grounding (1)

A Nlitened Thought! 05/02/08

Strong and wealthy!Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume thatit is beyond the powers of man- but if anything is within the powersand province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also.[ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ]Adapted from Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra (New World Library,1993).Affluence of wealth means that one is easily able to fulfill one'sdesires, whatever they may be, whether they apply to the materialrealm, or to our emotional, psychological or spiritual needs, or tothe realm of relationship.A truly wealthy person's attention is never focused on money alone.Moreover, a wealthy person never has money concerns. You may havemillions of dollars in the bank, but if you think all the time aboutmoney, if you have concern about it, if you worry about it—aboutgetting more, about not having enough, about losing it—thenirrespective of the dollar amount you possess, you are poor.To have true wealth or affluence is to be totally carefree abouteverything in life, including money. True wealth consciousness is,therefore, consciousness of the source of all material reality. Thissource of all material reality is pure consciousness. It is pureawareness. It is the unified field. It is the field of allpossibilities. We cannot know this field just by thinking about itbecause, by definition, it is transcendental to thought. We can,however, have experiential knowledge of this field by transcending toit and knowing it intimately as our own nature.The best way to acquire knowledge of this field of pure being isthrough meditation.My Thoughts:The stronger your will the more apt you are to obtaining that whichyou desire most. Within you is the ability to achieve anything. Findstrength in your daily rituals/practices; meditation, breath work andphysical/spiritual exercise (Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong even Bellydance). You will bethat which you practice daily. Money can be the paper presence of theego, desiring more of it will only make room for a higher desire ofit. Live within your means, attain enough to help you functionpositively and create the level of true wealth you desire in yourmind first. Money is no great healer however your mind, body, souland spirit are!Love is….TL
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