Have you ever heard the term to stroke your hair 100 times before going to bed...well make sure to listen to it because it is true. Stroking your hair will make it shine, gives it strength, make it eaiser to comb, and most important of all make it more manageable. Stroking your hair sounds easy, but it is more than a chore; chore meaning that it is taking time from you that you do not wish to give especially if you have to stroke more than one head of hair...eaiser said than done. We must learn and then practice that there is no person more important that you than you. Because if you fall apart what happens to everything else around you? Not only do we depend on ourselves, but other people depend on us as well, so we are very important people (spend time with yourself and on yourself).
Make sure that before you began your stroking regiment, make sure that you have all of the proper tools needed for the best results, which is a very good comb and brush. If you have long hair then you will need a wooden comb and brush. You would need to comb your hair first and then stroke it with your brush. If you have short hair you would need a wooden comb and a regular brush. The reason you would need a regular brush is because the wood brush pegs are spaced too far apart for short hair, and you will not be able to achieve a good stroke for your hair...make sure that your brush has strong hard bristles and it does not contain boars hair. For natural hair seperate it into sections comb and then brush. Once you are finished with the stroke conditioning regimen on your hair make sure to tie it up properly with a wave cap and a silk scarf.
Remember that in order to have the best hair you have to take care of your hair and use the very best natural products on your hair...to achieve the best use the best, but most important of all having the knowledge to achieve your goals. There are a lot of products out there some are good and others are not; we need to know the good ones. Knowing what chemicals are in the products and what they do and how they react on your hair is a good place to gain knowledge. Don't just trust your hair to anyone do your homework and pay attention to how your hair reacts to certain products...this means pay attention to yourself, because you are important.
Don't under estimate the power of the BC (brush, comb) stroke it will make all the difference in the texture of your hair and managabality of your hair. Applying a good moisturising hair dress is a good application tool to use when combing and brushing your hair. My Glory Hair Care Moisturizing Hair Dress is just the application. Apply a modest amount depending upon the thickness and length of the hair and then spritz with the My Glory Hair Olive Oil hair spritz. Before you apply the stroke, first comb your hair to remove any tangles, and then apply the stroke and watch the transformation in your hair--you will be very pleased.
I usually recommend the use of My Glory Hair Dress for little girls hair, but adults feel free to express yourself, if your hair is natural.
Stay tuned I have more to come. Please leave a comment or a question and I will be sure to get back in-touch with you