead engages them in reading, crafts and the like. So to take the time to complete something during the day, whether it be computer work, formulating new recipes or whipping up orders - well, sometimes it's catch as catch can. I can hear them now, as I write, singing and chatting in their room.So how do I do it? I've gotten to the point where I have to schedule my work in 15 min segments and keep a notebook next to my computer so that I can write down any to-dos or next steps that I need to complete. Believe me, children have a way of interrupting you just as you were about to get the best idea. And it's not always frivolous stuff. My daughter is polite enough to let me know that she's about to use the bathroom, that she's finished using the bathroom, that she's flushed the toilet AND that she's washed her hands. How in the world can I run a business without these updates? She's better than the Bloomberg report!To all of your WAHMs out there, here's a list of what I do to keep sane. Note, this does not work all the time, as those creatures we call children are unpredictable, and on a bad day will do almost anything to get your attention (to learn more about their shenanigans, check out www.blackdomesticgoddess.com1. Make a to-do list the night before, after the children go to sleep. Mine hit the sack at 7 pm. (yes, they do!) This way you can recap the day and have a list in place before those angels jostle you out of sleep at 6 am the next morning.2. Keep a notepad or sticky notes by your computer at all times. That way, when the potty annoucements, requests for juice, or a loud commotion from the other room yanks you out of 15 businesswoman mode, you can (sort of) jump right in where you left off.3. Reach out for help: One time I just showed up on my mom's doorstep with a diaper bag and a desperate look. All I needed was to be away from them for 3 hours to get my head together!4. Remember - it's not that important. If the interruptions are too much, then just stop. If you try to continue and they continue to interrupt, it will just lead to frustration for you and for the little ones. Make a note to pick up where you left off after they go to bed. Some of you early birds may get up early, but I'm not one of that elite group. I'm a night owl. :)5. Take a break from the business. Schedule a weekday where you don't touch the computer until after they go to bed. It's hard, but it's worth it. They'll love the fact that you're looking at them instead of a computer and/or in my case whipping a bowl of shea butter. (Ok, honestly, I've checked my email on these days, but didn't respond until they were asleep. No, really, I didn't. Ok, maybe responded to one or two.....maybe three.)Above all have fun. Yes, we are all trying to grow our business, but remember why you stayed at home in the first place. I didn't leave my educators job to be a bath and body maker - I left it to take care of my children. In my mind, they come first right now.Thanks for reading!
I love this website because there are so many beautiful black women Handlin their bizness in their own way. The many tones and colors we come in. Its fascinating to me. God truly did a good thing when he made the black woman. Do we truly realize how important we really are to ourselves and to others. Our strong essence of being is just one of the great qualities He gifted us with. That's why its so important that we feel good about ourselves no matter what. We need to know that we make a difference in other lives besides our own. In our businesses and our jobs. Beliveve it or not, we do impact lives on a daily basis. Because I'm a talker a teacher and a student of life it makes my life more fascinating to me, I'm always challenging myself to see how far I can take myself. Having the problem of starting and then stopping is one of my biggest set backs. So I set minitature goals. I started with something I always wanted to do. That is to self publish my own books. So I started a series called Handlin Yo Bizness. Which so far I've written two books. I am in the process of putting together another book as soon as I finish taking my real estate test. Which is taking a lot out of me. That is another goal I set for myself. I have considered that since my son is grown it is my turn to live my life so I do just that. I have time to do more so I spend time doing just that. Coming from a family where low self-esteem was something that became part of me, I never thought I would get this far. But I kept persevering and I can truly say that I am on my way to my place not just in life but my life.Now tell me how you feel about yourself?
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I love this website because there are so many beautiful black women Handlin their bizness in their own way. The many tones and colors we come in. Its fascinating to me. God truly did a good thing when he made the black woman. Do we truly realize how important we really are to ourselves and to others. Our strong essence of being is just one of the great qualities He gifted us with. That's why its so important that we feel good about ourselves no matter what. We need to know that we make a difference in other lives besides our own. In our businesses and our jobs. Beliveve it or not, we do impact lives on a daily basis. Because I'm a talker a teacher and a student of life it makes my life more fascinating to me, I'm always challenging myself to see how far I can take myself. Having the problem of starting and then stopping is one of my biggest set backs. So I set minitature goals. I started with something I always wanted to do. That is to self publish my own books. So I started a series called Handlin Yo Bizness. Which so far I've written two books. I am in the process of putting together another book as soon as I finish taking my real estate test. Which is taking a lot out of me. That is another goal I set for myself. I have considered that since my son is grown it is my turn to live my life so I do just that. I have time to do more so I spend time doing just that. Coming from a family where low self-esteem was something that became part of me, I never thought I would get this far. But I kept persevering and I can truly say that I am on my way to my place not just in life but my life.Now tell me how you feel about yourself?
