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By The Stroke Of 12

By The Stroke Of 12

Have you ever heard the term to stroke your hair 100 times before going to bed...well make sure to listen to it because it is true. Stroking your hair will make it shine, gives it strength, make it eaiser to comb, and most important of all make it more manageable. Stroking your hair sounds easy, but it is more than a chore; chore meaning that it is taking time from you that you do not wish to give especially if you have to stroke more than one head of hair...eaiser said than done. We must learn and then practice that there is no person more important that you than you. Because if you fall apart what happens to everything else around you? Not only do we depend on ourselves, but other people depend on us as well, so we are very important people (spend time with yourself and on yourself).

Make sure that before you began your stroking regiment, make sure that you have all of the proper tools needed for the best results, which is a very good comb and brush. If you have long hair then you will need a wooden comb and brush. You would need to comb your hair first and then stroke it with your brush. If you have short hair you would need a wooden comb and a regular brush. The reason you would need a regular brush is because the wood brush pegs are spaced too far apart for short hair, and you will not be able to achieve a good stroke for your hair...make sure that your brush has strong hard bristles and it does not contain boars hair. For natural hair seperate it into sections comb and then brush. Once you are finished with the stroke conditioning regimen on your hair make sure to tie it up properly with a wave cap and a silk scarf.

Remember that in order to have the best hair you have to take care of your hair and use the very best natural products on your hair...to achieve the best use the best, but most important of all having the knowledge to achieve your goals. There are a lot of products out there some are good and others are not; we need to know the good ones. Knowing what chemicals are in the products and what they do and how they react on your hair is a good place to gain knowledge. Don't just trust your hair to anyone do your homework and pay attention to how your hair reacts to certain products...this means pay attention to yourself, because you are important.

Don't under estimate the power of the BC (brush, comb) stroke it will make all the difference in the texture of your hair and managabality of your hair. Applying a good moisturising hair dress is a good application tool to use when combing and brushing your hair. My Glory Hair Care Moisturizing Hair Dress is just the application. Apply a modest amount depending upon the thickness and length of the hair and then spritz with the My Glory Hair Olive Oil hair spritz. Before you apply the stroke, first comb your hair to remove any tangles, and then apply the stroke and watch the transformation in your hair--you will be very pleased.

I usually recommend the use of My Glory Hair Dress for little girls hair, but adults feel free to express yourself, if your hair is natural.

Stay tuned I have more to come. Please leave a comment or a question and I will be sure to get back in-touch with you
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Dry Skin Sufferers...Here's a Solution

A few days ago I shared some great Winter Skin Care info. Well, no winter skin care regimen would be complete without dry skin care. Here's a recent blog post on Dry Skin TipsAlso, below is a pic of the new Blended Naturals Shea Butter Balm. It's also not your every day run of the mill Shea Butter. It's a balm that has the option to combine an essential oil. Organic and highly moisturizing for dry skin:

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How to Turn Your Financial Troubles Around

Money worries have many different voices: “How am I going to pay my phone bill? My lights are almost two months behind. The rent is due. What are we going to do about the mortgage? We don’t have money for football uniforms. No field trip. That cost money. No, you can’t have that, it cost more than what we have in our budget. They’re coming to take the furniture back; our payment is overdue. The kid needs her braces removed but the dentist won’t do it unless we pay the rest of the money we owe. I’ve lost my job. I’m sorry, honey, they have downsized my position. If I want to keep my job I will have to take a cut in pay. How can I afford these child support payments? I can’t take this any more. What are we going to do?”A mind that is cluttered with money worries may be flooded with one or two or all of these thoughts at one time or another. Maybe you were there once in your life, maybe not. Most people with financial troubles are anxious, confused, angry, harbor feelings of hopelessness, insecurity, and uncertainty about future financial outcomes. Consequently, this state of mind affects everything, including work performance.It’s time for a financial assessment. Is your trouble because you have maxed out your credit cards? Maybe you have more month than money. Do you have medical expenses? Are you sick and can’t work? Have you lost your job, or been downsized? Where did the shortage originate?Once you have assessed where the problem lie, then you can look at remedies. Money troubles in plain simple English are not enough money to cover your present lifestyle. The causes may or may not be within your control.When the funds are low, the logical answer would be to make more but what most people do is fret about it. Some spend more time worrying about what they don’t have while others add on a second job.Money troubles are not going to go away without something changing. Worry will not make up the deficit but initiating a plan of action will.Step IMake a list of all of your monthly household livingexpenses: mortgage, rent, utility bills, etc.Step IIList Your Debts (creditors you owe)Step IIIList your entertainmentStep IVList miscellaneous (lunch, coffee, snacks, etc.)Step VWrite in how much you pay on each. Total thatamount.Step VIList your sources of income (job, spouse, etc.). Takethe total from this and subtract it from what you spend onhousehold, debts and entertainment. If that figure showsyou are not covering your expenses, look back at yourexpenses; see what you can eliminate from entertainment.Make a list of other areas you are expending money,such as lunch, dry cleaning, hair cuts, etc.Try taking your lunch from home rather than buying lunch. The average lunch cost about $7.00. That $7.00 for five days comes to $35.00 a week, totaling $140.00 a month. Imagine if you, your wife and children spent the same amount weekly,that would amount to a partial mortgage or rental payment.Take a look at your Debt. Began to work from the smallest to the largest. Take the money you saved from not buying, let’s say lunch, and redirect the total amount towards paying off the smallest debt first.As you pay off each debt, take that money and add it to the next smallest debt, working your way to the largest, until you have eliminated your debt completely. While you are doing this, examine your household budget.Look at how to eliminate some of your other expenditures; for example, if you have a high cell phone bill, you might want to exchange that cell phone for one with a more fixed rate. Maybe instead of hiring a lawn service, you could cut the grass yourself. Perhaps you might visit Barber or cosmetology trade schools to obtain these services at a reduced rate.Look at what you are already doing first to find the extra money. If you still need more to make up the deficit, then you might look at your skills and talents: start a home-based business. It’s something you could do as a family.Money troubles can be conquered, if you are willing to take a few extra steps. Don’t look at the impossible debt mountain, began the climb one step at a time. And, yes, it is okay to reward yourself along the way but keep in mind where you are headed. Don’t overdo it. Once your debt is eliminated, don’t spend the excess money; instead, add it to your future savings options.Understand that paying your debts down will not take place overnight but if you are consistent it will happen.Blondie L. Clayton is a Realization Strategist™, Publishing Coach, Author of several books, Freelance Writer, hosts of several radio talk shows online. Download your free debt free starter kit at debtfree.print2publish.com
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