Blog (80)

What every busy entrepreneur needs to know about building a highly profitable list

Is Your List Making You Money?

It seems like a funny thing to ask, I know. But, the mantra "the money is in the list" has us slapping opt-in boxes on our web pages and waiting for the money to roll in.

How's that working for you? I know it did not work well for me until I had this epiphany.

The money is not in just having a list; it's in the relationship you build with them.

A list is just that, a list of people who have given you permission to market to them. So, the key to unlocking the money making potential you hear so much about requires you to market.

And for most entrepreneurs, that's easier said than done.

Why does it seem so easy for our marketing heroes and professional crushes to make money their lists while you struggle to build yours?

The truth is it isn't a matter of hard or easy, It comes down to strategic and consistent execution until you find what works for you and your subscribers.

So, how can you build a list that is a win - win for you and your subscribers?

Here are a few tips to help ensure you build a list of responsive subscribers, ready to take action on what you have to say & sell:

#1. Get In Tune with Your Ideal Customer's Deepest Challenges and Desires

If you don't get this right, fuuuget about it! And it's not enough to know this intuitively, especially if you're just starting out. You need to deliberately research this information and keep a running list you can reference on an ongoing basis. This will not only help you hit the bull’s-eye with the next tip, but also when it comes to your follow-up campaign.

#2. Create a Compelling Signature Lead Magnet or Opt-In Gift

Make the right first impression. Your lead magnet should be both relevant and helpful to your visitors and be a natural first step to doing business with you. Gone are the days people signed up for stuff just because it's FREE. These days people's email in-boxes overflow with hundreds of messages from people who want them to sell something, read something, and do something!

Use this criterion as a general guide:

  • Is this something I feel confident about referring my offline networking connections to?
  • Is this something that people would gladly pay money for if it were for sale?
  • Is it a natural first step to working with me?
  • Is it a good introduction to my core offerings?

If you are a little shaky on any of the above questions, look at ways to change or improve your offering so you feel confident about marketing it and driving traffic to it.

#3. Provide One-Time-Offers on Your Thank You/Download Page

The "Thank You" page is the least utilized web real estate. It offers a great opportunity for you to offer your new subscriber an opportunity to solve their problem at a higher level. And, it provides you an opportunity to make a sale. They are the most excited and engaged at this point so now's the time to give them a deal on a product or service they won't want to refuse.

#4. Identify & Tell Your Subscribers What to Do Next

Be sure to build into your opt-in process, instructions on what to do next. To make this the most effective, you'll want to build this call to action into your opt-in offer itself. If you are providing a report, insert your call to action in the beginning and at the end of your report. If you free offer is a video or audio series, be sure to end each session with your call to action.

Don't assume they will go back to your site to buy something or read something. Show them that you have taken the time to guide them towards getting the results they need.

#5. Create Effective Follow Up and Nurturing Email Campaigns

"What do I write about?" This is the reason most entrepreneurs aren't making money. You have to build the know, like and trust factor and train your subscribers to act on what you have to say and sell.

I recommend when you create your opt-in gift/lead magnet. Write you first 10 follow up messages at the same time. Otherwise, it may never get done.

Here's a sample sequence you can use to get started:

  • Email 1 - Welcome and set expectations
  • Email 2-9 - Give incredible value
  • Email 10 - Sell them something

Don't forget to work in a pitch every now and then. It's okay if you have been adding value, they will be hungry for it.

Examine your opt-in process and use the above tips to implement or improve your list building results. Understand that building a highly profitable list may take some testing and work. But, if you commit to the process, it will be well worth the reward in the end.

"Feedback is the breakfast of champions."
~ Ken Blanchard

And as a champion of your success, I'd be honored if you let me know what you thought about this article. Your tips, advice and comments are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!

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Online Videos, A Hot Commodity

10744095075?profile=originalI have a question for you.  Would adding video (infomercials and video blogging)  to our online marketing solutions be beneficial to our clients?  Many of us linger on YouTube longer than we expect.  I know I am guilty of getting trapped into looking at all the crazy, informative, educational, and/or entertaining stuff out there.

