SERIES - 001sponsored by : creating your financial legacyNo other recent recent economic crisis better illustrates the term "When America catches a cold, African America gets a pneumonia" then the subprime mortgage meltdown. Family financial assets play a key role in poverty reduction, social mobility, and securing middle class melt-down. With a gloomy future and an unemployment rate of 30%, the highest since the great-depression, how can Blacks continually look for jobs that are not there.We are becoming a nation in the US that you will be either self-employed or unemployed. There is no longer something in between. It is projected that buy 2011, Africans Americans buying power will increase to over trillions of dollars. Still yet today only 3% of those dollars actual help the black communities. What has happened to reason? Certainly every child that grows up will not be a rapper or sports player. Why are we so focused on materialistic things rather then assets of value.Although we have come a long way but still lag to far behind on financial stability compared to other cultures. But could it be that someone has broken the "Financial Code" for blacks and if so how do we as a people change the mindset to promoting, empowering, educating, nurturing lifting up Black Business Owners.The vehicle of change is called the African American Connection and Visionary and Activist Charles Bowlds has broken the Code to the financial failures in the Black Community! Corporate Affiliate and Marketing Strategist, Carolyn Simmons of E-Business Solutions along with others create the spark, and starts the engine of a hidden treasure that now has come out of hiding! As she debates politics and and stirs a vigorous conversation on what the African American Connection, one realizes and is surely intrigued by her aggressiveness on the subject while being a delight as she speaks with soul and conviction on these pressing issues.GET MORE INFO AT WWW.JUSMCC.ORGEMAIL: JUNIQUES@YAHOO.COM
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