character (3)


Recently, I was faced with a situation in which I hired and trusted a seemingly smart, professional and successful business woman only to be let down drastically by her actions. What you see is really not always what you get. Though I’ve always been a good judge of character, I must admit, I let my guard down which left me doing damage control.

“Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.” Abraham Lincoln

Character is who we are even when no one is watching; it’s doing the right thing! So, what attributes should one look for when hiring an Independent Contractor, partnering with other entrepreneurs or collaborating on a business project? These are 3 I’s which every entrepreneur should possess.

Do you believe integrity is important both personally and professionally? Integrity is the foundation that we all should strive to live by. It exhibits the quality of one’s character! While morality is often associated with integrity, morality is what we believe while integrity is what we do with what we believe.

As an entrepreneur, integrity should be deeply rooted at inception of your business as it becomes the heart and soul of your company’s culture. Ask yourself:
  1. Is my business compatible with my values?
  2. Am I sure that my success is not coming at the expense of my family, personal and professional relationships or health?
  3. Do the vision of who I strive to be and the life I want to create fit with the business decision I have just made?
Answering these questions honestly can help you make adjustments where needed.


“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” Dolly Parton

The ability to inspire people to reach great heights of success is a key ingredient of a successful entrepreneur. Inspiration enthuses and ignites greatness. When you feel inspired it triggers emotions and feelings that enable you to live a purposeful life. I created Empower Yourself Daily Quotes to help others jumpstart their day with positive thoughts! In addition, here are 2 ways to inspire others:
  • Encourage: People face many difficult obstacles in life. Being supportive during tough times will enable others to rise up and overcome life’s hardships.
  • Challenge: Sometimes people are not sure of that next step to take in their life. By holding them accountable, will push them to achieve more.
Have you ever considered the impact you would make on the lives of others by sharing your time and talent? Volunteering or mentoring is such a non-selfish way to give back! There are many ways you can reach out; find non-profit organizations in your area that you feel compelled to work with and volunteer; help your local library or hospital; or mentor youths or adults.

In conclusion, though there are many traits necessary for success in business and life, these are my top three.
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God's Love (1st person; God speaking)

When I think of you I smile, just want your attention for a whileAs I share with you my heart, so that you may do your partAnd succeed in all I've called you to do.I want you to know that I'm depending on you,For you were created in my image.Yes, when you see you, you see me.Now let me share with you my character, and my hope for our family.I long for creation to love each other,Love your fathers and your mothersLoving your neighbors as yourselves,As with your sisters and your brothersAdopt the Spirit of Love, you seeOf faith, of hope and tenacityAnd then you will walk like me.With an ability to know and a capacity to showWhat it means to love another deeply.You must learn to give, for you will never beat me givingAnd help others in need in this life that you are living.Respect each others minds, be patient and kindAnd live in peace with others not quite like youFor in this, you do what's been commanded of you.You see, my thoughts are for the lostI want to tap into their heartsYou are my children, my heirs; I call you friendI am your Father and I'm here until the end.Forever teaching, leading and guiding you.Directing each step along the wayAnd with all this love that I am faithfully providingIt is my belief that you will never stray.So now, here's my planI need you to extend your hands and lovingly lead others to ChristAnd as our family is enlargedI can give others the charge, for I would that you all be freeAnd in Christ, live this life in Victory.Love was the commandment you were left withAnd my dear ones Love is truly the keyFor love for yourselves and of othersIs how you are connected to me.I loved you first and I love you bestBut now I put you to the test.To walk in this newness of life.Walk holy and righteous, free from sinIn peace and joy, for my Spirit lives with.You've a direct connection to me and when you seek me sincerely, you'll seeThat in love I have covered you, now you can cover others tooYou can live abundantly in this life,Live in humility, not in strifeFor I have loved you all the same and I call each of you by nameYou are the fruit of my lips, my offspring and true obedience, I expect you to bring.For to look like me IS to do what I doAnd to love everyone is what I'm calling you to.As you imitate me, this world is able to seeThat Love is my powerful gift,For truly to love is DIVINEAnd when given in Truth, it'll last a lifetime.So, in closing I'll just say,"Stay in the WORD and always prayFor love is closer to you than it may seem;It's in your hearts and in your minds, it's in your dreamsAnd in case you haven't known, I hope this time with me has shownThat the heritage of Christ still lives onFor Calvary is not where it ends.Quite the contrary, it's where it beginsYou've a direct command from HIM to love one another until the end.When HE comes back in all of HIS glory, that event shall mark the end of this story,For eternally with Him, You shall beFor indeed, it is YOU who completes our family tree."Oh, how wondrous is our Family AboveAnd it all began with GOD and HIS infinite LOVE.Copyright 2006, Debra Poole Declouet
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