In December of last year, over 182 million Americans watched 38.7 million videos on the internet.  Video ads totaled 11.3 billion views.  This was twice as many as in January 2012.  Thanks to YouTube,  Google ranks at the top for the most video content available.

Top U.S. Online Video Content Properties Ranked by Unique Video Viewers
December 2012
Total U.S. – Home and Work Locations
Content Videos Only (Ad Videos Not Included)
Source: comScore Video Metrix
PropertyTotal Unique Viewers (000)Videos (000)*Minutes per Viewer
Total Internet : Total Audience 181,71738,673,3221,150.2
Google Sites152,97113,181,969388.3
Yahoo! Sites47,516383,51451.5
AOL, Inc.42,425692,46755.0
Viacom Digital42,334431,83339.4
Microsoft Sites40,604472,81239.4
Amazon Sites38,129138,96810.3
Grab Media, Inc.34,911203,51228.8

Source: comScore Video Metrix, January 2013 (A video is defined as any streamed segment of audiovisual content, including both progressive downloads and live streams.)

[wdsm_ad id="835" class=" " ]

Video ads reached 53 percent of the total U.S. population an average of 70 times during the month. Delivering the highest frequency of video ads to its viewers was Hulu with an average of 65.

Top U.S. Online Video Ad Properties Ranked by Video Ads* Viewed
December 2012
Total U.S. – Home and Work Locations
Ad Videos Only (Content Videos Not Included)
Source: comScore Video Metrix
PropertyVideo Ads (000)Total Ad Minutes (MM)Frequency (Ads per Viewer)% Reach Total U.S. Population
Total Internet : Total Audience 11,322,6574,13569.952.6
Google Sites1,998,86115520.032.4
BrightRoll Video Network**1,826,45396613.843.1†1,797,94081318.232.1
Specific Media**988,3994197.741.6
TubeMogul Video Ad Platform†783,9342978.430.3
Tremor Video**743,9693618.628.0
Auditude, Inc.**736,78715312.818.7

Source: comScore Video Metrix, January 2013

*Video ads include streaming-video advertising only and do not include other types of video monetization, such as overlays, branded players, matching banner ads, etc.
**Indicates video ad network
†Indicates video ad exchange/DSP/SSP

December 2012 data also revealed:

  • 84.9 percent of the U.S. Internet audience viewed online videos.
  • The duration of the average online content video was 5.4 minutes, while the average online video ad was 0.4 minutes.
  • Video ads accounted for 22.6 percent of all videos viewed and 1.9 percent of all minutes spent viewing video online.

The verdict: I think I am going to invest some time into learning video editing and infomercial creation.  What are your thoughts?

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Are you scratching your head wondering why people just aren't responding to your emails? I mean it's bad enough that they don't respond to your special sales promotions. But, they don't even respond when you give away free stuff.

What gives?

I believe there are three things that could be happening here:

1. You have spies on your list: You know, people who signed up just to see how you did your ebook or what kind of email campaigns you deliver. Oh, don't act like you've never done it :)

2. They're just not that into you: These people may have joined your list for something very specific that met their need at the time and now that they got it, well, they could care less what you send them. So, why have they not unsubscribed? They hang on waiting for something from you that wow's them to buy from you again.

3. You're not putting your back into it: I'm sorry, what I mean is, you aren't even trying. You are just throwing together emails, hoping that that best practice tip (you know the one where they said to email your list once per week?) will hypnotize your subscribers into obeying your every command.

If you want to get your marketing emails opened and your subscribers to take action you need to shift and shake things up a little.

Give value, value and more value and you'll be rewarded for it. Yep! Content Marketing applies to your email marketing efforts too!

So, how can you create a follow up campaign that keeps subscribers engaged, responsive and eager to buy from you?


Here are five quick tips:

1. Don't just send promos: Follow the 80/20 rule provide value eighty percent of the time and promote your offerings twenty percent. This will keep your subscriber's sales walls down and show them that they are worth more than a sales pitch.

2. Be intentional about providing value: Do you take time out each week and look for ways to make your subscriber's lives better?  I myself have been guilty of just throwing together a "fluff" email just to keep in touch. But, if you want to pass the "so what" test, you need to demonstrate that you really care about giving them valuable information they can use, whether they work with you or not.

