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Accepting Success

Graciously accept your successes. Be thankful for every accomplishment and the achievement of goals that you have set. To achieve the true and pure feeling of gratitude you must give thanks for what it is that has come into your experience without criticism. It is often hard for us to not criticize or re-evaluate the path that has been traveled to success, and it’s especially hard to not criticize something we perceive to be a failure.Gratitude is first about the full acceptance of things, places, people and circumstances as they are. Secondly, it is about putting yourself at ease or in a state of comfort as it pertains to the object of your gratitude. When one begins to criticize the outcome of a thing they begin to mix good feelings with bad. This creates an inner turmoil that makes it impossible to be in alignment with the universe. When you are out of alignment with the universe it becomes harder to manifest that which you have asked for because your current vibration is competing with the things that you do not want.It is true that we should be grateful for all things that come into our experience. When we experience things that we do not like, it positions us to gain clarity on the things we do like and want. For this, we should be grateful. However, it is crucial that we are truly grateful for our successes because they are the “feel good” things of which we wish to have more. How can you expect to compound your successful actions if you are unable to remit your feelings happiness and gratitude for those things to the universe.Practice devoting your conscious thoughts to your success and be happy. Leave the “could haves”, “would haves” and “should haves” in the past. It is your feelings about the things that are happening today that will bring you more successes and happiness in the future. Your comfort with your success today will bring more successes in the future. Your criticisms about your success or lack there of will bring more of the same. It’s as simple as that. Graciously accept your successes and be proud of your accomplishments. After all, it is you and only you who possess the ability to call them into your life. Rejoice!
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Self Discipline: Your Commitment to Yourself

Self discipline is the most important attribute one can possess. If you are a small business owner or solo entrepreneur, self discipline will either make or break your business. The core of this attribute is your commitment to yourself and your dreams. How committed are you to your dream? Do you wake up every morning with a plan laid out to help move you closer to your desires? Do you know what your high payoff task is and what it will do for your business? Do you know how to effectively communicate your desires to those who can help you? Do you know to whom you should communicate these desires? If the answer to any of these questions is no or maybe, you need to re-examine your commitment to your dream.If you are not committed it will prove difficult to get others to become invested in your dream. The concept of self discipline is a beautiful thing. To execute this concept is simple. In fact, it is one of the most simplistic concepts that exists, yet the execution of it allow us to make sense of highly complex situations and experiences. Many view self discipline as an illusive thing that only a select few are capable of achieving. That is an untruth. There is and will always be but one thing that will allow you to possess self discipline.1. Do what you say you are going to do. That is all. When you follow through with action on the things you have intended mentally, it is an execution of self discipline. Only you can free yourself from the "should haves", "could haves", and "would haves". If you commit your physical body to your internal decisions, wants and desires, the only possible result is successful action. Your successful action will result in the manifestation of things all around you. It will allow others to recognize and experience these things as well. When others experience them along side of you, it will prompt them to become invested in you and your dream.Remember, your commitment to yourself is the heart of self discipline. You cannot expect others to commit to you if they cannot see that you are first committed to yourself. Exercise self discipline always. Do what you say you are going to do. Write 100 articles in 100 days if you say you are going to do it. Go to the gym every morning if you said you were going to do that. Take action on what you intend mentally and you will develop the self discipline required to achieve your dreams.Lyndsey Shaffer is the co- founder of the Onyx Six - Women of Color Business Network. Onyx Six is a business development network committed to creating a supportive and influential community of minority women entrepreneurs and professionals. Contact Lyndsey Shaffer by email at
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The High Pay Off Task

Time management skills are vital for the small business owner. The need to manage your time is not a new concept. However, many neglect to prioritize their tasks. Every single day you must have a list of things you will accomplish. From that list you need to identify "the high payoff task".The high payoff task is the project that is in direct alignment with your goals and dreams. Many people consider the high payoff task to be that which will bring them money. Do not fall into this trap. The high payoff task will deliver something of true value to you, something more important than instant monetary gratification. When you complete that task it will have either moved you to the next level, or opened the doorway to the staircase that will take you there. It places you in a position to grow.Unfortunately, it is often hard to distinguish what the high payoff task for the day will be. We often have a list of things that we want to do, don't want to do or should have done all rolled into one. The key is to decipher from that list which project will bring you both joy and growth. The beauty of it is this, there is not a list of steps you have to follow to determine the high payoff task. Nor is there a key ingredient to creating one. It is simply a matter of getting in touch with your feelings and emotions. When you're engaging in your high payoff task you will know it because you will feel on fire. Every step and every decision will flow with ease.Sometimes we can identify the high payoff task before we even begin. If you read an item on your list and you become excited and feel good at the prospect of completing that task then you have identified your high pay off task. Other times we don't identify the high payoff task until we're knee deep in it. You may say things to yourself like "wow this is easier than I thought it would be" or "I feel like I'm actually making progress" and you will take pleasure in completing this task.Yet, what happens most often is that you find the high payoff task outside of the list. It may be as simple as an unexpected phone call, email or a chance meeting. It appears in the little things that make you say, "that just made my day"! This experience energizes and refuels you and this is what the high payoff task does. When something keeps you motivated and actively moving towards your goal or ignites you inner desires and your passion for life, you've found your high payoff task.Keep your eyes open because it may be in disguise, but it will always bring you happiness.Lyndsey Shaffer is the co- founder of the Onyx Six - Women of Color Business Network Onyx Six is a business development network committed to creating a supportive and influential community of minority women entrepreneurs and professionals. Contact Lyndsey Shaffer by email at
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