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If you haven't had a chance to check out my radio show "Cocktails and Conversations with the Event Diva" then I invite you to check us out. We are on Blog Talk Radio each and every Thursday at 8:00 PM EST talking about every aspect of social entertaining...from the small intimate dinner party for 2 to the large gala for 2000 and everything in between, you can best believe that we'll talk about it!Tonight Jonetta (my co-host and BFF) and I talked about Wedding Stationery. We also found the time to squeeze in some talk about the "Sex and the City" debut this Friday! Check out the show....Read more…
A few days ago, I sent a "let's keep in touch" email to Sandy Maine, the keynote speaker at last month's Conference of Handcrafted Soapmakers and the founder and CEO of SunFeather Natural Soap Company in Potsdam, New York. I thought I'd get a reply of a similar nature, and Sandy did not disappoint. But true to form, she also did more than that.
In her reply, Sandy described herself as a "free spirit in a soap business 'yoke.'" As a craftsy entrepreneur whose business started with a weekend soap making adventure (with a Lemon Soapmaking Kit from SunFeather no less -- how's that for serendipity!!?), Sandy's statement intrigued me, so I asked her to tell me more.dM: What exactly do you mean when you say you are in a business "yoke?"Sandy: I mean that I am a creative person who attempts to earn a good living off of my creative talents within the context of my own business. And as any kindred spirit would know, that is a slippery slope because you have to heavily engage the left brain to run a business. And if you engage it too much, you will compromise your right brain's ability to generate all those wonderful creative juices.On the other hand, if you focus "only" on the creative thing, your business will likely fall in on itself.dM: What are the top 3 things you have done as a free spirit to "tame" yourself enough to be successful in business?Sandy: It's about getting into sync and keeping a balance.I have noticed that good aerobic exercise in fresh air each morning before breakfast really helps me integrate my creative side with my pragmatic side. Also viewing your work from above and getting a snap shot of the big picture, as if you were a bird flying over your work day and then seeing yourself as if in a dance or a movie or a perfect moment in time.As a creative person, you have the ability to alter your perception of reality, which can help keep the work day amusing when it might otherwise be burdensome.One of my employees a few years back said she felt like I am a character in Sandy Maine's dream. And you know what? She (Sonja) was!We used to laugh about that and make fun of how our dream was unfolding. She was a creative spirit too and a joy to work with.Another thing I do to stay happily yoked is to PLAN for creative, fun time away from home and work. A working vacation or just a vacation. Just me. Maybe a week here and there a few times a year to retreat and nourish my creative roots.Or sometimes, just a party -- like this party where everyone (including me and my 80-year old mom) dressed up like fairies to celebrate my daughter's birthday.
dM: What's the top thing or two that a "free spirit" should avoid if they want to make a good profit from what they do?Sandy: Avoid the temptation to embark on wild chases.Your focus is needed at home and at work. If you are in a "good enough" relationship with your business and/or a life partner, focus on making it even better instead of looking for the next field of green grass!Green grass usually turns brown eventually and can even catch on fire.So even though creative spirits get bored easily and want to create new forms of excitement, these things need to be approached in a non-haphazard way.I also think that discipline is needed in how you treat yourself. By that, I mean that you must avoid extremes.Eat well, rest enough and stay away from addictive and destructive things that weaken your life force.dM: How has your position as a wife and mother of 3 impacted your business life?Sandy: I have had to compromise on my business and on my family life, but more so on my business. That's been my choice.My family is successful in large part due to what I have invested of myself at home. My business is not always as financially successful as I would like it to be, though I know it could have been a huge major success story if I had devoted myself entirely to its existence and growth.I think it is much easier to run a family than a business, but I would not want to live without either!dM: What was it like to work with your husband in SunFeather?Sandy: My husband worked in my business for 5 years, from 1996 to 2000. I enjoyed that time and so did he. We were closer when we worked together, and I felt a sense of relief in having him to lean on.Eventually, we decided to diversify our income, and he went back to his original occupation as a land surveyor. So for many years, I have toughed it out on my own at work each day making all those business decisions on my own and in my own way.This has made me grateful that as a woman I am able to enjoy so many economic, social, political, sensual and creative freedoms. It has not always been like this for women and some women, even in this day and age, live with unimaginable terrors and oppressions.So I am very very grateful that I can be who I was born to be, and whomever I wish to become.I can surround myself with my own self-created livelihood, freedom of thought, freedom of motion and everlasting invention!What do you think?The dictionary defines "yoke" as a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, usually oxen. We all know how hard oxen work, and when they are yoked together, they must work in tandem. The yoke helps them do that. But if one ox moves in one direction and the other ox moves in the