3. Provide incentives: Sure coupons and discounts on your products and services are cool, but find ways to take it even further. What can you use as a carrot to get people to act? Can you offer tickets to an event, a gift card, a gift basket? Maybe you could partner with someone  and have them sponsor a gift to your list? The possibilities are endless, get creative.

4. Give your subscribers a piece of you: It's important to be you in style and tone when writing your list. It helps them to create a deeper connection and establishes the all important "know and like" factor of that famous marketing mantra.

5. Reward your most responsive subscribers:  If you want your subscribers to engage and pay attention to you, show them that you're paying attention too! Try rewarding them with exclusive discounts, a spotlight interview or a cool prize. I feel the best way to do this is unexpectedly. By the way, this could be a great incentive.

Employ these tips and your subscribers will go from "so what" and ignoring your emails to looking forward to communication from you.

I know there are a lot of email marketing blueprints and advice that give you the A to Z on how to build a responsive list. But, there is no magic bullet. You have to put what you know into action and see what works. Repeat what does and tweak what doesn't until it works too! Don't forget to have fun and be creative, your subscribers are people....not robots :)

 What are some techniques you use to keep your subscribers engaged and happy?

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WRITINGSAVVYSOLUTIONS.COM - is a content driven niche website. The content is focused on writing, publishing, books, and author development.

The website is built with the WordPress platform and comes with a built-in Directory and Online Store in which you can promote both your own products and affiliate products. Buy This Website!

This online business module is an excellent for both the newbie and skilled entrepreneur. There is an exciting opportunity for authors, freelance writers, copywriters and those that desire to be in the writing and publishing industries without the hassles of having to build your own website.

This website is being auctioned -

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What's the key to becoming a likeable and buy-able brand?

I'd say it's to get good at content marketing. Content marketing is all about creating interesting, high value, share-worthy content that makes people crave you as a resource and a choice provider for solving their pain.

But, you are a solo entrepreneur with limited resources, trying to get your audience to notice you amid an ocean of information available to them online.

Not only do you have to compete with the blogs and social media musings of competitors, you have to conquer their ADD over their umbilical smart phones, and iPads.

And, although you are offering all kinds of FREE stuff, it seems as if you can't pay people to sign up for it, let alone pay for any product or service you have to offer.

What gives?

How can you grab your target customer's attention to even begin to build a relationship when they are so distracted and guarded?

There's no doubt marketing and promoting your business in the digital age has become more challenging. But, sometimes you have to revert to old tactics to make yourself stand out as the new and better choice.

Here are 3 simple, yet powerful ways to win the famous know, like and trust contest and become the provider of choice for your target audience:

  1. Be Creative & Innovative: Part of the reason people are hitting the ignore button, is that everyone is doing and saying the same things in the same way. Cookie cutter marketing has made us immune to hearing blatant and bland attempts to entice our business. Excite, shock or surprise your audience. Look for innovative and creative ways to get your message in front of your audience.
  2. Educate: Don't just tell your audience they need your products and services. Show them why they need it and how having it will make their life or business better. That means…you guessed it, taking time to craft valuable content that helps them understand how various aspects of your solutions work to make their lives better. Be careful to be helpful here and not all "salesy". Your #1 goal here is to be a helpful and trusted resource.
  3. Build Relationship: Most businesses large and small focus on getting customers to come to them. Make a commitment to find your prospects and get to know them. Create an incentive program to inspire conversation. Show them you are willing to invest in them in the same way you want them to invest in you.

Case Study: The Apple Store is a great example of a company that leverages all three of these elements successfully. Go to any Apple Store and you can not only buy a product, but an associate will take the time to teach you how to use it. This model is creative, educational and builds good customer relations while inspiring customer loyalty.

Take Away: Success begins with taking action. Create a 3 step strategy for incorporating the above 3 elements in your marketing. Take some time to examine what others are doing and find gaps you can fill to do it better.

Share Your Thoughts! What are your tips on how we can create a that provides a unique experience that builds a likeable and buy-able relationship with our target customers?

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Do you know how to create content to market and support your signature products and services?

