intention (1)

Self Discipline: Your Commitment to Yourself

Self discipline is the most important attribute one can possess. If you are a small business owner or solo entrepreneur, self discipline will either make or break your business. The core of this attribute is your commitment to yourself and your dreams. How committed are you to your dream? Do you wake up every morning with a plan laid out to help move you closer to your desires? Do you know what your high payoff task is and what it will do for your business? Do you know how to effectively communicate your desires to those who can help you? Do you know to whom you should communicate these desires? If the answer to any of these questions is no or maybe, you need to re-examine your commitment to your dream.If you are not committed it will prove difficult to get others to become invested in your dream. The concept of self discipline is a beautiful thing. To execute this concept is simple. In fact, it is one of the most simplistic concepts that exists, yet the execution of it allow us to make sense of highly complex situations and experiences. Many view self discipline as an illusive thing that only a select few are capable of achieving. That is an untruth. There is and will always be but one thing that will allow you to possess self discipline.1. Do what you say you are going to do. That is all. When you follow through with action on the things you have intended mentally, it is an execution of self discipline. Only you can free yourself from the "should haves", "could haves", and "would haves". If you commit your physical body to your internal decisions, wants and desires, the only possible result is successful action. Your successful action will result in the manifestation of things all around you. It will allow others to recognize and experience these things as well. When others experience them along side of you, it will prompt them to become invested in you and your dream.Remember, your commitment to yourself is the heart of self discipline. You cannot expect others to commit to you if they cannot see that you are first committed to yourself. Exercise self discipline always. Do what you say you are going to do. Write 100 articles in 100 days if you say you are going to do it. Go to the gym every morning if you said you were going to do that. Take action on what you intend mentally and you will develop the self discipline required to achieve your dreams.Lyndsey Shaffer is the co- founder of the Onyx Six - Women of Color Business Network. Onyx Six is a business development network committed to creating a supportive and influential community of minority women entrepreneurs and professionals. Contact Lyndsey Shaffer by email at
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