You are probably wondering what I mean by the old fashion way. Whenever I backup a WordPress site or blog for my clients or myself, I do it via a FTP program. Yes, I will sit and watch as files and folders are download to my computer, zip it all up and shipped it off to my dropbox so I can share it with the person I am doing the work for. Now I know there far more easier ways to do this such as using a cpanel (a control panel) provided on most hosting companies or a plug-in.
However there can be some complications with these methods. For example, most hosting providers stated that they backup here severs on a regular basis. What happens if its not as often as you like or their servers go down and they loose all of the backups. The backs up by your hosting company shouldn’t be your only method. I can only imagine the amount of data lost two weeks ago in the massive outages of several popular and affordable hosting companies.