Including photos of yourself, your product, your place of business or your staff will increase the personal effect of the card on the the recipient.And of course sending the cards in your handwriting will do the same.Until now there was no automated system that would allow this level of personalization, but now a new business tool has been introduced that does! There is now a system thatwill send out greeting cards or postcards for you with whatever personalized message you choose, in YOUR handwriting, with one click of the mouse!This amazing service is BOTH a product (greeting cards, postcards, and gifts that can be included) and a system that sends them for you.Multiple cards can be sent at once, so your message can be sent out to your entire list at one time, or whatever subgroups within your list that you designate. This is a huge time saver and allows for true target marketing.You have the option to upload photos, logo, or your business card on to the front or inside of the card to further personalize the message and the recipient's experience.....without addressing envelopes...or preparing and applying labelshunting for stamps .....or going to the post office to mail them!To make it even more personal, you can have a gift card for Starbucks, Home Depot, Barnes & Noble, or other providers included in a card as a special "Thank You" to the recipient!Or even gourmet candy, brownies, or an inspirational book.The combination of a personalized card and gift makes you trulyunforgettable! This may be the most Powerful Relationship Building and Follow-Up Tool available today!Hope you received a great message from this blog....
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Since greeting cards have been proven to be the best means of following up nad building client relationships, why don't more people use them?.It is incovenient and time consuming to drive to the card store and pick out cards. Then thee is addressing the envelope, hunting for astamp, and the time it takes to hand write the message inside the card. And finally the trip to the Post Office to mail it.. The expense. Cards typically cost $3-5 each at a store, plus the cost of gas to drive to the store and the Post Office.We forget. Birthdays and important occasions are hard to keep track of with out a system to help us.Having an AUTOMATED system to print and mail the cards for you is the answer to these problems and to creating an effective follow up and customer retention system.The system also needs to be designed to send out multiple cards at once in order to allow a business owner or professional to mail targeted cards to their entire list at one time, or subgroups of that list. This would be an enormous time saver and enable a business to set up campaigns with different messages to different subgroups all going out in the mail on specified dates, similar to an email auto responder but with much more personal impact than an email.Imagine the effect of integrating the automation of an email drip marketing campaign with the personal touch of sending specific, targeted greeting cards to prospects and clients!About the personal handwriting issue....What if you found an automated system such as the one described above that also sentout your cards in YOUR OWN handwriting with out you having to actually take the time to write out each one individually? Would that be amazing?At this point you may be asking, " Does such a system exist?" Well, we were determined to find one that met all these requirements ( and more) and we have been using it with phenomenal results for several years.
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Would anyone be able to help me out and give me information on shipping, etc. I have some of my merchandise that I would like to put out there on the web, but when it comes to shipping I really don't know the in's and outs of it. I'll be shipping things like jewelery, shirts, accessories, etc.
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