You probably have some idea of what to do. Tweet it, pin it, post it…may be among some of your options. But, what kind of combination of content is best to promote your offerings?

If you’re still reading this. you probably know what you want to create. But, perhaps you’re not quite sure where to begin.

Educate to Sell Your Signature Products and Services

First let me make one thing clear. Educating to sell does not mean trying to win over people who are not aware or have a desire to solve their pain? I don’t care how much or even how good your content is, these people will never buy or engage. So it is a waste of your time and resources.

Instead, you want to educate people who have the desire and ability to purchase your solutions. Content Marketing is about soft selling by making your customers smarter than they were when they found you. So, your job is to create content that guides them from awareness to the sale, without being all “salesy”.

Once you create your product or launch your service, you want to be sure that you support it with client attracting content that reaches all over the web and sustain sales beyond the launch.

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to create marketing content to support your signature products and services:


#1) Create content that relates to each of your core offers

Content marketing is all about creating purposeful content. Creating content that educates your audience on topics related to your core offers will meet his requirement. Supporting content can include, articles,social media content, info-graphics, emails and more…

Supporting content can also include internal items like step by step training materials, course content, exercises, scripts, checklists, templates, and accompanying articles that highlight the training programs.

#2) Create several types of author resource boxes to get people to click-through your offers

If you want to create more opportunities for your audience to interact with you, create an author resource box. An “author resource box” also known as byline or mini bios are short summaries located at the bottom of blog posts or articles.

You can use your byline and embed links in articles your distribute around the web. This will help you to increase the flow of “qualified” traffic back to your site.

#3) Create social media postings that promote your articles

Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of not promoting their content. Great articles need help getting seen. I  like creating the posts as I create my blog articles. It’s just a part of the process, so it helps to ensure it gets done. Plugins like Tweet Old Posts are one way to automate this process and make life easier for you.

#4) Create sample promo content to make it easy for JV and affiliates to promote your offers to their networks

Pre-creating content such as ads, banners, emails, blog posts, social media content and more  helps make you more sharable. The easier you make referring and promoting your products and services, the more successful your affiliate marketing and joint venture programs will be.

#5) Create “Welcome Content” to support and guide your customer’s experience after the sale

We often hear about all the “external” content we need to create like blogs and social media content, etc. But, what we often overlook is creating content to WOW our customers after the sale. What type of content can you provide your customers to make your solutions easy to implement?

Exercises, handouts, scripts and templates are some common examples. Some other examples include, learning guides, mind maps, emails nurturing campaigns and newsletters. The more you can wow them, the more they’ll come back again and again and bring friends.

There of course are other powerful forms of content to promote your core training programs products and services. I will explore them in this article series so stay plugged in.

What types of content do you create and publish to support your signature products and services? Share your answers with me below…

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Do you have a product or service you can sell to Walmart?

Walmart has just survived a class action lawsuit by the skin of their teeth. To get ahead of potential smaller lawsuits they are announcing the above initiative. So jump in and take advantage of this golden opportunity. Use guilt to your advantage.


Contact your regional manager of Walmart to offer your goods and services to take advantage of  this window of opportunity.

For the full press story see the link below.



Michelle S. Hawkins

Celebrating my 500th post with a giveaway.


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WOW! You have to see this. It's an experiment this guy Brett Cohen did essentially showing, if you believe can achieve it!

He gets some people to be his bodyguards, paparazzi, puts on some nice clothes and sunglasses, and walks the streets of New York. Immediately people begin to flock to him, thinking he is someone famous! His video team even interviews people and asks them if they know him and "fans" are talking about how much they love his work! It's amazing what people will believe!



This brings me to my point. Why not become famous yourself?? EXCEPT instead of experimenting, actually get paid what the famous folks do. If you know you are special and have something valuable, why not share it with the world? One of the best ways to accomplish this is to BLOG! Believe it or not, blogging is a great way to get exposure, share what you have to offer and to build a fan base! Blogging can be used for a range of things from sharing your personal story to sharing how your business can help someone. I offer the perfect blogging platform and system that will help you Be Famous Online TooAND get paid PLUS build a solid fan base! This system is great for supplementing and advertising your current business or may be a good start for someone interested in making a business income from home. Did I say it was BLOGGING?