other direction, the yoke will strangle both of them.Sandy's analogy of the free spirit in her being yoked to the business woman in her is a brilliant and memorable illustration. It clearly describes the need to reign in both sides of her personality in order to accomplish all of her goals -- personal and professional.Do you find yourself doing this? Successfully? Or not so much? It's tough, isn't it? I'd love to hear your thoughts!And if you are looking to enjoy some soapmaking mentorship, Sandy offers on-site handcrafted soapmaking consultations at SunFeather to help you launch your soap business, or improve the one you have. She's been at it for nearly three decades, so if you want to learn from a master, you don't need to look any further than this blog post to find one. Contact Sandy at enjoy inspiring Indie Business Stories all the time, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.More Indie StoriesSoapin' SisterpreneurWhat Real Men Talk AboutSmall Business, Global MissionI Won Best In Show!Flowers and FusionRead more…
Greetings Family,(Contact Information At Bottom Of Page)It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again (smile)The message below comes from It is extremely relevant to our modeling and entertainment community. Please forward to all your friends in the fashion industry.As many of my regular readers know, we're promoting a new concept in online modeling...Fresh With the thousands of modeling sites on the Internet, you may ask, why do we need another one. I think the multiple news articles below, illustrates the need for us to begin to change the modeling game and uplift the image of women in the media. At Fresh Faces2u it is not so much about how you look...But Who You Are!Please take notice that even the mainstream American media is now beginning to speak out about discrimination in the fashion world.Follow-up links:The New York TimesIgnoring Diversity, Runways Fade to White 14, 2007By Guy TrebayWomen's Wear DailyLittle Diversity in Fashion: African-Americans Bemoan Their Absence in Industry 17, 2007By Rosemary FeitelbergReuters News ServiceNY fashion runways lack black and Asian models 11, 2007By Christine KearneyStyle.comPlease give me more black models (slide show) 18, 2007By Ms. KittyRemember, We Must Share The Knowledge (Network)...To Share The Dollars!!!Peace and Gods Blessings,Jim Neusom***************(Advertisement)*********************Need some great ideas for corporate or personal gift-giving?Then go to City Lights Software( )and see some of the most unique afrocentric gifts available online!We Deliver ONLINE - Direct To Your Desktop for just $14.95Please take the time to purchase one our afrocentric screen savers TODAY!Don't Just Talk the Talk...Let Your Dollars Walk the WalkIf you have any problems with purchasing online contact me direct at or call (213) 944-4176******************************************************HAS BLACK BECOME UNFASHIONABLE?Courtesy of BlackPR.comBET NEWS EXPLORES THE DECLINE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN MODELS IN THE FASHION INDUSTRY IN FASHION BLACKOUT PREMIERING THURSDAY MAY 29 at 8:30 PM*Top Black Industry Insiders, Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Naomi Campbell, Bethann Hardison, Tyson Beckford, Tracy Reese, André Leon Talley And Many Others Sound Off About The Sharp Decline In African American Images In The Fashion IndustryNew York, NY ( - According to, Black women in the United States spend more than $20 billion on apparel each year. Unfortunately the runways, magazine spreads and the image/beauty industry at large are increasingly ignoring their buying power and their existence by choosing instead to market an Eastern-European form of beauty as the standard. This global decrease in the use of African Americans models in top campaigns and in major fashion shows has sparked the question: has Black become unfashionable? On Thursday May 29 at 8:30 PM*, BET News goes behind the scenes of New York's Fashion Week to find the answer in a half hour special, FASHION BLACKOUT. Top Black industry insiders, Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Naomi Campbell, Bethann Hardison, Tyson Beckford, Tracy Reese, André Leon Talley and many others sound off about the sharp decline in African American images in the fashion industry, the blatant racism and their plans on how to keep the Black model from becoming extinct.At New York's September 2007 Fashion Week the runways were dominated by white faces. In fact, Black faces were more absent from the runways than some fashion insiders have seen since the '60s. Of the 101 runway shows, more than 1/3 employed no Black models; most of the others used just one or two. Blacks fared no better overseas: When the fashion caravan moved to London, Paris and Milan, the most influential shows -- from Prada to Jil Sander to Balenciaga to Chloé and Chanel -- made it appear as if someone had hung a sign reading: No Blacks Need Apply. So is the fashion industry racist or are Blacks simply not in season? FASHION BLACKOUT will explore the issues and how the exclusion of an entire race has a negative effect on Black women and their sense of self-worth.For more on FASHION BLACKOUT viewers can go online to information has been distributed through - an extensive press release distribution service to all the African-American newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations; and - an online portal for African-American news issues***************(Advertisement)*********************Looking For More Exposure, Want To Help A Good Cause, Need Money???Come on over to and register to win $10,000 dollars CASH!At Fresh Faces2u it's NOT about how you look...But Who You Are!Join us in our mission to change the image of women in the mediaSign Up Today At Fresh**********************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. 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