2012 was an interesting year for me. I think I went up another size in my big-girl panties. LOL! I also picked up a few nuggets along the way and I wanted to share them with you.
1. Blessed are the Flexible Stuff happens. Life happens. Know that. Accept it. The sooner you do, the better off you will be. There's a saying, "Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out if shape." When things are not going the way you planned, you have to learn how to make lemonade out of your lemons.
2. Be Fearless I'm going to go out on a limb and say that fear is the #1 reason people stall out and don't move forward with their dreams. So, you try something and it doesn't work out. What's the worst thing that can happen? But what if you try and it DOES work out? What's the best thing that can happen? Ditch the fear and go!
3. Do Not Compromise If you have a vision of how things are supposed to come together, do not compromise it. It's fine to consult with others, but if that consultation turns into something that is contrary to your vision, don't do it. You have been gifted with a unique assignment. Your blessings are linked to that assignment. Do not allow anyone to talk you out of what has been divinely imparted unto you.
4. Make No Comparison Run your own race. Don't get distracted by what someone else is doing in your field. They have to walk out their calling in truth and integrity just like you. At the end of the day, it's about making an impact in this world. And how we do that, and to what extent, is different for everybody. So don't get distracted by others. Stay in your lane and run your own race.
5. Everything Ain't for You There are a lot of opportunities that may present themselves that may seem like good ideas. Other people seem to be successful doing it, so why not you? Well, some things may be a "good idea" but they may not be God's idea for you. Know the difference. Don't clutter your calendar with fruitless activities that will only distract you from your purpose. Everything ain't for you.
6. Stop Worrying About Supporters Too much of our energy can be focused on worrying about who is "supporting" us and who's not. We get so carried away with the naysayers that we overlook our cheerleaders. Just focus on your assignment. God did not give you that gift to fall on deaf ears. The people who need what you have to offer WILL support you. The others? Who cares? And here's a truth I learned long ago: Those who you think support you, may not. And those who you least expect are 100% for you!
7. Get Over Stuff...Quickly Offenses are a part of life. Your spouse, your boss, your child, your business partner will all offend you at some point on your journey. Get over it...quickly! Offense is one of the greatest ways to short-circuit your blessings. It allows you to hold too much junk in your heart and pushes out love and gratefulness. Make a decision to give people a "Grace Pass" upfront. That way, when they do something to hurt or disappoint you, you can extend them “grace by default.” That allows you continue to enjoy the liberty that has been set aside for you. Choose freedom: Love & Forgive easily.
There are a million more things I could probably say, but I just wanted to offer a few words to encourage you as you move forward in this year. Your journey may not be a Gravy Train rolling on Biscuit Wheels, but you can choose to learn the lessons and grow from them. As I mature, one of the greatest lessons I've learned is that life is not about the destination. It's all about the journey. And you'll be wise to grab a few nuggets along the way.
Happy New Year!