SO, if this guy can put on some sunglasses, walk the streets of New York and become famous, it should be NO PROBLEM for you to click on this link ==>, watch the information and begin your journey to fame as a blogger! EXCEPT you would get paid for it :)


Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Your Opinion Matters... Please HELP!



Please HELP! I am working on a project and need to collect some data for market research. Please take a moment and take a quick survey, just 2 Questions and less than 30 seconds of your time. Here's the link:












Think You Can Blog?

I am seeking women bloggers to provide articles in the areas of beauty, entrepreneurship, health & wellness, financial wealth, spirituality and current topics for women. For more information,



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Let Your Light Shine

With the advent of the London 2012 Olympics and the illuminating flame-lighting ceremony on Friday July 27,  2012, I thought this title would be fitting. Today one of my fellow industry divas,  Nicole S. Cooper Facebook-ed,"I believe that we all have greatness on the inside of us, but I don't believe in allowing excuses to be the deterrent for why we never allowed our lights to shine!"

She wrote this in response to a client who thanked her for pushing them to move forward in their business. Her response was so key. EVERYONE has the ability to accomplish their goals and essentially create a better quality of life for themselves. But lets face it, ultimately the only reason why you are not where you want to be is because of excuses (especially in business)... just isn't the right time, I don't have the time, not enough money to get started, don't know anything about the industry, I don't like or know how to sell, my teeth hurt today, blah blah blah. ALL excuses.

BUT just as Nicole said, stop allowing excuses to keep you from letting your light shine! Stop allowing excuses to keep you from fulfilling your dreams. Stop allowing excuses keep you from recognizing someone special in your life. Stop allowing excuses to rule your life! At some point you have to take control of your life and begin to fulfill the dreams and goals you have for yourself.

I lost a very dear friend last week, he was only 34 and it got me thinking. We NEVER know when our last day on earth will be. When the last time to speak to a loved one will be. When the last time to do something you've ALWAYS wanted to do will be. So you cannot continue to allow life to pass you by with all of these excuses. You have to find "your light" and start letting it shine. Start working towards the goals you have for yourself. Unfortunately, some of your goals may require more income. And there are so many opportunities available to give you the financial independence to achieve the things you want to. One of my favorite sayings is, "If you will DO for a season, what most won't, you'll be able to live the rest of your life the way most CAN'T. It's not a matter of whether you can or can't its a matter of whether you WILL or WONT." Find a business opportunity that  you are comfortable with, find someone you are comfortable working with and start accomplishing your goals. Start to Let your Light Shine!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

P.S. If you are still looking for a way to Be Famous Online Too with blogging, get access to this video. You'll see actual stories of real people (previously struggling to be famous online) who are well.... let's just say.... famous now!  (before you click this link, make sure to grab a piece of paper to take notes after you have access)

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Hey Everyone, Happy Tuesday. Thanks for joining us in the kitchen today. This week's Taste Test Tuesday is about chocolate and cream cheese. That's right Philadelphia Cream Cheese has created a product that combines chocolate and cream cheese. It is definitely and 'Indulgence'

Philadelphia Indulgence


This new creation from Kraft Foods brand Philadelphia has people really thinking about different food combinations. When we first heard about this, we tried to imagine the tastes but couldn't get an idea, so we just decided to try it for ourselves. We even took the time to do more research to see what recipes would be great with this.

Smooth, creamy texture, with rich chocolate added in. Great snack with pretzels, graham crackers, fruit, cookies, etc. Philadelphia Indulgence comes in three flavors: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate. Below you will find some different ways to enjoy this tasty treat.


  • Fruit Dip
  • Spread on bagels and toast
  • S'mores: graham crackers, Indulgence and Marshmallow fluff
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons into your favorite smoothie
  • Turtle Dip: Mix Indulgence with caramel sauce and peanuts
  • Mousse: Mix Indulgence with  Cool Whip and refrigerate for an hour

We hope you enjoy today's chocolaty treat. Feel free to send us your feedback, we love to hear from you.

