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The event is the first of a series of conference. Our first conference is The Publisher's Conference.
If you are a publishing company or a writer/author looking to publish your work, please check out the event. I'm sure you are going to want to attend.
Publisher's find out how you can advertise your business as well as get a few new customers.
Writers/Authors find out how you can get information on publishing houses who might be interested in publishing your work.
RSVP & Sign up here:
Spots are available on a first come first serve bases!
How many friends do you have? I'm sure you have so many you can't count them. Okay, no... how many friends do you really have? You know the one or two that you can really count on. Don't you love how they just listen when you need to vent? You know when you just want someone to say, "I know" or "yeah uhuh" at the right time. And when needed they are also the one to provide encouragement, inspiration, comfort, and celebration for days, weeks, months, and yes, even years. These special friends should be cherished and appreciated more often. Don't allow time to fly by without a word of "thanks" to them for always being there.
To show your friend much love and appreciation throughout the year (without breaking the bank) thank them with simple gifts that say, "In everything I give thanks ... especially for you", and "Blessings come in many ways and the nicest come as friends". Or how about one of our favorite Cidne Wallace magnets "All my friends are blessed". All three of these to the point magnets cost a little more than a greeting card, yet they are gifts that will not end up in a box or even tossed in the trash after a few weeks. Consider purchasing all three so that you are prepared to say "thank you" throughout the year with a little something extra.Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel-- Proverbs 27:9. Words of sound advice from a trusted friend are like a fragrant perfume.