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If you have a website, blog, ezine, or newsletter, I'm sure you consider your content to be valuable to your readers and potential customers. So, why not get paid for it in the meantime? If you're new to this idea, then this article will help you. There are several ways to go about monetizing your website or blog:

Google Adsense

This is one of the most popular and best ways to monetize your website or blog. Google Adsense will place advertisements on your site that are similar to your content. So, how do you get paid? You get paid when someone clicks on the advertisement. Here are some resource sites that will help you better understand Google Adsense and help you sign up.

Google Adsense Sign Up

More information on Google Adsense


This is a program that offers several different types of products you can promote on your website and get as much as 75% commission on them. You can choose any product and as many products as you would like to promote or advertise. This is another lucrative way to make money from your website or blog.

Text Link Ads brings targeted traffic to your website or blog. Similar to, you make money from potential clients clicking on text-based ads inserted on your site. You receive 50% commissions on everything and they also have an affiliate program which gives you $25 for every person you refer to their company. Read more here:

Here are some additional sources for making money on your website or blog:

Blog Traffic Cash

Remember, just because you create a website doesn't mean people want to see it or work with you. Give them a reason to, by enriching your website or blog. Make some extra money!

How do you make money on your website or blog? Share your ideas with us.

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

follow me on twitter:

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I'm participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. At the end of the challenge you will have 30 post. No you don't have to post every day, but it helps, just make sure at the end of 30 days you have 30 posts. This is especially good for folks starting out or those who have written many posts.


You post your post on the blog challenge facebook page and then go read and comment on other bloggers posts. The other bloggers who like your topic or post tile will visit you and comment posting it so others will be encouraged to visit your blog.


This a great way to get eyes on you blog. I have picked up several new followers to my blog. To use this method just do a Google search for blog challenges. A great way to get going as many challenge hostess will suggest a topic of the day for business and personal blogs. If you have specific niche you're going after, try to work out your own blog topic a for a week or several days at a time. You can then have your posts done and you don't feel rushed. Always no matter what add a picture which represents the message you are trying to convey.


Use large type and a large picture. You don't have to write book, just enlighten your audience on the topic .A couple of paragraphs. I  would not do more than four and leave plenty of whit space so the reader doesn't become fatigued.

All the best. Now Get to Blogging. Smile





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Truths about Blog Marketing Online That you should know

Do you struggle with marketing your blog online? Many struggle with marketing their blog, website, products etc. online and are frustrated with all of the information out there. As a result of this you may come close to giving up.

If you’re new to blogging this can get complicated. Marketing of any sort takes dedication, hard work and consistency. If you’re just starting out it may look like a lot of work and it may appear not to have much reward. Always remember that it is a process that takes building. You will have to be persistent and consistent.

So how do you get your blog out there? Take time to visit other blogs. Not just any blog, visit those that are relevant to yours and leave value added comments. . When you do this it will allow you to get your blog out to those who would be interested in your topic. Some will actually post the title of your last blog post.

Be consistent with posting on your blog. You may gain visitors, however, they won’t return if it seems that you use the “hit and miss” schedule.

How often should you post? You can post daily, weekly or biweekly but you want to be consistent. Now if you want to accelerate your results post at least two times per week minimum but be consistent so your readers can expect to return at a particular time and be rewarded with updated content.

Know where your traffic is coming from. Know which search engines are directing people to your blog and which are not. Find out what keywords are bringing people to your blog as well. If you know all of this all ready, use it to your advantage. Write more content on the keywords that are working for you and monitor where you fall on the search engine pages that are sending visitors.

What do you do when you get comments on your blog? Smile and say how nice or do you respond to the comment? If someone leaves a comment on your blog, be sure to acknowledge it. No one wants to have a conversation with themselves, and it will only take a brief moment to reply and let them know you appreciate them. Otherwise if you have a section full of comments and you have not replied, chances are that you will not be getting many more. The readers may even drop you off of their list of blogs to visit frequently as well. Using your head and treating others, as you would want to be treated is a big part of marketing.

If you happen to be quoting an article from another source or blog, always be sure to provide a link back to the original. Other wise this is known as plagiarism and something that is looked down on in the world of marketing. Stealing someone else’s content is not a good idea and not something that you will get away with. You will get caught if you try to say someone else’s work is your own of it is not. This is not a good way to start off in the blog marketing world as well.

As you can see there are many truths you should be aware of when considering marketing your blog. You can get your blog out there, known and monetize your efforts. Use these techniques above to get your blog more traffic and readers and you will eventually reap the rewards.

Want to learn more about blogging, Social Media and Online Marketing?
I invite you to join me for my “Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success” Teleseries. Click here to request your FREE ticket to this Power-packed Social Media and Online Marketing Training!

Read additional Empowering Blog posts

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7 Tips to Power Up Your Blogging Endeavors

7 Tips to Power up Your Blogging Endeavors


Whether you want to share about your favorite interests, ministry, business etc. Blogging is a great tool to use.

Blogging has come to be considered a highly effective marketing tool. You can easily create awareness of your product and get clients and customers to interact with each other. And not only customers, also those who are relatively new to your product get a platform to ask questions and clear their air about your product.

Moreover, it also increases your website rankings can increase because the blog is constantly being updates, commented on, and discussions are always going on. Because of its sheer activity, the rankings improve, creating more awareness of the product.

The following are tips you can follow to power up your blogging endeavors

• Never make the blog post too long uselessly. It must be well written. Long posts tend to get dreary and they are not ‘catchy’ enough for people to sit and go through them.

• Update regularly. Since you don’t need to write long posts that are not much effort. Ideally, blog 3-4 times a week.

• Be entertaining where required, everyone can do with some light hearted humor, without being derogatory.

• You need not stick only to text. Video and photo blogging are fastly catching on and are interesting ways to share your thoughts, and make your videos and photographs well known.

• Be yourself. Do not try to imitate or copy someone else’s content.

• Update frequently otherwise visitors may stop coming to your blog. It will also give you more confidence to churn out more well worded posts in the future.

• Make sure you proof read your posts. Spelling and grammatical errors can be a major put-off for many readers.

How will you use this content? What one action will you take to Power up your Blogging endeavors? Want to learn more on this subject?

I invite you to join me for a power-packed Training call that is part of my Social Media and Online Marketing Teleseries “Blogging made simple” along with a Social Media Q & A and Laser Coaching.
Click here to request your FRE.E ticket to “Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success” Teleseries

There’s very limited phone lines.

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Bridal IZ Vendors Directory - is a community based article and directory for vendors to receive maximum exposure. Community members are able to submit articles, upload photos, find bridal and wedding related information and resources or and your related website to the directory. Doing so will increase your online exposure, readership, generate more backlinks and improve search engine rankings. Add your website today!

Read more… - is a community based article and blog directory. Find blog related articles and resources or post your related website or blog in the directory and increase your online exposure, improve readership, generate more backlinks and improve search engine rankings.  

Read more… - is a community based article and blog directory. Find career and employment articles and resources or post your related website or blog in the directory and increase your online exposure, improve readership, generate more backlinks and improve search engine rankings.  

Read more… - is a community based article and blog directory. Find money management and wealth building articles and resources or post your related website or blog in the directory and increase your online exposure, improve readership, generate more backlinks and improve search engine rankings.  

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With the world's economy the way it is, it is hard to depend on job security and constant cash flow. Receiving more education isn't even helpful. It's just putting people in more debt (especially the online schools). It seems the more education you have, the lesser chance you have of getting a job. Unfortunately, the group experiencing the brunt of these issues are the Generation Y-ers or people born in the 70's and 80's. Jahna Barry captures this ongoing issue in Click here to read the article =>Young Adults Face Future of Self-Reliance.

After reading this article, you can't help but ask WHAT DO YOU DO? Well, it all comes down to "doing it yourself". You're going to have to secure your future by "doing it yourself". START A BUSINESS! It's sad but a lot of people are unaware of the HUGE tax benefits you receive for owning a home-based business. PLUS you can create your own income and secure your retirement plan. THE BONUS is you can start a business and make sure it fits in your schedule by working part-time or full-time. So, what's the hold up? The economy, unfortunately, is getting WORSE. So, protect yourself and your family NOW. Start a business. What are your thoughts of Jahna Barry's article and the subject?


I can help you. Contact me today!
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